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Christmas diet for pregnant women

Christmas diet for pregnant women


4 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

Specially for you, we talk to Anna Rozyk - nutritionist, specialist in the field of nutrition. Nutritionist, who gained experience at the European Center for Child and Adult Obesity Treatment and the Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases at the Warsaw Medical University Hospital, among others. Since the beginning of his career, he has been involved in the topics of nutrition for children, infants, pregnant and lactating women. 

Ms. Anna, tomorrow we begin one of the most beautiful holidays of the year – Christmas. They play a special role in Polish culinary tradition. The dishes we prepare are often recipes passed down from great-grandfather. Some of them we eat only once a year and that’s probably why, they taste so special to us. Can a pregnant woman confidently reach for Christmas dishes?

Being pregnant, one should certainly exercise caution at the table. Abdominal pain or bloating are ailments that are especially unwelcome during this period. Before starting the feast, it is worth discerning your own capabilities. It’s worth remembering that if a pregnant woman wants to try all the dishes, it’s a good idea to stay with symbolic portions.

Priority is given to cooked products over fried ones. Foods seasoned with vinegar are best definitely limited. In a word, it is best to focus on easily digestible products – cooked fish, vegetables, Christmas Eve borscht. The rest of the rules follow the general guidelines for nutrition during this period. Unpasteurized products, raw meat and eggs, highly processed products and alcohol should be abandoned.

The Christmas Eve table should not lack fish. Being pregnant, you not only can, but should even choose them. Their meat is a source of valuable protein and also, unsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 and omega-6 group. Prepare fresh fish, not frozen – in addition to taste, they are characterized by greater nutrient density. A great option for Christmas dishes is fish in Greek, in jelly, boiled or stewed.
Remember that fried, breaded fish will be hard to digest. Try to avoid fish caught from polluted waters, such as panga and tilapia. Of the fish consumed in Poland, butterfish, perch, eel, roach and cod have the most mercury. In this regard, herring and pollock will be the safest. Most mercury is in predatory and long-lived fish. Due to the risk of bacterial or parasitic infection, raw fish should not be eaten.

Christmas Eve dishes, to the easily digestible do not belong. Mushrooms, cabbage or peas are the main culprits of feeling full and having stomach problems. Remember that when it comes to dishes with them, the most important thing is the quantity. An increase in abdominal pressure, caused by gases, can significantly affect a pregnant woman’s well-being.
Mushrooms are an irreplaceable ingredient on Christmas Eve. Together with cabbage, they form the basis of stuffings, as well as stand-alone dishes. In addition to being rich in minerals and vitamins, it is above all a flavorful addition, so strongly associated with the taste of the Christmas table. Foods with mushrooms can be tasted by a pregnant woman, only if their origin is known.

When we sit down to a traditionally prepared Christmas Eve supper, we are assured that the dishes are prepared with quality ingredients, are fresh and we know their composition. That’s half the battle, and one of the most important guidelines a pregnant woman should follow. With purchased products, we never have this certainty. It is advisable not to eat highly processed foods, dishes with mushrooms, ready-made sauces, cakes or salads with mayonnaise.

Legumes, widely recommended by nutritionists, will not find words of praise on the Christmas table. Cabbage with peas or beans with gravy would be better to make way for other foods in the evening. With the plethora of dishes and the sedentary style of feasting, the mother-to-be may not be able to cope with the effects of digesting them. However, if it’s these dishes you’ve been waiting for all year, season them generously with marjoram or cumin – this should offset any effects.

A glass of water is best for dessert. However, there is no contraindication to tasting the prepared cakes. In doing so, you must remember that simple sugar and fat contained in them, will not be an ally of digestion. Of the traditional baked goods, don’t let yourself forget about poppy seed cake-it is hard to digest.

If you are bothered by bloating despite your sanity, drink a glass of fennel tea or a light infusion of chamomile or mint. They act as a decongestant, windbreaker and aid in digestion.
Christmas is all about spending time with loved ones. When feasting together, remember that the table should be set not only tasty and beautiful, but also valuable and varied. Enjoy your meal and all the best!

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