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The 20th week of pregnancy - the baby's development accelerates

The 20th week of pregnancy – the baby’s development accelerates


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 20th week of pregnancy is the moment when the baby's development clearly accelerates. Internal organs are already formed - now they are learning to perform their function. The baby's body begins to be covered with fetal ointment, its skin becomes thicker, and its movements become stronger and more intense. See how pregnancy progresses during the 20th. One week of pregnancy.

W 20. Week of pregnancy, the parents-to-be can see their baby, as the next ultrasound (ultrasound) examination falls during this period. It will certainly not escape notice how much the toddler has changed since the last visit to the doctor. He is now larger, with a clearly shaped nose, ears and eyelids. If you’re lucky, you can observe its movements – of which the baby makes a lot during this period of pregnancy. Many Parents opt for 3D or 4D ultrasound, which allows you to see the baby in very good quality. A printout of such a study is an excellent keepsake for the family album.

The 20th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

In the medical community, gestational age is defined in weeks. However, a sizable portion of the population still uses months. This is a big help in everyday life and colloquial conversations – so it is useful to know which month it is.

Week 20 is the 5th month of pregnancy and the 2nd trimester. This is exactly the halfway point of the waiting period for a child. Many moms say that from this point on, time speeds up and the weeks until delivery pass extremely quickly. Since it’s the middle of the pregnancy, the pregnant woman should see her gynecologist for further tests. This includes. An ultrasound to see what the baby looks like at 20. One week of pregnancy.

How a child develops in 20. Week of pregnancy?

Along with the 20th. week of pregnancy, the baby’s development accelerates significantly. It is becoming bigger and stronger. The skeletal system has hardened and the joints have strengthened. Thus, the child moves with greater force. Whenever the baby is awake, it wiggles its arms, spins or turns its head.

At the halfway point of pregnancy, the baby’s nose and eyelids are already visible on the face. The eyes still remain closed, but the eyebrows can be observed above them. The toddler exercises his facial muscles by making various types of facial expressions. He also sucks his thumb. Sometimes it can be observed during an ultrasound.

The 20th week of pregnancy is also the time when the baby’s sebaceous glands are active. They produce sebum, which mixes with dead skin and forms fetal ointment. It covers the entire body of the baby to protect it from fetal waters. It is still present after birth. It protects the epidermis from damage and moisturizes it well. It is slippery, very oily and has a white-yellow color.

The baby’s internal organs are already formed. They are learning to perform their function. The kidneys produce urine, which is excreted into the amniotic fluid. 20. The week of pregnancy is also the period when nerve cells are still multiplying. A myelin sheath forms on them. This ensures that nerve impulses are transmitted correctly.

Child in 20. Week of pregnancy develops further senses. He can already recognize sounds, and some of them uniquely soothe him (such as mom’s voice or heartbeat). Now he is learning tastes. It does this by swallowing amniotic fluid.

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Gender of the child in 20. week of pregnancy

Child in 20. Week of pregnancy has already developed external genitalia. Therefore, in an ultrasound performed at this time, the doctor can determine its sex. The probability of the accuracy of the diagnosis is very high. Parents who do not want to know the sex of the baby until the day of delivery will not be informed as requested. Nevertheless, the doctor will evaluate the genitals to determine whether they are developing properly.

The size and weight of the child in 20. week of pregnancy

Regularly checking the pregnancy calendar allows you to consciously observe not only the changes in your own body, but also to find out what is happening in the baby. Important information for parents-to-be is the size and weight of the baby at 20. Week of pregnancy. Its body weight is about 300 g. However, it may be slightly less or more. There is no cause for concern. During this period, children begin to develop at an individual pace. Moms and dads shouldn’t be worried about the backup. The doctor will always inform about possible abnormalities and how to treat them.

Another important parameter is the size of the child at 20. One week pregnant. The toddler measures about 16 centimeters. To illustrate this, it is compared in size to a sizable banana.

How the body is changing in 20. Week of pregnancy?

Belly at 20. Week of pregnancy is already visible. It is constantly enlarging, which may involve some discomfort, and also the need to change closet. The breasts are also larger. Such changes in the body cause a shift in the center of gravity and force the body to adopt a different posture. The upper torso tilts back. W 20. Week mother’s weight is about 5-6 kilograms higher than pre-pregnancy weight.

