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Week 15 of pregnancy - how does mom and baby feel?

Week 15 of pregnancy – how does mom and baby feel?


9 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

The 15th week of pregnancy is a quiet time for many moms-to-be. Pregnancy discomforts of the first trimester - such as nausea - are subsiding. However, this does not mean that in the second trimester every woman will feel good. Often there is heartburn or swelling of the legs, among other things. Nevertheless, in the 15th. week of pregnancy you may already feel the first, anticipated movements of the baby. What is the size and weight of the child in 15. Week of pregnancy? How does mom's body change at the beginning of the second trimester? What exactly is happening in the 15th. Week of pregnancy?

Week 15 of pregnancy – what month is it?

Typically, doctors and moms-to-be use weeks to determine the age of pregnancy. To the uninitiated, this may seem redundant, but from a medical perspective it is an important point. The development of the baby and the changes taking place in the mother’s body are extremely dynamic, so the symptoms of pregnancy at the end of the month are already quite different from those at the beginning. Weekly differentiation allows you to more accurately determine what stage of development the baby is currently in. Pregnancy is therefore divided into 3 trimesters, which cover 3 months each. In contrast, each developmental month is divided into weeks. If you have trouble calculating the age of your pregnancy, you can use an online pregnancy calendar.

However, it is useful to know which month of pregnancy is 15. week. Counting from the first day of the last menstrual period (according to the Naegele rule), this is the 4th month, or the beginning of the second trimester. It’s an intense time for both baby and mom. What’s more, for many women, this is the moment when they share the happy news with the rest of their family and friends. This is because it is understood that until the end of the first trimester, everyone should not be informed of the pregnancy – during this period there is a significant risk of miscarriage. The loss of a pregnancy itself is a traumatic experience that is certainly not made any easier by a long list of people who need to be informed.

What does the baby look like at 15 weeks of pregnancy? Weight and size

Child in 15. Week of pregnancy grows very intensively. It already has approx. 10 cm in length (measured from the top of the head to the buttocks). In the second trimester, the toddler gains weight a little more slowly. The weight of the child in 15. Week of pregnancy is approx. 80 g – That’s twice as much as a week ago! His body weight is increasing every day, although he is not yet gaining weight because he is not accumulating yellow fat.

The baby’s body is beginning to acquire the right proportions – ears and eyes have migrated to their place, while legs are already slightly longer than little hands. Despite this, the skin is still extremely thin (you can see organs and blood vessels through it) and covered with fetal mesquite. This fetal miasma is otherwise known as lanugo – at the time of delivery it will remain only on the head and eyebrows of the baby.

Child Development at 15. week of pregnancy

W 15. The week of pregnancy develops and strengthens the baby’s muscles. Because of this, it is very active: waving its arms and legs in all directions. In addition, she makes faces and sucks her fingers in preparation for breastfeeding. Although very active, the baby’s movements at 15. weeks of pregnancy are not felt by most moms-to-be, although if you’re thin and this is your next pregnancy, you may already be able to discern the subtle tickling caused by the baby’s bumps.

W 15. The week of pregnancy, the baby hears his mother’s voice, which has a soothing effect on him. In addition, he can already recognize emotions and moods. When a woman is relaxed and calm, the toddler is also in a good mood. 15. The week of pregnancy is also the time when:

  • The baby learns to breathe by swallowing amniotic fluid, thus stimulating the lungs to develop;
  • The baby’s skin is translucent and covered with mesquite (lanugo);
  • The child already has fingernails and toenails;
  • Most of the bones have already ossified;
  • hands can clench into a fist;
  • Endocrine organs (pancreas, thyroid) begin to function;
  • The baby’s internal organs have already taken up their functions, although they are still growing.

The self-perception is at 15. week of pregnancy

It is believed that the second trimester is the best time of pregnancy. All because the unpleasant first pregnancy discomforts such as nausea and vomiting pass, and the mother-to-be feels a sudden surge of energy. It is worth using it to take care of yourself (both physical and mental well-being) and to establish an emotional bond with your child.

