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Dad's role in the delivery room

Dad’s role in the delivery room


4 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Every woman in labor has the right to support in the delivery room in the form of a companion. Many moms-to-be choose to give birth with their partner, the baby's dad. It's useful to know what dad's role is in the delivery room and how dad can prepare.

Dad in the delivery room- how to prepare?

It is very important to make a decision about accompanying the mother-to-be to the delivery room while she is still pregnant and discuss it with her partner. Ideally, the baby’s dad should express his desire to attend the birth and not be forced to do so. As a result, it will be much more  support for the parturient during labor. Some men don’t feel up to attending childbirth, which should come as no surprise, given how new and unfamiliar an experience childbirth is for everyone. For this reason, it is advisable to discuss everything while you are still pregnant, before enrolling in a birthing school. If a couple wants to give birth together, it’s a good idea to take an active part in the class together. This will pay off when labor begins.

Preparations for childbirth usually begin in early III. trimester. This is also when the layette for the newborn is being prepared. This is also a good time to set up arrangements at the hospital of the Parents’ choice for Dad to attend the birth. This is because some facilities require dad to wear a special outfit, which is usually available for purchase at the hospital in such a situation. It’s good if dad is aware of what documents will be needed for the birth and knows where to look for them. When contractions occur, it is beneficial for the partner to take control of arranging all the necessary paperwork, and for the mother-to-be to focus on her breathing and the upcoming task of giving birth.

Why is dad’s role in the delivery room important?

The attendant has an important role during childbirth, which is to support the woman in labor. In addition to providing mental support, reassurance and reducing her anxiety, the role of the dad in the delivery room is to physically support the mom-to-be. The partner can participate in non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, assist with the use of ladders, a ball, a sako bag, and help with showers or massage. Dad’s role in the delivery room is also very important if you want to give birth in vertical positions. The man can then belay his partner. Besides, the birth of a child is a very important event in the life of a family. Dads, if they so desire, can cut the umbilical cord or kangaroo the baby after birth.

What dads can do in the delivery room

Dads in the delivery room have two types of tasks. First, it is a support and encouragement for the woman in labor. He takes on the anger and pain of the parturient often, so that the labor progresses and the mother-to-be does not feel alone. It also takes care of giving water to the partner, which is extremely important during parturition contractions and provides moments of respite during this phase of childbirth. Many fathers in the delivery room also take commemorative photos. Some of them play music of their choice to their partner. Dads in the delivery room can also take part in the active phase of labor-such as rocking with their partner or assisting in the use of a ball or shower. As a result, the woman in labor feels safe. It is important to always cooperate with medical personnel. All the people in the delivery room have one goal-a beautiful and completely safe birth for the woman and baby. It may happen that for some procedures the accompanying person will be asked out of the room. Do not argue then, as minutes may count and this leads to additional stress. A very good solution is to develop a birth plan, in which Parents will include the most important points for themselves and discuss it with the midwife.

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