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Induction of labor - methods

Induction of labor – methods


4 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Labor induction is one of the most commonly performed procedures in obstetrics. One-fifth of births in developed countries begin with induction. In uncomplicated pregnancies, according to current PTGiP recommendations, it is reasonable to induce labor at 41. One week of pregnancy. What are the contraindications and possible complications of inducing labor?

What does inducing labor involve?

This procedure involves inducing uterine contraction activity using artificial methods, making it possible to deliver a baby by natural force. Several methods are used for it, which are selected individually for the future mother, depending on, among other things. reasons for the need to initiate such a procedure. It is worth remembering that it is carried out only if there are strict medical indications for it. In order for a woman to qualify for this procedure, she must perform the mandatory tests ordered by her doctor.

In what situations is labor induced?

There are several reasons for inducing labor. One of them is pregnancy after the due date. In this case, induction of labor is carried out at 41. One week of pregnancy. However, there are times when it is necessary to induce labor earlier. This is the case for pregnancies complicated by diabetes, hypertension and gestational cholestasis. If a woman is 40 years and older, it is also recommended to induce labor after 39. One week of pregnancy.

Other indications for induction of labor include, but are not limited to:

  • Premature rupture of the fetal bladder,
  • The expulsion of meconium by the baby,
  • Hypotrophy (fetal growth retardation),
  • intrauterine infection,
  • suspected large fetal weight,
  • serological conflict,
  • Abnormal test results that may suggest threatened intrauterine hypoxia,
  • A history of intrauterine necrosis of an unborn fetus,
  • fetal malformations.

Contraindications to inducing labor

It is always necessary to verify the presence of any contraindications and to perform an ultrasound and an OCG before qualifying for induction of labor. Labor is not induced in cases of placenta previa, history of endometrial surgery or history of intrapartum uterine rupture. In addition, active herpes infection, invasive cervical cancer or damage to the anal sphincter during previous deliveries are contraindications. On the baby’s side, contraindications to inducing labor include an abnormal position such as pelvic and the risk of shoulder dystocia or birth disproportion.

How is labor induced?

The induction of labor is based on preinduction and induction methods. Induction of labor is defined as the artificial stimulation of the mechanisms that start labor before its spontaneous onset. However, for this to be possible, adequate cervical maturity is required, which is determined by the Bishop scale. To stimulate the maturation of the cervix, a labor preinduction procedure is used. Mechanical methods of preinduction usually include the Foley catheter. It is also often referred to by expectant mothers as a balloon. After it is inserted and filled with saline, the catheter is left in place for about 24 hours. Besides, among the pharmacological methods of preinduction, prostaglandins administered vaginally are the most commonly used.

In contrast, methods of mechanical induction of labor include. Separation of the fetal membranes from the uterine walls. This causes the cervix to dilate, accelerating the onset of labor through the local release of prostaglandins. Amniotomy, the puncture of the fetal bladder, is also often used. Oxytocin administered intravenously by drip infusion is also used for this procedure.

Is it safe to induce labor? – complications

It is important to remember that a procedure such as inducing labor carries the risk of complications. For this reason, during preinduction and induction of labor, the baby’s well-being is monitored by medical personnel. During induction of labor, among other things, the following may occur. to hyperstimulation of contractile function, which can cause abnormalities in the baby’s heart function. In addition, possible ailments include, among others:

Many women also notice that they develop severe uterine contractions as a result of the methods used to induce labor.


  •  What methods of inducing labor do we distinguish?

There are both natural methods of inducing labor and artificial ones. The former are based primarily on stimulating the woman’s body to produce oxytocin. The second, on the other hand, mainly involves separating the fetal membranes from the uterine walls and puncturing the fetal bladder.

  • When is labor induced?

The aforementioned methods of labor induction are used in strictly defined cases, such as, among others. premature rupture of fetal membranes, serological conflict, intrauterine infection or suspected large fetal weight.

  • How long does it take to induce labor?

This procedure can take several to several hours. This is an individual matter and depends on many factors, the primary one being the maturity of the cervix.

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