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Sleep apnea in pregnancy

Sleep apnea in pregnancy


2 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Obstructive sleep apnea is not just the domain of older obese people, but often occurs among pregnant women as well. According to research, this problem affects more than 25% of moms-to-be in III. trimester of pregnancy. However, not everyone is aware of the consequences associated with sleep apnea. What are the causes and effects of sleep apnea in pregnancy?

Sleep apnea in pregnancy- symptoms

Obstructive sleep apnea (OBPS) most often affects obese people, the elderly, and those who smoke cigarettes. The condition involves the collapse of the soft elements of the throat, leading to shallow breathing and the onset of apnea. One of the characteristic symptoms of the disease is snoring. Excessive fatigue during the day and the need for extra naps may also occur. Diagnosis of apnea in pregnancy is difficult because sleepiness can occur independently as one of the symptoms occurring during these 9 months. To diagnose sleep apnea in pregnancy, a test-polysomnography-is performed. Most often, the first to notice the symptoms of apnea in pregnancy are the partners or co-housemates of the mother-to-be.

Sleep apnea in pregnancy- causes

During pregnancy there are numerous changes in the body of the mother-to-be. Among them are hormonal changes. An increase in estrogen can contribute to swelling of the nasal mucosa, production of secretions, and thus impede nasal patency. Progesterone, on the other hand, increases respiratory drive. These changes contribute to an increased risk of sleep apnea during pregnancy.

Other causes of OBPS during pregnancy include excessive weight and fat growth, especially around the face and neck. In turn, this negatively affects the patency of the airways. Through the enlargement of the uterus over the following months of pregnancy, the functional lung storage capacity is reduced, and this promotes, for example, drops in saturation. In addition, the accumulation of fluid in body tissues in the form of edema, among other things, plays a role in the development of apnea. neck.

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Sleep apnea in pregnancy- effects

Obstructive sleep apnea prevents proper and restful sleep. In turn, the resulting breaks in the system, as well as reduced saturation, lead to activation of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as decreased secretion of leptin and increased ghrelin, the hormones responsible for lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, apnea has a negative impact on perfusion and oxygenation of placental tissues.

The effects of sleep apnea in pregnancy include:

  • The development of hypertension in pregnancy,
  • An increase in the risk of preeclampsia,
  • fetal growth restriction,
  • gestational diabetes,
  • Higher risk of preterm labor,
  • lower Apgar score.

According to the study, women with obstructive sleep apnea during pregnancy are also more likely to give birth by cesarean section compared to the healthy population.

Read also:
Hypertension in pregnancy – what consequences can it have?

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