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Is it possible to ride a bicycle while pregnant?

Is it possible to ride a bicycle while pregnant?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Physical activity is a very important element during pregnancy. Often mothers-to-be wonder which sport to choose and which sports are contraindicated during pregnancy. Find out if you can ride a bicycle while pregnant.

When is it okay to ride a bicycle while pregnant?

Cycling is very popular among many of us. It is an activity that does not require advanced skills or specialized equipment, making it accessible to virtually everyone. Many women, even before becoming pregnant, regularly use a bicycle whether for weekend rides or, for example, on their daily commute to work. However, when it comes to the time of pregnancy, which is a special period in a woman’s life, the issue of cycling is not entirely clear. Of course, regular physical activity is, along with a healthy balanced diet, one of the basic elements of taking care of yourself during pregnancy. However, specialists point out that women in advanced pregnancy should not ride a bicycle, and often the limit is pushed as early as the beginning of the 2nd. trimester. It is recognized that women in early pregnancy can ride a bicycle because of the small size belly, and therefore less risk of injury. Nevertheless, many doctors or trainers advise that cycling should be changed to another, safer activity for the duration of pregnancy.

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Contraindications to cycling during pregnancy

Cycling is not recommended for pregnant women mainly because of the risk of injury. However, there are other absolute contraindications, when the mother-to-be is not only not allowed to ride a bicycle, but also mostly not allowed to practice other sports or activities. Such contraindications include:

  • pregnancy at risk,
  • short cervix,
  • Threatened preterm labor,
  • placenta previa.

There are also other contraindications, so it is worth asking your gynecologist before starting physical activity during pregnancy whether it poses a risk to the proper course of pregnancy.

Sports recommended for pregnant women

Physical activity during pregnancy largely depends on how active and athletic a woman was before pregnancy. If the mother-to-be has been engaged in any sport competitively and regularly, different rules apply to her than to a pregnant woman who was not exceptionally physically active before pregnancy. As a general rule of thumb, don’t start regular physical activity in the first trimester if you haven’t had much of it before. Daily walks or stretching exercises are advisable. It is a good idea to take advantage of group classes designed for pregnant women. Many pregnant women also choose to visit the swimming pool. It is a good idea to ask permission and the absence of contraindications from the attending physician before starting this type of activity. It is very important to avoid those sports that risk injury. These include. combat sports, skiing or team games.

Read more:
Pregnancy and physical activity – benefits and contraindications

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