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Stretch marks after pregnancy-can they be prevented?

Stretch marks after pregnancy-can they be prevented?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Skin problems, among which stretch marks are often mentioned, cause many worries for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. It is believed that stretch marks appear in up to 90% of moms-to-be. The good news is that most of the changes on a woman's body fade after childbirth. How to speed up the disappearance of stretch marks after pregnancy?


Causes of stretch marks after pregnancy

Stretch marks are the result of violations of the network of collagen fiber connections, among other things, due to rapid stretching of the skin, for example, by intense growth in teenagers. In pregnancy, in addition to the enlarging belly, it is very often caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body of the mother-to-be. Most often stretch marks appear on the skin of the breasts, buttocks, abdomen and thighs of a pregnant woman. At first they are red in color, and after some time they fade and characteristic scars form in their place. Among the causes of stretch marks during pregnancy, genetic factors and predisposition also play a huge role. Stretch marks appear most often in II. trimester of pregnancy and often remain some time after delivery. It is a matter for each woman individually at what rate and on what scale they will disappear after pregnancy.

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Stretch marks after pregnancy-prevention

Among the methods to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, the most common are a proper, well-balanced diet and daily skin care. However, some experts believe that even despite careful skin care and attempts to prevent stretch marks, if a woman has a genetic tendency to appear, they will still occur during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the available skin firming and moisturizing cosmetics. This is because they can make it resistant to overstretching resulting from, among other things. From weight gain. It is important to remember that proper care, even if it does not prevent the appearance of stretch marks, will allow after childbirth to get rid of the resulting lesions more quickly.

How to fight stretch marks after pregnancy?

Many women after childbirth wonder how to get rid of stretch marks by home means. To do this, you can use scrubs designed for this purpose or special creams, which should be regularly and carefully massaged into the skin. Among the ingredients that are responsible for brightening and reducing stretch marks are: macadamia oil, soybean sprouts or collagen. In addition, body brushing is also recommended. However, a great deal depends on the severity and type of stretch marks. It is much easier to fight “fresh” red lesions. In the case of white, sunken stretch marks, getting rid of them is much more difficult. When home remedies don’t work and post-pregnancy stretch marks are bothersome, some women opt for professional treatments at an aesthetic dermatology office to reduce the visibility of the lesions, such as laser therapy. However, this is a considerable expense, so prevention is better than cure.

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Belly after childbirth

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