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Week 27 of pregnancy - what happens in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Week 27 of pregnancy – what happens in the third trimester of pregnancy?


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

Child in 27. The week of pregnancy is developing dynamically and gaining weight. His limbs are fully developed and he can move them. During this period, the toddler can already hear and recognize mom's voice. Pregnant women may begin to develop stretch marks and a feeling of skin tightness. The beginning of the 7th month is a good time to start putting together a hospital layette for both of you. How does the baby develop during this period of pregnancy? What to pay special attention to? Keep reading to find out!

The 27th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 27th week is the beginning of the seventh month and the third trimester. This means that the woman and her baby have completed the second trimester of pregnancy. The mother-to-be is only two months away from termination, with a normal pregnancy. Mom’s belly rounds out and the skin becomes tighter. This is a result of the child’s growth, which is constantly increasing and taking up more and more space. The risk of stretch marks also increases.

What the child looks like in 27. Week of pregnancy?

At this stage, the child, although the size resembles a cabbage or cauliflower, is already characterized by an infantile appearance, hunched posture and behavior. This is due to the fact that the body of a toddler already consists of almost 15% body fat.

The baby’s weight at 27. Week of pregnancy is nearly 1 kg, and its length reaches almost 35 cm. In addition to growing, the scrawny boy already has fully developed limbs that he can move. As he develops a natural sucking reflex, you can see him sucking his thumb or toes. At this stage of development, the toddler’s motor activity is quite well coordinated with the external environment. The child also responds to sounds, which can be noticed when spending time in a noisy environment, such as a movie theater.

At the end of the second and third trimester, the baby recognizes its mother’s voice and closes and opens its eyes. Belly at 27. Week of pregnancy grows and reaches the size of a mature pumpkin, but the weight of the future mother should not change significantly. It should not properly exceed 10 kg compared to the pre-fertilization weight. The daily caloric requirement of a pregnant woman is higher by only 300 kcal. That she should eat “for two” is just a saying that is not reflected in practice.

Baby’s positioning, development and movements at 27. week of pregnancy

The baby’s eyelids are open again, and because the part in the brain responsible for vision is active, he can see lights as well as shadows. The toddler is also capable of experiencing the REM phase during sleep, in which dreams occur. This manifests as increased eye movements under closed eyelids, which can be observed by 3D ultrasound at 27. week of pregnancy. The baby is still pointing with its head up, however, this is not a cause for concern. Although it is already developed enough to live outside the mother’s body, its birth positioning will not occur until around 32-34weeks of pregnancy.

The toddler may also experience hiccups, the most common cause of which is when mom eats a spicy food. This is a natural and completely harmless reaction of the child’s body caused by the formed taste buds. Interestingly, consuming vivid flavors causes them to penetrate the amniotic fluid, stimulating the toddler’s receptors. W 27. week intensively develops the central nervous system – especially the brain undergoes major changes. The phenomenon of the formation and expansion of the neural network is positively influenced by talking to the toddler, reading, singing and listening to music.

Body at 27. Week of pregnancy – what ailments accompany the future mother?

Child in 27. week pushes out and causes pressure on the uterus on the larger blood vessels. It has less and less space, but its positioning continues to change. This can cause additional symptoms in mom (back pain, a feeling of pushing on the bladder and incontinence and frequent urination ). The toddler’s heart rate is more steady at about 140 beats per minute during this period. You can even hear them already without a stethoscope by putting your ear to your abdomen. With the 27th week of pregnancy, a woman may experience dizziness, leg swelling and calf c ramps. In addition, her body prepares for labor by helping to induce uterine contractions. The most common are Braxton-Hicks contractions. No worries – this is a natural process that does not threaten the course of pregnancy.

A woman’s body changes dramatically at this stage of pregnancy. This is because the weight gain can reach up to 14 kg, while in twin pregnancies it can be as much as 20 kg. However, remember to watch your weight, as excess weight leads to many pregnancy complications. It is also worth mentioning that in the third trimester, the skin of the nipples with a dark hue not infrequently forms a rim occupying up to half of the breast.

Premature birth – a premature baby at 27. week

A successful pregnancy should end between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation. If, for some reason, there was a termination before this time, such a birth is referred to as premature, and the baby born is called premature. Although at the beginning of the third trimester there are some cases of
premature births
, and a baby born at this time is developed enough that he or she could already function independently or under specialized medical care, prematurity is most often associated with serious health problems, primarily related to breathing. The immaturity of the respiratory system, further exposed to the external environment, increases the risk not only of breathing difficulties, but also of various infections.

