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Stretch marks in pregnancy - why and when do they appear, how to prevent and treat them?

Stretch marks in pregnancy – why and when do they appear, how to prevent and treat them?


4 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

Stretch marks, or skin changes resembling vertical, red, narrow scars, are a common phenomenon that appears most often in the second trimester of pregnancy on the abdomen, breasts and thighs, which every mom-to-be wants to avoid. To prevent them, it is worthwhile, among other things. take care of the condition of the skin.

Changes in hormonal balance provoke the appearance of stretch marks. Sometimes it is impossible to avoid scars, but it is possible to influence their visibility. A good stretch mark cream for pregnancy can be effective, but it must be applied regularly and properly. Physical activity and the diet of the mother-to-be are also of great importance.

Stretch marks during pregnancy – causes

Stretch marks during pregnancy take a similar form to those that appear during rapid growth in adolescents, in people working hard to increase muscle mass, gaining weight due to eating disorders or excessive and unhealthy eating, and after plastic surgery such as breast implantation. The first stretch marks of pregnancy usually manifest themselves through itchy skin in the second trimester. At a later stage, they manifest as red or white, vertical, recessed or convex bands with uneven edges, which can appear both side by side and at greater distances. Pregnancy stretch marks form in the dermis and are most common around the abdomen, breasts, thighs and hips. The formation of scars is primarily associated with the deterioration of the tensile strength of fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Under pressure from an enlarging abdomen or breasts, the skin unsuited to the rate of growth breaks down, forming scars. In addition to hormonal factors, genetic predisposition also influences stretch marks during pregnancy. Their occurrence cannot be predicted, but by taking proper care of the body from the beginning of pregnancy, especially the areas prone to stretch marks, you can affect their visibility by various means.

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How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Tensile-resistant collagen fibers become weaker under the influence of cortisol, and break down while gaining body volume, causing stretch marks. Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid scars, but there are some solutions to make the risk of them less, including:

  • Skin care – a specialized cream for stretch marks during pregnancy based on natural ingredients, such as cocoa butter and vegetable oils and extracts, enriched with vitamin E and collagen, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which improves skin elasticity. Pregnancy stretch mark product of this type should be applied regularly in a circular, slow motion;
  • Massage – this is one of the more effective preventive treatments. It should be performed using a stroking technique not only on stretch marks, but also on further parts of the body. A pregnancy stretch mark oil with a neutral, safe composition is recommended for the treatment. The oil will not only make it easier to carry out the procedure, but will also allow you to relax thanks to the essential substances escaping under the warm skin warmed under the hands of the masseur;
  • Diet and weight control – weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, but it is possible to gain weight in a healthy and conscious way. The solution is a rational pregnancy diet and avoiding the “I eat for two” rule. Pregnancy stretch marks can be smaller when the weight increases by a safe 10-15 kg. Adoption over 9 months will be gradual, and the risk of scarring, less;
  • Physical activity – swimming pool, walking, yoga, latino dancing.

What for stretch marks during pregnancy?

When stretch marks appear during pregnancy, it’s not too late to get rid of them or reduce their appearance. It is worth buying a good lotion for stretch marks during pregnancy and massaging the scars. A jet massage, such as in the shower, is irreplaceable. You can also guide the treatment with a sponge soaked in stretch mark oil. The thighs, buttocks and hips can be massaged intensively, while the abdomen can be massaged gently. Stretch marks on breasts during pregnancy also do not like too much stimulation. The area around the warts should be avoided. It is also worthwhile to ensure a diet rich in zinc, which improves the condition of the skin.


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