Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressKnown and liked who trust us
Deciding to collect cord blood at birth is difficult. However, due to the fact that stem cells are increasingly being used in therapies, more and more Parents are opting for banking.

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Dominika Gwit-Dunaszewska
Cord blood banking. Yes, we decided to do it. Why? Stem cells from cord blood can be collected only once in a lifetime, just at birth. They can support the treatment of more than 80 diseases including cancers such as leukemia. I myself learned about banking from social media, which is why I am speaking out here.
I know that there are both supporters and opponents of banking. On the other hand, we, based on the knowledge we gained, talking to the doctor, decided to secure our dziecko❤️ I hope we will never have to use cord blood, but just knowing that you can save your child’s life in case of contracting one of the diseases from the indications is a great relief.
Remember to verify all information found on the Internet and use proven scientific sources. Any future parent considering the decision to bank should make it based on reliable sources. We made just such a decision -
Lenka i Jan Kliment
We know that the layette for the baby are not only material things but above all health which is the most important and which is always to be taken care of! We have always heard somewhere about cord blood, but we have never been aware of it and have never had to deal with it, since then, when we are waiting for a baby, a lot of our friends have been urging us to donate cord blood because they have taken care of it themselves and know that it is one of the most important things, although we hope that it will never be useful and needed, of course.
I hear that there are very different opinions among people about cord blood collection while we decided right away and the whole big golden package we are taking with us to the birth. We are prepared and are just waiting for you our little one.
The health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta.
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM. -
Zofia Zborowska-Wrona
ActressThe health and safety of my daughters is most important to me. Medicine is developing incredibly fast, which is why, without hesitation, my husband and I once again decided to donate cord blood. Such an investment, in my opinion, is the most essential part of the “layette” for the baby. We chose the platinum package, which obtains cells not only from cord blood, but also from the umbilical cord and placenta. -
Magdalena Lamparska
ActressWe believe in science and medical development. After a time of gathering knowledge about cord blood banking, recommendations from friends, we are sure that this is a good decision for our family.
Health and safety is the most important thing. It is the best investment. -
Martyna Wojciechowska
ReporterIf there is a chance that the cord blood collected during childbirth and deposited with PBKM could one day save my daughter’s health and life, it is certainly worth taking care of. -
Sylwia Przybysz i Jak Dąbrowski
Singer, VlogerWe decided to secure biological material because it is a kind of life insurance policy for our loved ones.
Securing hematopoietic stem cells gives us the opportunity to use more than 80 serious oncological and hematological diseases reimbursed by the National Health Fund for treatment, and the health and life of our children is most precious to us. -
Monika Mazur-Chrapusta
Actress and TV presenterI have been familiar with the topic of stem cell banking for a long time – my Mom is a midwife. From the moment we found out that we were going to become Parents storing our baby’s cord blood was obvious to us. We didn’t give it a second thought. -
Weronika Książkiewicz
ActressBoris is my whole world, and his health and safety are most important to me.
I hope that stem cells will never be needed for my son, but depositing the cord blood in PBKM is an opportunity I could not pass up. Thank you Weronika Ksiazkiewicz -
Krzysztof Jankowski Jankes
JournalistLet’s remember that childbirth is the only time when we can collect cord blood. We are really happy that we took this option. My wife and I made the decision together and as a result, our son has his cord blood banked and we all sleep soundly. -
Paulina Holtz
ActressFrom the moment I found out about the new life sprouting inside me, I knew that I would do EVERYTHING to make my baby healthy…. On donating cord blood to the Bank I did not think for a moment. I wouldn’t want to regret someday that I didn’t do something and I could have…. -
Aleksandra Kisio
ActressThe health of my child is most important to me, so I decided to collect cord blood and store it in the Polish Stem Cell Bank. This is a safeguard for me for the future. It gives me peace of mind that I’ve done everything to help my little one if necessary. -
Dominika Figurska
ActressI believe that stem cells are the future of medicine. I couldn’t deny my daughter such an opportunity, especially since her blood could help her older sister in the future as well. -
Ania i Michał Wiśniewscy
SingersThe health and safety of our children is most important to us. Storing cord blood seems to us a unique opportunity to take care of their future. Xavier, Fabienne and Etiennette already have their “security” in place. Thanks to the kindness of the Polish Bank of Stem Cells, our youngest daughter, Vivienne Vienna has also been equipped with it. Thank you very much ! By the same token, however, we hope that during their lifetime there will be no need to use it. -
Katarzyna Cichopek i Marcin Hakiel
Actress, DancerDepositing our son’s cord blood at PBKM is the most beautiful, unique and smartest birthday gift we could give him. -
Anna Bulczak
Midwife and Certified Lactation Consultant.In my practice, I have seen far too many cases of these “one in a million” cases that hardly ever happen. In addition, there were risk factors somewhere in my family that led me to this decision and one that my husband and I made. -
Paweł Papke
Volleyball playerStoring cord blood shows that Parents are increasingly thinking about protecting their children’s health in the long term. We want to make sure that we can take care not only of our children’s upbringing and education, but most importantly of their health and lives. Nothing is more important than feeling that our family is safe. We chose the Polish Bank of Stem Cells because it is the most trusted institution among those close to us. We have already stored the blood of our two children at PBKM.
