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The 17th week of pregnancy - when the baby hears your voice

The 17th week of pregnancy – when the baby hears your voice


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

In the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the baby's senses are developing. It begins to hear and recognize mom's voice. This is an excellent opportunity to make a deeper connection. You can also play music to your toddler to calm him down. Some Parents learn the sex of the child at this stage. See what else the 17th is associated with. One week of pregnancy.

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is almost its halfway point. For many moms-to-be, it represents her favorite period. They do not experience significant pregnancy discomforts and have plenty of energy, so they make the most of the benefits that the time of waiting for a child gives them. However, it is important to remember that you can’t get overtired. A woman should take care of herself – eat healthy, get plenty of rest and report for routine checkups.

The 17th week of pregnancy – tips for the mom-to-be

Seventeenth week of pregnancy – what month is it? The 17th week of pregnancy is exactly the 2nd trimester and the end of the 4th. of the month. This means that half the waiting time for a child is about to pass. Although the mother-to-be does not feel it every day, her little one is developing intensely and acquiring new skills every day. Subsequent ultrasound sc ans show how much its appearance is changing. In the second trimester, you can also observe new movements of the baby – he willingly assumes different positions and undertakes activities, such as sucking his thumb.

A mom-to-be should know:

  • How the fetus develops in 17. One week of pregnancy;
  • What tests at this time are mandatory and recommended;
  • How to take care of yourself;
  • What pregnancy ailments are typical for 17. One week of pregnancy.

Knowing the course of pregnancy week by week allows you to better understand your body, as well as recognize possible abnormalities, and thus get medical attention early.

How a child develops in 17. Week of pregnancy?

Child Development at 17. The week of pregnancy is still intense. The toddler is very small, but fatty tissue is slowly forming under the skin. In addition, His skeletal system hardens and his joints strengthen. This allows the baby’s movements to reach a greater range. The toddler eagerly moves his arms and legs, tilts his head or limps. It still has a great deal of space in the uterus, so it makes maximum use of it.

The child’s heart at 17. Week of pregnancy beats very fast. It strikes at a frequency of about 140 per minute. During this time, his lungs are also active – they push out the swallowed amniotic fluid. This is an activity that prepares the baby for breathing. It often results in the onset of hiccups, which some mothers feel in the form of gentle knocks in the abdomen. The baby’s kidneys are also working.

The 17th week of a baby’s life is the moment when the baby’s facial features are formed. The head is rounded, and the eyes, nose and ears are also clearly visible. The first seeds of hair and eyebrows appear. Facial features are not the only individual feature that is formed during this period. W 17. The week the fingerprints are also created – they are unique.

Gender of the child in 17. week of pregnancy

The baby’s internal sex organs begin to develop as early as the 7th week of pregnancy. Less than a month later, the formation of external genitalia and their differentiation into male and female begins. Importantly, gender is determined from the moment of conception. However, a considerable amount of time passes before it can be determined by ultrasound with a very high degree of certainty.

Gender of the child in 17. week of pregnancy may already be determined. In some cases, the toddler is laid out in such a way that his genitals are very clearly visible on ultrasound. The ultrasound can also see, among other things. The child’s clenched fists.

The size and weight of the child in 17. week of pregnancy

What does a child look like in 17. Week of pregnancy? At that time the baby already measures about 13 centimeters and weighs up to 100 grams. It is compared to a pear. It is possible to encounter information that the weight of a child at 17. Week of pregnancy is 140 grams. Importantly, similar dimensions are also achieved by the bearing.

W 17. The week of pregnancy, the development of all children proceeds similarly. They measure and weigh about the same. It becomes possible to establish developmental norms and compare the results obtained during testing to them. However, it is worth remembering that in just a few weeks the baby’s development will take on a slightly more individual character. Differences in the weight and length of individual fetuses can be significant. Therefore, parents-to-be should not worry that their toddler is smaller or larger than others. The doctor evaluates both parameters in tests and is able to detect possible abnormalities.

