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How to prepare for breastfeeding?

How to prepare for breastfeeding?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Breast milk, according to current recommendations, is the best food for a baby in its first months of life. Therefore, it is important for the mother-to-be to properly prepare for breastfeeding, as well as to know the benefits that come with it. It is a good idea to start preparing for breastfeeding while you are still pregnant.


Breasts undergo significant changes during pregnancy in preparation for lactation. A pregnant woman can also prepare for breastfeeding even before giving birth. This preparation should be based mainly on education related to lactation, proper feeding of the baby, as well as  familiarization with the current recommendations of pediatricians. This is because the success of breastfeeding is very often determined, in addition to the mother’s attitude, by her knowledge and skills acquired during pregnancy. Nowadays, many courses are available, prepared by experienced midwives and lactation consultants, where the mechanisms involved in breastfeeding are explained, and the correct ways to hold the baby during feeding are presented. Similar skills can be acquired by attending birthing school classes, which are free in many cities in Poland.

Breastfeeding-pregnancy preparations

Many pregnant women as early as about 16.-20. Week observes leakage from the nipples, which is visible under firm pressure. At that time, it is worth choosing to purchase breast pads that will reduce the discomfort of emerging secretions. They will also come in handy after childbirth. Mothers-to-be also often choose to buy special feeding horns or pillows to make it easier to put the baby to the breast properly. In addition, specialists point out the purchase of a properly fitted bra for nursing mothers. A lot of moms also use lanolin ointment, especially at the beginning of feeding, to soothe irritated nipples.

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Breastfeeding-how long?

WHO recommendations recommend exclusively feeding a baby breast milk for at least the first six months of life. It should continue as long as desired by the mother and the child. 1. year of age, the child should not be fed at night, because the presence of food on the child’s teeth promotes the development of caries.


Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both the baby and the mother. Breastfeeding has been proven to reduce a child’s risk:

  • diabetes,
  • overweight and obesity,
  • hypercholesterolemia,
  • Sudden infant death syndrome (crib death),
  • allergic diseases,
  • otitis media,
  • Respiratory tract and gastrointestinal infections,
  • malocclusion,
  • asthma.

Among the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother are: reduced risk of postpartum bleeding, accelerated uterine involution, and faster return to pre-pregnancy weight.

Breastfeeding- contraindications

There are a small number of contraindications when it is impossible to breastfeed the baby despite the woman’s desire. On the mother’s side it is: HIV infection, HTLV 1, 2, active, untreated tuberculosis, use of drugs that can adversely affect the child, and severe mental disorders of the woman. The baby can also not be fed breast milk if it has classic galactosemia or suffers from congenital lactase deficiency. However, these are extremely rare cases.



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