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What are pregnant women most often afraid of?

What are pregnant women most often afraid of?


5 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Pregnancy is a special period in every woman's life. However, many moms-to-be have numerous concerns about this different condition. It is perfectly normal that a time filled with happiness and joy in anticipation of the birth of a child also brings uncertainty and fear. Before what is most common?

Every mother-to-be is afraid for her yet unborn child and , for example, about how her body will change during pregnancy and whether it will return to its former state. For many women, childbirth itself, whether by natural childbirth or cesarean section, is a source of much anxiety. They are mainly concerned with whether everything will go according to plan. Many women are also afraid that they will miscarry or give birth prematurely, especially if such situations have occurred in the past. It is very important to support moms-to-be and not underestimate their doubts or concerns. On the other hand, if you are expecting a baby remember to talk about your fear to your doctor and midwife.

Fear of miscarriage

Miscarriages most often occur in the early stages of pregnancy, when many women are not yet aware of the different condition. In the later weeks, the miscarriage rate drops significantly. Most often, they are associated with the presence of genetic defects (chromosomal aberrations), which as a mother-to-be you have virtually no control over. However, it is worthwhile, even in the pre-conception period, to start taking folic acid, which positively affects the development of the child’s nervous system and reduces the risk of defects such as anencephaly (brainlessness). In addition, you must not consume alcohol or be exposed to X-rays in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is important to always keep in mind that a miscarriage does not unequivocally mean the occurrence of more in the future. It is very common for couples to become Parents at a later time after losing one child.

Abnormal ultrasound examination

Prenatal diagnosis during pregnancy is extremely important. With ultrasound examinations, possible defects can be detected early and treatment can be implemented while it is still in progress (read more: Many women are concerned about an abnormal ultrasound result. It is very important to  choose experienced specialists who will not miss any detail during the examination. It should also be remembered that this is, however, a subjective test, and despite increasingly better equipment and the skills of gynecologists, it does not give 100% certainty. For this reason, additional non-invasive and invasive tests are available on the market to confirm or rule out the diagnosis made earlier. However, the vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated and one should not assume the worst even before the test is performed.

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Fear of premature birth

Many pregnant women fear that their baby will be premature. Despite the development of perinatal medicine, preterm labor is still one of the biggest challenges obstetrician-gynecologists face. In Poland, preterm births account for about 7% of all births. There are methods to prevent pre-term births, but experts’ opinions are still inconclusive. Preterm labor is more common in twin pregnancies and when the pregnancy was complicated by diabetes or hypertension. In a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy, the risk of giving birth to a premature baby does exist, but it is not high. It’s a good idea to control blood pressure, take care of diet and body weight, and perform all recommended tests. In addition, current neonatal care for premature babies stands at a very high level, and having a baby born prematurely does not equate to complications that will have consequences later in the baby’s life.

Fear of labor pains

Birth pain is considered one of the most severe that a woman experiences. Therefore, listening to childbirth stories, many moms-to-be are very afraid of the pain associated with childbirth. However, each person has a different threshold for experiencing pain. In addition, according to the current organizational standard of perinatal care, every parturient has the right to pain relief methods, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological ( They do not completely abolish unpleasant sensations, but bring relief to many women in labor. The very fear of natural childbirth is referred to as tocophobia and can be an indication for cesarean section delivery. However, it should be taken into account that after surgery a woman takes longer to recover and experiences more pain than after a natural childbirth. However, if the fear of childbirth is so great that there is a risk that the mother-to-be will not cooperate with the midwife during childbirth, the psychiatrist will issue an appropriate certificate. Many women are helped during childbirth by the company of a loved one with whom they can share the emotions they are experiencing. Attending a birthing school can also prepare us for what will happen to the body during natural childbirth. Nowadays, there are also special perinatal courses taught by specialists such as.

Excessive weight and the problem of returning to the form from before pregnancy

According to the recommendations, pregnant women should eat for two, not for two during pregnancy. It is very important to have a well-balanced diet and avoid highly processed fast food and excessive sweets. It is obvious that every pregnant woman gets fat during pregnancy. Depending on the baseline BMI, this could be as much as 18 kilograms. This consists of the weight of the baby, the fetal waters, the placenta, but also the uterus, breasts or the increase in the volume of circulating blood and the fatty tissue of the woman. Getting back into shape after childbirth depends on many factors such as physical activity before pregnancy. Each body recovers at its own pace and there is no point in comparing, especially to the celebrity photos circulating on the Internet. It is also important to remember that during the postpartum period, which is 6-8 weeks after delivery, you must not do any physical exercise on your own. Walking is recommended for both pregnant and postpartum women.

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