Lista opinii
Monika Pyrek
I learned about the possibility of storing cord blood from the doctor who took care of my health during training and competing for the Polish national team.
He didn’t have to convince me or my husband, we trusted him right away, just as we trusted him throughout the entire sports kareir.
For me, the decision to have a child was well thought out and planned. The time of pregnancy was the anticipation of my Little Miracle! And when he came into the world I decided that I would do everything to ensure a safe and healthy future for my greatest treasure! -
Bartek Marszałek
Polish competitor in motorsport Formula 1, ORLEN Team rider
I am making my debut in the role of a dad and, exploring the topic before the birth, I learned about the possibility of depositing the baby’s cord blood in the Polish Bank of Stem Cells.I did not realize that such blood can save the health and life of my daughter. It is a beautiful miracle of nature and the only chance to collect such blood is only during childbirth.
Without thinking too much, I decided to take such a step. Let’s hope it doesn’t come in handy, but I prefer to rest easy and if you can afford such a step, it’s worth serious consideration. The procedure itself is simple, you get a box, which you take to the hospital, and the rest is handled by the midwife.
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Journalist -
Małgorzata Socha
Actress -
Glinka Katarzyna
Actress -
Ania Dąbrowska
Singer -
Małgorzata Kożuchowska
Actress -
Renata Dancewicz
Actress -
Izabela Kuna
Actress -
Natalia Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Bujakiewicz
Actress -
Magdalena Różczka
Actress -
Daria Widawska
Actress -
Ada Fijał
Actress -
Anna i Piotr Rubik
Singers -
Anna Karczmarczyk
Actress (photo: Urszula Debska) -
Radosław Pazura i Dorota Chotecka
Actors -
Katarzyna Trzaskalska
Singer -
Agnieszka Popielewicz
Journalist -
Justyna Steczkowska
Singer -
Andrzej Sołtysik
Lista opinii
Katarzyna Zielińska
When you make a family the words you know take on a different meaning. Care, anxiety, illness, health, life. Therefore, it is out of CARE not to FEAR for the LIFE and HEALTH of my loved ones, to protect them from DISEASES those I know and those I don’t yet know existed that I decided to donate cord blood to the stem cell bank.
They can be collected only once, and they can be used even after decades of storage. This is worth knowing about. -
Dorota Czaja
I treat cord blood banking as a kind of insurance for my child. The uniqueness of this insurance is that it is not a financial support for treatment, but a ready-made remedy.
I was inspired to support this idea by the statements of all of us. I observed that the phrases that “money doesn’t give happiness” and “health is the most important” are often said in the same sentence. Taking into account that the cost of the cord blood storage service is no more important than the total amount the family often spends on “navel” gifts, I concluded that I prefer not to replicate the “wise Pole after the loss” scheme and make an investment in health.
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie
Actor -
Anita Sokołowska
Actress -
Anna Wyszkoni
Singer -
Klaudia Carlos
Journalist -
Emilia i Mariusz Czerkawscy
1st Vice Miss Polonia and Hockey player -
Danijel Ljuboja
Footballer -
Dorota Gardias
Journalist -
Łukasz i Edyta Golec
Singers -
Jakub Wesołowski
Actor -
Maria Sadowska
Singer -
Aneta i Krzysztof Perchuć
Actors -
Anna Korcz
Actress -
Paulina Przybysz
Singer -
Katarzyna Herman
Actress -
Marcin Bosak
Actor -
Tamara Arciuch i Bartłomiej Kasprzykowski
Actors -
Agnieszka Cegielska
Presenter -
Eliza i Dariusz Kordkowie