The 17th week of pregnancy – The baby’s bond with mom and dad

The 17th week of pregnancy is a very good time to build a bond between the baby and the Parents. The toddler’s senses are developing. First of all, it begins to hear sounds coming from outside. He also learns to recognize them, resulting in a reaction to the ones he likes best. Mom and dad should talk to the baby as often as possible and sing him lullabies. Mom’s voice gives the toddler great joy, which he expresses through movements of his arms and legs. Unfortunately, they are not yet felt by the woman – you have to wait a few weeks for that. The first movements of the baby are most often felt between 20. and 23rd week.

A very good move is to play music to your child. Child in 17. The week of pregnancy should become accustomed to sounds. It is especially recommended to familiarize the toddler with classical tunes, as they have a positive effect on brain development. It is good for them to be calm and relaxing. However, some say that a child can even like stronger rock sounds, if that’s what his mother likes and he feels relaxed with them.

Tips for the mother-to-be – well-being and body at 17. week of pregnancy

Self-image at 17. Week of pregnancy is generally good, and the discomforts experienced are not troublesome. The second trimester also marks the return of former energy and the cessation of nausea, allowing you to fully enjoy the time of waiting for the baby. 17 A week of pregnancy also means a rounding, growing belly. From then on, it will gradually increase. This is due to the fact that the uterus is enlarging, and thus no longer fits in the pelvis. A mom-to-be might think about replacing her closet to feel comfortable.

W 17. Week of pregnancy, a woman usually weighs 2-4 kilograms more than before pregnancy. Higher body weight is usually not related to fat growth, but mainly to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and other body fluids, as well as the weight of the uterus. Sometimes, however, it happens that a woman has trouble keeping her balance – which is caused by a change in the center of gravity.

Although 17. Week of pregnancy is associated with a greater surge of energy, must remember to rest. Due to the changes in the body, more pregnancy discomforts will gradually begin to appear. Then it can be somewhat difficult to maintain a high pace and the same activity.

Pregnancy complaints at 17. week of pregnancy

Ailments in 17. Week of pregnancy is all about back pain. They are affected by the enlargement of the abdomen and breasts. The body’s center of gravity begins to change, and thus muscle tension. In certain parts of the body, they are slightly more stressed, resulting in painful conditions. There may also be lower abdominal pain. They are the result of stretching of the uterine ligaments. Do not be alarmed if it is not accompanied by other symptoms (including. spotting or bleeding from the genital tract, fever, significant deterioration of mood).

Hormonal changes in the body lead to the weakening of blood vessels. As a result, their easy cracking occurs. The mother-to-be may notice bleeding from her gums. It’s worth introducing gentle care, as well as regular check-ups with your dentist.

Belly at 17. Week of pregnancy enlarges, and thus there is stretching of the skin. This results in itching, which can be very bothersome. The risk of stretch marks also increases. That’s why it’s important to take care of daily skin care with moisturizing lotions.

The mother-to-be should not be surprised by the appearance of a dark line that extends from the navel downward. This is the so-called. linea negra. Its cause is an increase in melanin concentration. It usually disappears a few weeks after delivery, but don’t worry if it persists even more than a year after the baby is born. It tends to be more pronounced in dark-skinned women and tends to fade longer in them. In some pregnant women, linea negra does not appear at all.

Research in 17. week of pregnancy

The seventeenth week of pregnancy is a good time for more research. If the mother-to-be reports to them a while earlier, it is possible to rest from them, if the baby’s health is correct and the pregnancy is going well, and the woman does not notice worrying symptoms. According to the recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Society between 15. and the 20th week of pregnancy should:

  • perform a gynecological examination,
  • take weight measurements,
  • Assess the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • Measure the blood pressure of the pregnant woman,
  • assess pregnancy risk,
  • perform laboratory tests of blood(blood count, immune antibody test – anti-Rh) and urine(general urine test).

The above measures are mandatory. However, 17. The week of pregnancy is also the time when non-invasive prenatal testing is recommended. These include a second double test, a triple test (serum levels of the free beta-hCG subunit, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein are evaluated). A NIFTY test can also be performed if it was not done earlier in the pregnancy.

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