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Cord blood - the price of storing it in the UK

Cord blood – the price of storing it in the UK


3 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

Cord blood is a valuable source of stem cells that can be used to treat a number of serious diseases. Banking it can help a child or a member of his or her immediate family. The price of storing cord blood from the UK depends on the type of contract with the stem cell bank.

Stem cells are a special type of cell in the human body. They have a high capacity to multiply and transform themselves, so they can be used to replace tissue that has been damaged. Their sources include umbilical cord blood. In the UK, its collection and storage is handled by the Polish Stem Cell Bank.

Stem cells from cord blood – are they worth storing?

Many parents-to-be wonder whether it is worth storing stem cells from cord blood. Research has been ongoing for many years to confirm their effectiveness in treatment. Researchers from around the world have found that stem cell transplantation can be used to treat more than 80 oncological and hematological diseases. The list includes conditions considered incurable. It is estimated that the probability of needing to use them in the future is 1:100.

Collecting and storing stem cells from cord blood increases therapeutic options if a child develops a serious illness. The material can be stored for up to a dozen years, and the time that has passed since they were frozen does not affect the properties. It is also worth knowing that stem cells from cord blood are more effective than bone marrow.

Among the downsides of storing stem cells is the need for all the costs involved. It is not possible to obtain reimbursement from the National Health Fund for this purpose. It is also important to keep in mind that cord blood is not a cure-all.

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Who can cord blood help?

Who can cord blood help? First of all, the material is used to treat the child at whose birth it was taken. However, due to genetic compatibility, members of the immediate family can also benefit from stem cells. It is also possible to treat unrelated individuals. The free cord blood bank provides such an option.

The price of cord blood banking in the UK

The price of cord blood storage in the UK depends on the type of package the parents of the child decide on. Stem cell banks offer to secure not only cord blood, but also the umbilical cord and placenta. The annual cost in the cheapest option is approx. £50, and the most expensive £50. On top of that, you have to add the fee for cord blood collection in the UK. 

Free cord blood bank

Free cord blood bank (or public cord blood banking) is an option for Parents who wish to voluntarily donate their child’s stem cells to the community. Such material is then used to treat unrelated patients who are seriously ill, and all costs are covered by the stem cell bank.

What does cord blood collection look like in the UK?

Umbilical cord blood in the UK is obtained during natural childbirth or by cesarean section. Moments after the baby is unbuttoned, a trained midwife inserts a needle into the severed portion of the umbilical cord and collects the material into a special bag. The procedure is completely safe for the newborn and its mother.

The next step is to test the cord blood after delivery. If no abnormalities are found, stem cells are isolated from the material. They are placed in a special container, which is frozen with liquid nitrogen and so stored until needed.

Worth reading: What are the advantages and disadvantages of pregnancy in the UK?

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