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Dizziness in pregnancy

Dizziness in pregnancy


4 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

During pregnancy there are many symptoms and discomforts associated with this unique condition. One of them is dizziness. In many  pregnant women they appear already in the first weeks of pregnancy and usually do not mean anything serious. However, if they occur in the third trimester, towards the end of pregnancy, they can herald dangerous complications such as pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. What are the causes of dizziness in pregnancy and can it be prevented?

Dizziness in early pregnancy

Many women in the first weeks of pregnancy suffer from all sorts of discomforts. The most common of these are vomiting and nausea, which occur in up to 70% of moms-to-be. In addition, pregnant women complain of fatigue, mood swings and excessive sleepiness. For some women, in addition to typical and common symptoms such as loss of menstruation or breast tenderness, there are also pain and dizziness. What do they result from? Dizziness in early pregnancy is usually caused by hormonal changes happening in a pregnant woman’s body. In order to prepare to ensure the comfortable development of the baby in the uterine cavity, a number of changes take place in various systems and organs of the mother-to-be. These include an increase in blood flow and circulating blood volume and a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, dizziness may occur most often during a sudden change in position from lying to standing. It is important to always try to get up quietly, and preferably sit down first, so you can avoid this sudden drop in pressure. In addition, if a woman struggles with frequent vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy, dehydration can occur, the symptoms of which include. dizziness.

Dizziness during pregnancy – causes

The onset of dizziness, as we mentioned earlier, includes  hormonal causes. They affect heart function, vasodilation and the physiological drop in blood pressure during pregnancy. However, there are more causes of dizziness. They may be side effects of medications taken by the mother-to-be. In this case, if possible, the doctor may modify the treatment or dosages used.

Dizziness in pregnancy can also be a sign of deficiencies or inadequate diet, as well as too little hydration. They also appear as a symptom of anemia, which is often caused in moms-to-be  by iron deficiency.

The more advanced the pregnancy and the larger the belly of the mother-to-be, the stronger the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, and this can manifest as dizziness or even fainting. That’s why moms-to-be are often advised to lie on their left side to avoid such discomfort.

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How to prevent dizziness during pregnancy?

There is no single proven prescription for emerging dizziness during pregnancy, but you can try to avoid it using the following tips:

  • Try to limit long periods of standing.
  • Do not rush to get up from a sitting or lying position.
  • Avoid lying on your back especially during the second and third trimesters.
  • Eat healthy foods frequently and avoid low blood sugar.
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Always take supplements and medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Dizziness in III. trimester

The growing baby and the uterus can put more and more pressure on the vessels towards the end of pregnancy and at the same time impede the proper flow of blood. Causes of dizziness in III. trimester are therefore similar to those of the earlier weeks of pregnancy, and there is usually no cause for alarm.

However, in the last weeks of pregnancy, certain complications can occur that are particularly dangerous and should not be underestimated. If your dizziness is accompanied by symptoms such as bleeding, abdominal pain, darkness in front of your eyes, vision problems, difficulty breathing or very bad headaches, you should immediately go to the emergency room of the maternity hospital. These symptoms may indicate impending eclampsia or preeclampsia (pre-eclampsia). In addition, dizziness along with other complaints also occur in the course of HELLP syndrome. In such situations, treatment usually consists of terminating the pregnancy. So, as a precaution, learn about cord blood collection and stem cell storage services early on, so that if you need to give birth before your due date, you already have your collection kit. If you have not yet made up your mind and want to learn more:

In most cases, however, dizziness in pregnancy is a typical symptom that does not suggest any serious complications. If, on the other hand, dizziness becomes very bothersome or is accompanied by the other symptoms listed above, it is best to see a specialist.


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