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Types of births-their advantages and disadvantages

Types of births-their advantages and disadvantages


5 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Childbirth is one of the most important events in a woman's life. Every mother has her own story related to the birth of her child. No two births are the same. However, it is important to remember that the ways in which a baby is born are different, and other mothers should not be criticized or judged for this reason. What are the most common types of births? What is a lotus birth?

Natural childbirth

Natural childbirth, or often called “natural” childbirth, is a type of birth familiar to all pregnant women. During its course, the baby, thanks to uterine contractions, comes out into the world through the woman’s birth canal. This is the most physiological form of labor and the safest, if, of course, there are no contraindications to force and natural childbirth. Undoubtedly, the advantage of such a birth is faster recovery of the woman’s body, as well as allowing the baby to colonize with beneficial microorganisms, which may increase its immunity in the future. The advantages of natural childbirth are many more. However, it is important to remember that not every woman can or wants to give birth this way.

Water birth

Water birth is a variation of natural childbirth. A woman in labor is in a special bathtub while her body is submerged in water. This is because water has relaxing properties and can offset the pain of cramps to some extent. It is also a birth that is very beneficial for the baby and less traumatic than other births. It is very important that an experienced midwife supervise the safety of the pregnant woman during the water birth. Unfortunately, this kind of birth will not be a good idea for every mom. Contraindications to carrying it out include. Hypertension, chronic skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and any abnormalities or complications related to the pregnancy itself. If you want to give birth in water, make sure the hospital you choose offers this option.  

Childbirth by caesarean section

There are situations in which natural childbirth is not possible or poses a threat to the health or life of the woman and child. At such a point it is necessary to perform a cesarean section. This is an operation in the course of which gynecologists, after anesthetizing the woman by an anesthesiologist, cut through the abdominal layers and the uterus one by one to remove the baby from it. The entire procedure takes place in the operating theater. The pregnant woman is usually anesthetized subarachnoidly, which means that although she feels no pain, she is conscious throughout the procedure. The decision to perform a cesarean section in each case is made by the doctor, taking into account the indications for its performance. It also happens that during the course of a natural childbirth, doctors decide to perform a cesarean section due to emerging complications and compromised well-being of the baby.

Caesarean section is a procedure that is very commonly performed nowadays. However, this is a surgical procedure and, like any such procedure, is fraught with possible more serious complications than is the case with a natural childbirth. A woman also often takes longer to recover from a cesarean section than from a natural birth.

Read more:

Cesarean section-all you need to know?

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Surgical delivery

In some cases, assistance with a vacuum or obstetric forceps is necessary during natural childbirth. Nowadays, due to the increasing number of cesarean sections performed, this is no longer a common situation. Surgical delivery is necessary when there is endangered asphyxia of the baby during natural childbirth, physical exhaustion of the woman giving birth, or heart defects are present that prevent the woman from pushing hard. Forceps or vacuum aspiration is used to help the baby’s head emerge from the birth canal. Unfortunately, it is associated with possible complications such as birth tract injuries, injuries to the baby’s head, bruising or hematomas. Nevertheless, sometimes a surgical delivery is necessary to allow the baby to come into the world.

Home birth

In recent years, home births have become increasingly popular. It is, like water birth, a variation of natural childbirth. However, the entire birthing process takes place at home, the place where a woman feels safest and most comfortable. However, the pregnant woman must be accompanied by an experienced midwife who, if any complications arise, will know how to help the parturient and the baby. According to specialists, home birth is fraught with risk. In the case of more serious complications such as hemorrhage, the valuable time needed to save the woman is lost to transport to the hospital. The same goes for the baby, who in some situations may need the help of neonatologists as soon as possible. It is very important to discuss your decision with your doctor and consider all the pros and cons before deciding on this type of delivery.

Lotus birth

A lotus birth is defined as a natural childbirth, but without cutting the umbilical cord after the baby is born. In this case, one waits for it to fall off on its own, usually occurring after a few days. Proponents of lotus births cite the baby’s easier and smoother transition from life in the uterine cavity to the outside world as an advantage of this type of procedure. However, experts agree on the subject and advise women against lotus births. This is because it can involve at least a dangerous infection. In addition, according to Polish regulations, the hospital is obliged to dispose of the afterbirth (that is, among other things, the placenta). Lotus delivery is therefore theoretically possible only in a home setting.

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