In a premature baby born at 27. A week of pregnancy can lead to the development of retinopathy of prematurity. It is associated with maternal diseases during pregnancy, especially hypertension or diabetes. Since the retinal vessels are not fully formed in a 27-week-old baby, they may dilate soon after birth. The chance of recovery depends on many factors, including. On the health of the child born prematurely and the progress of the disease. A quick response from specialists can be a salvation in this case.

It is important to keep in mind that premature babies face a number of conditions and complications as a result of being born too early. They have a weakened immune system and very thin skin that is susceptible to irritation. Their condition is largely dependent on their birth weight. The higher it is, the better the child’s chances of being healthy.

27th week of twin pregnancy

The 27th week of a twin pregnancy can be exhausting for women, so they should get plenty of rest. Their hormonal economy changes a lot at that time, making them often distracted and absent-minded. It is not uncommon for them to have problems concentrating and focusing. It is recommended that during this period they devote themselves to activities that do not require mental or physical effort. For example, they can slowly complete a layette, read or go for walks. A way to relax is also to learn
breathing during labor
. It will come in handy when the time of dissolution comes.

Many women, both in multiple and single pregnancies, pay attention to the emerging 27. week of pregnancy extremely realistic dreams, often with negative messages, such as nightmares, but also of an erotic nature. However, this should not cause concern, because they are due to changes in hormonal economy, which are a natural phenomenon at the beginning of the third trimester.

What research in 27. Week of pregnancy?

Diagnostic tests during pregnancy are a must, as this is the only way to assess the course of pregnancy. W 27. Week of pregnancy, a blood test and a urine test are performed, and most importantly a double glucose determination. The sugar test can be unpleasant, as the woman must test fasting blood, then drink a very sweet glucose solution and wait two hours for another sample to be taken.

W 27. The week also tests the level of anti-Rh antibodies in moms who have a negative blood type (Rh-), and tests for toxoplasmosis. They are especially recommended for those ladies who have previously tested negative for the disease. Other tests that can still be done are cytology and 3D ultrasound.

At this stage of pregnancy, it is worth considering
Cord blood collection
. This is because beforehand, the necessary tests should be performed on both the mother and her baby. 27. The week may therefore be the last call to apply to a stem cell bank offering such services. These cells are precious, as they can save the child’s life and that of his siblings in the future.

How do you take care of yourself? Belly at 27. week of pregnancy

A visible belly and the appearance of additional symptoms related to the physiology of pregnancy make the mother-to-be feel a significant decrease in energy and definitely get tired faster. The shallow breathing becomes a cause of shortness of breath, and the weight of the growing belly begins to put a heavy strain on the spine. Despite this, you should practice light and controlled
physical activity
and try to spend time outdoors as often as possible. At this stage one should take care of the so-called. Kegel muscles, or pelvic floor muscles. Strong and resilient allow control of bladder function, teach proper breathing and conscious lower body work. This is an important part of preparing the birth canal for childbirth, and training that continues after delivery allows stretched and fatigued tissues to recover more quickly. 

W 27. week also continues to be important
. Above all, you should avoid giving in to cravings, especially those related to mixing different intense flavors, such as sweet with sour. They can cause indigestion and additional stress from digestive problems. It is worthwhile at this time Support thyroid function by providing approx. 250 micrograms of iodine more than usual. Increased demand for the ingredient can be offset by appropriate supplementation.

Read also:
How is the 28th week of pregnancy going?


  • What does child development look like at 27. Week of pregnancy?

The size and weight of the child in 27. The weeks of pregnancy are surprisingly sizable – the weight of the baby is 1 kg, while its length reaches almost 35 cm. At the beginning of the third trimester, the baby continues to develop rapidly. It can already receive visual stimuli from the outside world and respond to light intensities.

  • What symptoms accompany an expectant mother?

Back pain, uterine and calf cramps, leg swelling and a feeling of pushing on the bladder are the most common symptoms that are associated with the 27th week of pregnancy.

  • How does the body of a mother-to-be change during the third trimester of pregnancy?

A woman’s abdomen is visibly rounded, and the skin on it is tightened. This is due to the development of the child, which is taking up more and more space. The mother-to-be may experience discomfort from this phenomenon. The dark areola of the nipples, on the other hand, often grows, reaching as far as the middle of the breast.

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