Although the pregnant woman’s mood is noticeably better, 15. A week of pregnancy is not completely free of ailments. Some women may experience back pain associated with abdominal and breast enlargement. The center of gravity of your body also changes. Other pregnant women complain of constipation and bloating. These symptoms are caused by a slowdown in intestinal peristalsis. In addition, in 15. Week of pregnancy appetite increases, so it is worth looking at your diet (it should be balanced and provide essential nutrients) and not give in to pregnancy cravings. 15. The week of pregnancy is also the moment for many moms to begin preparations related to welcoming a new family member. Hormones work extremely hard, so crying when shopping for the first sleepwear is often the norm for most pregnant ladies.

Body at 15. week of pregnancy

The 15th week of pregnancy is also the period when your whole body changes, not just your belly and uterus. Because of the increased pressure, circulation problems may begin – small varicose veins on your legs or spider veins on your face. Smaller blood vessels can burst due to walls weakened by hormones. This is the result of an enlarged heart, which now has to pump more blood (increased blood volume). By the end of pregnancy, a woman’s heart will have enlarged by 30 to 50%.

It is also worth paying attention to properly selected intimate hygiene. There is an increased amount of vaginal secretions, whose function is to form a protective barrier for the baby. So make sure you wear comfortable and breathable underwear, as well as the right cleansers that won’t disturb the pH of your intimate area. If you don’t know what liquid will be best for you and at the same time safe for your baby, you can take advice from your pharmacist or doctor.

Belly in 15. week of pregnancy

Belly in 15. Week of pregnancy may already be slightly rounded. It is worth remembering that abdomen size in 15. The week of pregnancy is an individual matter for each woman – most often, the first visible signs appear between 13. a 16. week of pregnancy, when the uterus begins to protrude more clearly above the pubic conjunctiva. If you are pregnant with twins, as early as 15. Week of pregnancy you can expect a visible gestational belly.

Slimmer ladies often choose to wait out this stage in slightly looser styles, as from 15. A week of single pregnancy, the belly by its appearance looks more like bloating after a satiating lunch than pregnancy curves. Only later in pregnancy does the belly take on a more rounded shape, which is already clearly associated with the blessed state.

See also: Week 16 of pregnancy – how is the baby developing? Self-esteem of the mother-to-be

Tips for the mother-to-be – what to pay attention to in 15. Week of pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time when the mother-to-be faces new challenges from her own body every few days. 15. The week of pregnancy, or the beginning of the second trimester, is also fraught with entirely new ailments, sensations and moods. How to cope during this time? Regardless of the week of pregnancy, there is one basic principle that pregnant women should follow – taking care of their mental and physical health and the health and well-being of the baby.

If the doctor finds no contraindications, in 15. A week of pregnancy is worth enrolling in organized gymnastics classes for moms-to-be, such as yoga. They can help prevent spinal pain, which bothers many pregnant women. In addition, moderate physical activity helps maintain normal body weight, improves mood, reduces stress and supports immunity. You can also exercise at home, after consulting with a physical therapist or personal trainer who works with pregnant women. Physical activity should go hand in hand with a well-balanced diet. Exercise of moderate intensity will certainly have a positive effect on the well-being of moms-to-be.

In addition, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself a list of things you need to prepare before the baby is born. This organization of essential products for the home and hospital will alleviate the stress associated with the awareness of the impending solution. It’s also a good way to get a little accustomed to the idea that in just a few months there will be a new family member.


  • Which month of pregnancy is the 15th. week?

The 15th week of pregnancy is the fourth month of pregnancy, and at the same time the second week of the second trimester. From a medical point of view, it is better to operate on gestational weeks, because the development of the baby and changes in the female body are so dynamic that the monthly unit does not accurately determine the stage of pregnancy.

  • What the child looks like in 15. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 15. Week of pregnancy size already resembles a magnificent orange. He is about 10 cm measured from the top of his head to his buttocks. The baby’s weight is about 80 grams – that’s twice as much as it was just a week ago. The fetus is also taking on an infantile shape.

  • How the female body changes in 15. Week of pregnancy?

W 15. week of pregnancy, discomforts such as nausea subside, but a woman’s body continues to change. There may be circulation problems and the first back pain. The body’s center of gravity also changes, and the breasts enlarge. You may also notice the first rounding of the abdomen, although this is not apparent in all women.

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