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Flying by plane during pregnancy - is it safe?

Flying by plane during pregnancy – is it safe?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Vacation time is a period of numerous trips, often planned well in advance. Many moms-to-be wonder if air travel is still safe for them despite being pregnant. Find out what the rules are for flying a plane while pregnant.

Flying on a plane during pregnancy-is it safe

According to the recommendations of gynecological scientific societies, it is safe to fly during a pregnancy that is running without complications. It is best to choose period II for further travel. trimester, when a woman is not struggling with the ailments associated with the onset of pregnancy, and there is still a safe amount of time until delivery. It is always best to ask your attending physician if there are contraindications to air travel. Many people say that flying by plane during pregnancy is safer than traveling by bus, which takes much longer and risks thromboembolic complications. The course of pregnancy has not been proven to be adversely affected by the radiation present during the flight. Seat belts on airplanes are also safe for pregnant women.

See also:
Seat belts during pregnancy

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Rules of flying by plane during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is going on a long plane trip, the doctor may recommend the use of compression stockings for the duration of the flight, as well as anticoagulant prophylaxis in the form of heparin. However, such decisions are made by a specialist, and the use of drugs on one’s own is prohibited.

On any trip, not just by plane, every mother-to-be should take her pregnancy card with her, which records the results of tests, as well as the medications she is taking. This allows off-site doctors, if necessary, to check how the pregnancy is progressing and thus make appropriate decisions related to diagnosis or possible treatment. It is worthwhile, in addition to the pregnancy card, to take with you a certificate from the attending physician that there are no contraindications to the flight. Some carriers require this type of statement, especially in more advanced pregnancies. It should include, among other things:

  • planned delivery date,
  • Confirmation of the normal course of pregnancy to date,
  • Information regarding the absence of contraindications to the flight.

 36 each. week most airlines refuse to take the mother-to-be on board because of the risk of imminent labor, which could begin during air travel.

Flying by airplane during pregnancy- risks

According to available studies, flying in an airplane during pregnancy does not increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm labor. It also does not affect the premature drainage of amniotic fluid. However, due to the risk of turbulence, it is advisable to leave the seat belt fastened throughout the trip to prevent injury. If the trip lasts longer, a pregnant woman should take a walk around the deck once every hour or so. This reduces the risk of thromboembolic complications, which is higher on long flights.

Flying by plane during pregnancy- contraindications

If there are complications during pregnancy and the woman is under the care of specialists, it is better to postpone air travel until after pregnancy. Medical conditions such as hypertension could be exacerbated during the flight. Likewise for multifetal pregnancies, which are classified as high-risk pregnancies. If bleeding occurs during pregnancy, and there is an increased risk of preterm labor, the mother-to-be should not fly. Placenta previa or fetal growth restrictions are also contraindications to air travel. This is due to the need for more frequent follow-up visits to the gynecologist or the outpatient clinic.

Air travel during pregnancy is safest if, firstly, the pregnant woman feels well, secondly, she has no concerns about the flight, and if her attending physician approves.

Read also:
Traveling while pregnant

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