Changes in the body can also be seen on the skin. W 20. Week of pregnancy telangiectasias appear. These are blood vessels visible shallowly under the skin, which have dilated and weakened under the influence of pregnancy hormones. Discoloration may appear on the face – this is known as “hyperpigmentation. ostraca. The skin lesions disappear in a few weeks after delivery.

W 20. Week of pregnancy, the uterus is already large enough to be felt under the belly button. From then on, it will rise, and thus the position of internal organs in the abdominal cavity will change.

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Tips for a mom-to-be – pregnancy ailments in 20. week of pregnancy

W 20. The week of pregnancy the mother-to-be usually still has a lot of energy. However, some women are beginning to suffer from insomnia. Trouble falling asleep is caused by the enlargement of the abdomen, making it difficult to assume a comfortable position. The growing uterus can put pressure on the bladder, resulting in the need to visit the toilet more often – including at night.

The halfway point of pregnancy also means that back pain is becoming more common. You should also be closely monitored for elevated blood pressure – it is essential to consult a doctor during pregnancy.

Body at 20. A week of pregnancy surprises with a new observation – the mother-to-be can see breast discharge. It is related to the fact that they are preparing for lactation. The liquid that oozes from them is the first drops of milk.

A new phenomenon in the 20 Week of pregnancy are uterine contractions. They are irregular, short and not very frequent. They cannot induce labor. This type of uterine contraction activity prepares the body for labor.

An unpleasant pregnancy ailment in 20. week is the itching of the skin on the abdomen. The phenomenon is caused by its stretching due to the progressive increase in the circumference of the abdomen. Using moisturizing lotions can help.

Baby movements at 20. week of pregnancy

The 20th week of pregnancy is an exciting moment for many moms. At this time the first movements of the baby may already be felt. These are not strong kicks. Women describe them as bubbling or a gentle tickling. They are becoming more intense with each passing week.

Do not worry if the baby’s movements at 20. Week have not yet appeared. Women who are pregnant for the first time may not recognize them. It is worth being patient and waiting another 2-3 weeks, when they become a little clearer. An indicator that a child in 20. Week of pregnancy is developing properly, there is an ultrasound. If the doctor does not find any abnormalities in it, there is no cause for concern.

What research to do in 20. Week of pregnancy?

The 20th week of pregnancy is a good time to see your doctor for a routine checkup. In the course of them, the doctor will assess:

  • How the child is developing,
  • How the pregnancy is going,
  • What is the general condition of the pregnant woman.

The 20th week of pregnancy is also the time when a pregnancy risk assessment will be made, that is, the possibility of complications at this stage of pregnancy. It’s also a good idea to talk to your doctor or midwife about your desire to join a birthing school, which is theoretical and practical preparation for childbirth and newborn care.

Research in 20. The weeks of pregnancy are:

  • gynecological examination,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • weight measurement,
  • Blood laboratory tests (blood count, test for toxoplasmosis-fighting antibodies),
  • general urinalysis,
  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions.

With the 20th week of pregnancy, the possibility of a heart defect is also eliminated, while listening to its beating. It is clearly audible. The rate of beats per minute is higher than in adults, so parents-to-be should not worry that their baby’s heart is beating so fast.

20 week of pregnancy is also the time when another ultrasound should be performed. It is mandatory. It is classified as a prenatal test because during it a very thorough evaluation of the baby is made for possible birth defects.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound in 20. Week of pregnancy is the so-called. Midterm ultrasound – due to the fact that it is performed in the middle of pregnancy. It is also often referred to as genetic, because it is used not only to determine whether a child is developing properly. With its help, abnormalities in the structure of internal organs can be detected, as well as anatomical defects and some defects associated with mutations in genes (including Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome). A postpartum ultrasound checks the normal structure of the brain, but also, for example, the spine, and whether the baby has properly formed eyes and ears.

A midline ultrasound is performed using an abdominal probe. It lasts slightly longer than a standard examination. This is because the doctor evaluates many parameters, which requires more accuracy and thus takes more time.

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