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Calendar of tests during pregnancy

Calendar of tests during pregnancy


9 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

KTG in pregnancy

Every mother-to-be should undergo a number of tests during her pregnancy to check her and her baby's health. Read the research excerpted below. This is a list prepared on the basis of the Health Minister's regulation on the Organizational Standard of Perinatal Care. This is an established template for a calendar of tests that every pregnant woman in Poland should have. These tests are divided according to the weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnancy testing schedule – why was it created?

Monitoring the health of the mother-to-be and her baby is extremely important, because then the doctor can quickly notice potential abnormalities and respond appropriately. In addition, the results of pregnancy tests performed are available in the system, so that in an emergency situation any specialist has the opportunity to take the appropriate steps at an efficient pace. It is worth remembering that the calendar of visits to the gynecologist during pregnancy is only a suggestion, and their frequency should be adjusted individually to the pregnant woman.

The first examination in pregnancy – what is worth knowing about it?

The first visit to the gynecologist is certainly a big event for the mother-to-be, which stirs up a range of emotions. How to prepare for such a meeting? In principle, a woman doesn’t need to prepare anything – she just needs to remember the date of her last period and the average length of her cycle. This visit is usually a little different from the later check-ups. The doctor then sets up a pregnancy chart and performs a gynecological, cytological and ultrasound examination, takes a vaginal swab for bacteriological examination and recommends other additional tests. In addition, it also collects two types of intelligence, namely:

  • Obstetric history – with its help, she can learn about the history of past pregnancies and their progress, which is a key aspect in determining the type of care a woman will need;
  • Medical history – in this case he asks about past illnesses, surgeries and medications taken.

The first visit should take place before 10 weeks of pregnancy, nevertheless, most ladies report as early as between 6. a 8. week due to the accompanying discomfort and, most importantly, a positive pregnancy test.

Tests during pregnancy – 1st trimester

This period of pregnancy is quite difficult for most women, as their body undergoes dynamic changes in hormonal management manifested by nausea, vomiting, worsening of mood, dizziness or lethargy. During the first trimester , mom should especially watch out for herself and stick to the timing of recommended tests, since this stage carries possible risks in the course of organogenesis and is associated with the highest risk of miscarriage.

Up to 10. Week of pregnancy or at the first visit

The doctor or midwife performs preventive tests at the visit , such as:

  • blood pressure measurement,
  • breast examination,
  • Determination of height and weight,
  • general medical examination.

At that time, a preliminary assessment of pregnancy risk is also made and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, not smoking and not drinking alcohol are communicated.

What tests should the mother-to-be perform as part of her additional examinations?

  • Examine blood type and Rh factor.
  • Immune antibodies to red blood cell antigens (testing for serological conflict).
  • Blood morphology.
  • General urinalysis.
  • Cytological examination, if not performed within the last 6 months.
  • Fasting blood glucose testing, possibly OGTT in women with risk factors for GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus).
  • VDRL test (syphilis screening test).
  • Dental inspection.
  • Testing for HIV and HCV.
  • Testing for toxoplasmosis (IgG, IgM), unless the pregnant woman presents a result confirming the presence of IgG antibodies from before pregnancy.
  • Testing for rubella (IgG, IgM).
  • TSH determination.

An optional test in the early stages of pregnancy is an ultrasound examination. It is performed on medical indications with a vaginal probe. Its goals include. Confirmation of the location of the fetal egg and exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

11-14 weeks of pregnancy

In addition to standard preventive examinations, an ultrasound examination should also be performed. The purpose of this examination is to evaluate the structure of the fetus and detect possible genetic defects, such as, among others. trisomy of the chromosomes responsible for Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. The duration of pregnancy is also assessed.

The PAPP-A Test, an additional non-invasive prenatal test performed from a woman’s venous blood sample, is also recommended. It is designed to determine whether there is a risk of genetic defects in the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. This test is reimbursed by the National Health Service in certain cases, which include:

  1. Age from completion of 35 years,
  2. The occurrence of a chromosomal aberration of the fetus or child in a previous pregnancy,
  3. determination of the presence of structural chromosomal aberrations in the pregnant woman or the father of the child,
  4. finding a significantly higher risk of giving birth to a child affected by a monogenic or multifactorial disease,
  5. finding during pregnancy of an abnormal ultrasound or biochemical tests indicating an increased risk of chromosomal aberration or fetal malformation.

In a high-risk trisomy situation, a woman should be offered amniocentesis, and in the case of intermediate risk, non-invasive free fetal DNA (cffDNA) testing, which is an unreimbursed test.

Research in pregnancy – second trimester

Well, the difficult moments are behind the mom-to-be – it’s time for a short rest. The second trimester is the stage of pregnancy when a woman begins to feel a little better, as the hormonal changes in her body no longer occur so rapidly. Of course, ailments may continue to occur, nevertheless, in most ladies they are not so intense as to interfere with daily functioning. While this is a more pleasant period of pregnancy for most moms, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go for regular check-ups then. What tests are recommended during the second trimester?

