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Fatigue during pregnancy

Fatigue during pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Fatigue during pregnancy is what many moms-to-be complain about. Excessive lethargy, lack of strength and energy make their daily functioning miserable. Most often, this should not be a cause for concern. However, there are times when the causes of ill health require medical intervention. Check out the most common causes of fatigue in pregnancy and ways to deal with it.

Fatigue during pregnancy- causes

The course of pregnancy varies from woman to woman. Some moms-to-be feel great for 9 months, while others, on the contrary, struggle with numerous ailments from the first weeks of pregnancy until delivery. One of the more common symptoms cited by pregnant women is excessive fatigue and lethargy. This is mainly due to hormonal fluctuations, as well as, among other things. A physiological drop in blood pressure caused by the increased volume of blood circulating in the body of the mother-to-be. The more advanced the pregnancy, the more fatigue that occurs may be greater. This is associated with an enlarging abdomen that makes it difficult to breathe or move freely. Moms-to-be get tired faster, catch breathlessness and need more rest. For this reason, most of them use L4 leave, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

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Ways to deal with fatigue during pregnancy

Most often, women notice the greatest fatigue at the beginning of pregnancy and at the end. However, it is sometimes so troublesome that mothers-to-be look for home remedies to get rid of weakness and lack of energy. The basis during this time is an adequate amount of sleep. Its hygiene is important in the form of: consistent bedtimes, sleeping in a ventilated room and not using devices such as a phone or tablet before bed.

And don’t forget a healthy and balanced diet rich in vegetables and providing all the necessary nutrients. Proper hydration is also important. Besides, moderate physical activity can also have a positive effect on fatigue that occurs during pregnancy. However, if home remedies do not help, it may be necessary to consult a doctor.

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Fatigue during pregnancy-when to see a doctor?

Excessive fatigue and lethargy may in some cases have more serious causes than physiological changes in a pregnant woman’s body. These symptoms may indicate a thyroid problem, be the result of vomiting occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy, or suggest anemia. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Therefore, if fatigue impedes daily functioning and worries the mother-to-be, it is worth consulting a gynecologist, who will order appropriate tests to detect hypothyroidism, low hemoglobin or abnormal blood glucose levels. Most often, the applied treatment is successful and the bothersome symptoms pass. If, on the other hand, fatigue is accompanied by symptoms such as negative thoughts, lowered self-esteem or abandonment of previous interests, it may be pregnancy depression. Its symptoms should not be underestimated, so it is worth consulting a psychiatrist or talking to a psychologist.

Read also: What are the causes of insomnia during pregnancy? Medications and home remedies for sleepless nights during pregnancy




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