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Cranberries in pregnancy

Cranberries in pregnancy


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

During pregnancy, due to the fact that many medications should not be used, mothers-to-be turn to natural methods to fight the cold. Among them, cranberries often appear, which have numerous health-promoting properties. However, is it safe during pregnancy? What ailments does cranberry help with?

Cranberries in pregnancy- properties

Cranberries are known for their health-promoting properties. It contains numerous valuable components like vitamin C and E, iron and fiber, among others. In addition, cranberry fruits contain magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Also extremely important is the presence of antioxidants, whose purpose is to block free radicals involved in the development of inflammation. The presence of fiber, on the other hand, facilitates the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces discomforts that occur during pregnancy, such as constipation. Iron, thanks to cranberries and their high vitamin C content, is more easily absorbed, which is especially important for pregnant women struggling with anemia (anemia).

Cranberries also contain compounds that prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urethra and developing the unpleasant discomfort of inflammation. Therefore, cranberry fruits are recommended for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract and bladder infections.

Cranberries in pregnancy-is it safe?

Cranberries are safe for both pregnant women and the developing baby in all trimesters of pregnancy. Consuming cranberry fruit or drinking the juice has not been shown to have a negative effect on pregnancy or the risk of preterm labor. However, this does not mean that cranberry can replace drug treatment. Bacteria in the urine, even those with no symptoms, require antibiotic therapy.

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Cranberries in pregnancy- indications

Cranberries, due to their properties, are especially recommended in the home fight against cold and infection symptoms, as well as for symptoms of urinary tract infection or recurrent infections. Pregnant cranberries can also be consumed by mothers-to-be taking iron preparations to facilitate iron absorption. It is also worth reaching for it for constipation or gum disease.

Of course, home remedies cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Cranberries are often recommended only as a supportive or preventive measure. This is because urinary tract infections in pregnancy require treatment with an antibiotic.

Read more:
Urinary tract infection in pregnancy – symptoms and treatment.

Cranberries in pregnancy- juice or pills?

Nowadays, the properties of natural cranberries can be found not only in their fruits, but also in pharmaceutical preparations – pills or syrups. Cranberry juices are also becoming increasingly popular, and can be added to tea or water. However, beware of the sugar or glucose-fructose syrup content in the composition of similar products. It is best to go for preparations that are as natural as possible, unprocessed, without added sugars or preservatives.

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