15-20 week

In addition to examining the pregnant woman, measuring her blood pressure and weight, and promoting a healthy lifestyle, a blood count and a general urinalysis are ordered at this time .

18-22 week

An ultrasound examination of the so-called. half – In this examination, the child is carefully viewed and measured. Its anatomical structure is evaluated in detail. Biometric measurements are also taken, the amount of fetal waters and the length of the cervix are determined. During this examination, the sex of the baby is also determined. Obstetric ultrasound is considered the primary test in prenatal diagnosis.

Week 21-26

According to the Decree of the Minister of Health, this is the right time to start antenatal education. The doctor should discuss with the woman, among other things. preparation for labor and the birth plan, including the preferences and expectations of the parturient, the positions used in the first and second periods of labor, labor pain relief, and inform her about the possibility of depositing fetal tissues, including cord blood and umbilical cord for stem cell harvesting.

In addition, such tests as:

  • Assessment of fetal heart function,
  • Measurement of blood pressure, weight of the woman;
  • 75 g oral glucose load test (OGTT): 24-26weeks of pregnancy (if there was no indication to perform it earlier);
  • general urinalysis,
  • Anti-D antibody testing in Rh (-) women,
  • Toxoplasmosis (IgM) testing, if the woman was negative in the first trimester.

Research in pregnancy – third trimester

All good things come to an end at some point. For the third trimester of pregnancy has arrived, which can sometimes be a rather exhausting – but nonetheless still wonderful – time for many women. Ailments can be unpleasant and include, among others. Leg muscle cramps, heartburn, varicose veins, back pain, fatigue, hemorrhoids, numbness in the legs and feet, and itchy skin. In addition, the belly is already large enough to interfere with some activities. However, it is worth remembering that it is almost the finish line, behind which awaits the most wonderful event for every Parent, namely – the birth and welcome of the awaited 9 months toddler.

In the third trimester, monitoring the condition of the mother-to-be and her baby is equally important, as the various organs and systems of the baby’s scrotum continue to develop, plus there is a risk that he or she will want to arrive earlier than planned.

27-32 week

  • Assessment of fetal heart function.
  • Measurement of blood pressure, weight of woman.
  • Blood morphology.
  • General urinalysis.
  • Anti-D antibodies in Rh (-) women.
  • An ultrasound examination that assesses fetal growth and well-being.
  • If there are indications – administration of anti-D immunoglobulin (28-30weeks of pregnancy).

At this time, it is also worthwhile to test iron and ferritin levels, which assess the conditions for proper oxygenation of the body during labor.

 33-37 week

  • Obstetric examination.
  • Assessment of pelvic dimensions.
  • Assessment of fetal heart function.
  • Blood pressure measurement.
  • Assessing the baby’s movements.
  • Mammary gland examination.
  • Weight Measurement.
  • Pregnancy risk assessment.
  • Assessing the risk and severity of depressive symptoms.
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle.

During these weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended that moms-to-be carry out laboratory tests, which include:

  • blood count,
  • general urinalysis,
  • HBs antigen testing (hepatitis t. B infection),
  • HIV testing,
  • Vaginal and rectal cultures for Streptococcus B-hemolytic- Streptoccocus Agalactiae (35-37weeks of pregnancy),
  • VDRL, HCV testing in a group of women with increased population risk.

38-39. week

  • General urinalysis and blood count.
  • Obstetric examination.
  • Assessment of fetal heart function.
  • Blood pressure measurement.
  • Assessing the baby’s movements.
  • Measuring a woman’s weight.

Immediately after 40. week of pregnancy

If the baby is not born by the 40th week, an OCTG test is carried out, which is an assessment of the fetal heart rate and uterine contraction activity (scheduled OCT in physiological pregnancy is carried out no earlier than the due date of labor). In addition, the doctor performs an ultrasound. If they are normal, the next test should be repeated after a week. Delivery should take place before the end of the 42nd week of pregnancy.


  •  For what purpose are regular checkups performed during pregnancy?

These various tests are carried out to follow the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby, as well as to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman’s body. After all, any negative factor can take a toll on her well-being and health. Testing is the most effective way to detect possible abnormalities early.

  • Why is morphology in pregnancy an important test?

Basic blood tests during pregnancy are very important, because they can detect whether the value of blood building units deviates from the norm. Usually this fluid shows the disorder first, so its regular evaluation can be helpful in diagnosis and the implementation of appropriate treatment.

  • What blood tests should be done during pregnancy?

In addition to basic tests, immune antibodies, blood type, fasting glucose, syphilis test (VDRL), tests for HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are also performed.

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