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Treatments to improve comfort during childbirth

Treatments to improve comfort during childbirth


4 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Every woman in labor has the right to give birth in conditions that are comfortable for her with pain relief methods. Various procedures are also performed during labor to improve the comfort of the parturient. Find out what methods are available to make the mother-to-be more comfortable during childbirth.

Methods of relieving labor pain

Every woman giving birth under current regulations has the right to methods of alleviating labor pain, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. The first group includes epidurals, laughing gas and opioids. The list of non-pharmacological methods is longer, but they are not as effective as the methods mentioned earlier. Nevertheless, they greatly increase comfort during childbirth and are extremely important for many pregnant women. It’s a good idea to indicate your desire for labor pain relief methods in your birth plan and during your conversation with your midwife before delivery.

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Methods of relieving labor pain

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Adopt comfortable positions during childbirth

Many women pay attention to the desire to adopt a position that is comfortable for them during labor. Increasingly, the bed-rest (horizontal) position is being abandoned in hospitals in favor of the so-called “horizontal position. vertical positions, which are designed not only to relieve labor pains, but also to give the baby a more physiological path through the birth canal. Ladders, sako bags or bouncy balls are also often available in hospitals. It can also be helpful to have a companion with whom the woman in labor can rock or sway. It not only provides companionship, but also a very important assurance.

Read more:
Vertical positions during childbirth

Music and aromatherapy during childbirth

The comfort of a woman in labor can also be increased in ways that do not require special equipment. It is music therapy and aromatherapy. Many moms-to-be indicate that they feel much more comfortable in a friendly environment turning the hospital delivery room into quite a cozy room. This is understandable, given how intimate an experience childbirth is. It’s a good idea to bring a self-arranged playlist to the hospital and choose an aromatic oil with which you feel calm and comfortable.

Relaxation techniques and breathing

Already  birthing school classes pay attention to proper breathing during labor. The same is true for relaxation techniques. Thanks to them, the attention of a woman in labor shifts from labor pains to control over her breathing. If it is still accompanied by rhythmic music the mother-to-be feels more comfortable and the labor can proceed in a calmer atmosphere.

Obstetric procedures during childbirth

Not all women in labor want to use only non-pharmacological methods of pain relief. Many moms-to-be seek help from staff and medical treatments that can make them more comfortable during childbirth. Among them, enema is the most frequently mentioned. Until recently, the procedure was performed routinely, but now the decision to perform it is always up to the mother-to-be. Many women in labor feel more at ease during contractions and pushing after performing an enema beforehand. Obstetric procedures during labor also include the administration of oxytocin, to intensify contractions, and the puncture of the fetal bladder (amniotomy). This is especially important if labor is prolonged and the woman in labor is losing strength. In addition, midwives, to protect the perineum and avoid incisions, for example, use paraffin to give the baby more “glide” during birth. They also hold the baby’s nascent head so that the stretching of the perineal tissues is calmer.

The list of treatments to improve comfort during childbirth is long. Every mother-to-be should familiarize herself with the options offered by a particular hospital and specify before the birth, for example, in the birth plan, which treatments she would like to use and which she does not agree to. However, it should always be borne in mind that during labor, the most important thing for the staff is the health and life of the baby and the woman giving birth. In the event of an emergency to either of them, they perform the necessary medical procedures.

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