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Shortening of the cervix

Shortening of the cervix


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Shortening of the cervix is one of the symptoms that physiologically occur before childbirth. Sometimes, however, it happens that the cervix begins to shorten too early, which can lead to preterm labor. What are the symptoms of a shortening cervix?

Causes of shortening cervix

A shortening cervix is of concern to many moms-to-be. This is because it is one of the causes of preterm labor, and thus carries the risk of complications associated with prematurity. A short cervix is diagnosed when the cervix is shorter than 25 mm before the age of 24. One week of pregnancy.

Risk factors for cervical shortening in pregnancy include:

  • History of cervical conization
  • Cervical procedures
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Cervical rupture during a previous birth
  • Malformations of the cervix or uterus

Symptoms of a shortening cervix

Cervical shortening may be asymptomatic. Sometimes, the mother-to-be feels soreness in the lower abdomen, lumbar spine or pressure in the perineal area. Most often, a shortened cervix is shown by an ultrasound image. The doctor assesses its length usually with a vaginal probe. This is usually relevant up to about 25-26. of the week. After that, it is not recommended to routinely measure the cervix on ultrasound, because physiologically in every woman it shortens gradually in the third trimester until the birth itself.

Management of a shortening cervix

The management of a shortening cervix mainly involves the use of progesterone and the placement of a cervical suture to prevent further shortening and dilation. At the moment, the so-called “”no” is not recommended. bed regime, which carries no benefit in pregnant women with a shortened cervix, and further increases the risk of thromboembolism. If the cervix shortens below 25mm before 24. Week, every mother-to-be should use progesterone vaginally. If the gynecologist diagnoses a shortening cervix, and there has already been a previous preterm labor or miscarriage, a circular suture is recommended.

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