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Pelvic position

Pelvic position


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Most babies at the end of pregnancy are in the head position. However, it happens that the baby lies in the uterine cavity in a different position for various reasons. The most common abnormal position is the pelvic position, found in about 4% of births. What are the causes of the pelvic position and possible complications?

The baby’s position is determined by a gynecologist during an ultrasound. In the absence of an apparatus, the so-called “camera” is used. Leopold’s grasp, making it possible to determine what is the forward part during labor. It is believed that the younger the baby and pregnancy, the greater the chance of spontaneous turnover. Therefore, there is no need to worry if the baby has a pelvic position in the middle of pregnancy. Most often, however, after 34. The week the baby is broadcast in an abnormal position, the chance of turning is extremely small. How can the baby be turned and what is the safest delivery?

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Pelvic position- types

The longitudinal pelvic position means that the baby lies vertically in the uterine cavity, with its head at the bottom of the uterus, or higher, and the pelvis and lower body at the bottom. If we are dealing with the most common position, the head position, the baby’s head is located at the bottom of the uterine cavity and emerges first during natural childbirth.

The pelvic position can be divided into different types. This is because the leading part can be the baby’s foot, buttocks or knee. The main division of the pelvic position is the complete and incomplete pelvic position. The second group additionally includes:

  1. Gluteal position
  2. Foot position
  3. Elbow position

The safest of the mentioned is the complete pelvic position. This means that the buttocks along with the feet are forward, and the baby’s legs are bent at the hip and knee joints. The most dangerous consequences, on the other hand, can be the foot position.

Pelvic position- causes

Even in 80% of the cases, there is no gripping cause to explain why the baby is in an abnormal position. Known possible causes, in turn, include:

  • Developmental defects that disrupt a child’s proportions and limit mobility,
  • high baby weight,
  • short umbilical cord,
  • multifetal pregnancies,
  • uterine defects,
  • thrombocytopenia or polypores,
  • uterine myomas,
  • placenta previa.

The aforementioned factors directly or indirectly affect the mobility of the baby in the uterine cavity, thus often preventing it from being positioned correctly.

Pelvic position- childbirth

In the case where it is a woman’s first delivery and the baby is in a pelvic position, doctors decide to perform a cesarean section. In addition to this, absolute indications for surgery in the case of a pelvic position include the estimated weight of the baby of more than 3.75 kg, preterm labor, keel position, uterine defects, diabetes in the mother, hypertension in pregnancy or placenta previa.

During natural childbirth, all sorts of dangerous complications can occur such as, in the worst case, perinatal death of the baby. In addition, there is also an increased risk of hypoxia, umbilical cord prolapse, perinatal trauma, or stuck head. For a woman in labor, delivering a baby in the pelvic position can be associated with trauma to the birth tract or prolonged labor.

Pelvic position-external rotation

If a woman is convinced of her desire to give birth by natural means and there are no contraindications, doctors decide to attempt an external rotation. The rotation is performed by experienced specialists under ultrasound guidance. The doctor, touching the woman’s abdomen with his hands, tries to turn the baby to the head position. External rotation is performed only in term pregnancies, i.e. after the 37th week, since one of the possible complications of the procedure is the onset of labor.

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