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Carried pregnancy

Carried pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

The due date determined at the beginning of pregnancy is approximate. Many women give birth both before and after this date. However, there is a definite point at which further continuation of the pregnancy may pose a risk. When do we talk about carried pregnancy and what is worth knowing about it?

When is a pregnancy carried?

The date of delivery is determined by an ultrasound of the first trimester or by the date of the last menstrual period. However, this is an approximate date to control the pregnancy throughout its duration. A carried pregnancy is the term used after 37. One week of pregnancy. The delivery date, on the other hand, is on the 40th. A week of its duration. Pregnancies up to 42 are considered to be on schedule for delivery. week (41+6). Later, after completing 42. week, we are dealing with a carried pregnancy, which can carry serious consequences, including the most dangerous one – intrauterine fetal demise. In order to prevent such a condition, induced (induced) labor is carried out well in advance. The decision on when to give birth is made by doctors based on the results of, among other things. KTG or ultrasound, as well as any complications that arise during pregnancy.

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Carried pregnancy-what is worth knowing?

Many moms-to-be, especially towards the end of pregnancy, are looking forward to giving birth due to, among other things. abdomen making it difficult to perform daily activities, rapid fatigue or lethargy. If the pregnancy is progressing physiologically and there are no indications of early termination, a pregnant woman after the due date can use home remedies to speed up the delivery. Among the recommended methods are stimulation of the nipples or eating spicy foods. Many specialists also recommend cohabitation (when there are no contraindications). If home methods are unsuccessful, the mother-to-be is admitted to the pregnancy pathology department for induction of labor. Most often, this occurs a week after the due date of delivery, which is when the 41st is completed. week (41+0). Because of the higher risk of complications that arise in post-term pregnancies, every pregnant woman should have KTG recordings performed to provide information on fetal well-being. Interestingly, one of the most common causes of carried pregnancies is misdetermination of the due date. This may be due to, among other things. from irregular menstrual cycles, failure to correct the date despite the difference in the first trimester examination or, for example, late reporting to the gynecologist during pregnancy.

When is labor induced?

The timing of inducing labor depends on the previous course of the pregnancy, the complications present or, for example, the estimated weight of the fetus. In many situations, it is necessary to induce labor earlier, even before the due date. This is done, among other things. In cases of hypertension, diabetes or cholestasis. The management of multiple pregnancies is also different. However, if there are no complications and the KTG records are normal, labor is induced after the 41. week of pregnancy, but before the completion of Week 42.

Read also:
What is the difference between induction and preinduction of labor?

Carried pregnancy-complications

Carried pregnancy is a particularly high risk associated with placental insufficiency, which can eventually lead to hypoxia and even intrauterine fetal demise. For this reason, pregnant women undergo KTG tests after the due date to determine the baby’s well-being. A carried pregnancy can also result in small birth or amenorrhea, with serious consequences. Children born after 42. weeks have a distinctive appearance-dry skin or lack of fetal smear. There is also a greater risk of meconium aspiration syndrome.

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