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Physical activity during pregnancy - just a fad?

Physical activity during pregnancy – just a fad?


3 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

In the 21st century, when physical activity is very popular, one might even consider it fashionable, a lot of women getting pregnant wonder whether they should give up visits to the gym or running 5 km 3 times a week during this special period. Spring, on the other hand, is the perfect time to settle what is fact and what is myth regarding practicing (amateur) sports during pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a contraindication to exercise. MIT

The mere fact of being pregnant is not a contraindication to sports (In the article we are talking about non-exercise sports, professional athletes should consult their doctors individually). However, there are some special situations when exercise should be abandoned. Contraindications may include. Pregnancy at risk, shortening cervix, spotting and bleeding during pregnancy. In some cases, physical activity or excessive exertion can lead to premature labor or miscarriage. On the other hand, there are studies confirming the protective effect of physical activity on the occurrence of gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia(  Either way, you should always ask your doctor whether exercise and exertion are prohibited in your case.

More examples of contraindications can be found in the table

If I was obese before pregnancy then I should introduce physical activity during pregnancy to lose weight. TRUE

(Standards of the Polish Gynecological Society: Obstetric care of obese pregnant women)

 According to the guidelines of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, obese women should start introducing physical activity already before pregnancy to limit weight gain. During pregnancy, unless there are other contraindications, they should exercise at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes. The best way seems to be to walk and evaluate the number of steps taken. The number of steps above 5,000 per day is already rated as good physical activity. It is important to remember not to suddenly introduce very demanding and strenuous exercises or restrictive diets.

You can’t play every sport during pregnancy. TRUE

 During pregnancy, avoid traumatic sports where mom’s body could be injured. These include skiing and snowboarding, all kinds of combat sports, weightlifting or seemingly trivial cycling (it’s better to choose a stationary bike). It is important to remember to avoid sports that release a lot of adrenaline, and thus raise blood pressure significantly. It is better to focus on relaxing, stretching and calming exercises or specially guided classes for pregnant women. Long, leisurely walks are also welcome. Choosing this type of activity will avoid injury and worries about the child’s health and condition.

Considering the sheer physical toil of childbirth, as well as the subsequent carrying of the baby, car seat or stroller up the stairs, it is important to remember before and during pregnancy to take care of your physical fitness, which will better prepare your body for the new tasks. It is best to seek advice from physiotherapists, who will prepare exercises tailored to each person individually. The most important thing is not to do anything on your own without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm both yourself and your child.

PS. A kind of physical activity is also having sex, but about that in the next article 🙂

Bartosz Godek
doctor gynecologist-obstetrician

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