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Week 30 of pregnancy - what is the belly during this period? Baby's development at 7 months

Week 30 of pregnancy – what is the belly during this period? Baby’s development at 7 months


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The thirtieth week of pregnancy means that there are only 10 weeks left until delivery. Many women can't wait for the baby to come into the world, so 3. The trimester is getting very long for them. It is worth spending it on building a bond with your child and relaxing. It is important to listen to the needs of the body, which may need more recovery. See how pregnancy progresses at 30. week.

The 30th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Many moms-to-be wonder in which month of pregnancy the 30th falls. week. It is the very center of the 7. month and the initial week of the 3rd. trimester. There is not much left before the birth. Most pregnant women are looking forward to welcoming their baby into the world and are busily preparing for it. Some of them experience anxiety and stress, which is related to concerns about the course of labor itself and the pain accompanying it.

Child Development at 30. week of pregnancy

W 30. The week of fetal life does not occur such a dynamic and intensive development of the toddler, because he has all the organs developed, and most of them have already started working . However, the lungs are still being formed. Folds and new nerve connections are forming in the brain. All the senses also work well. W 30. The week of pregnancy strengthens the baby’s skeletal system. The amount of adipose tissue also increases, and the baby’s body is covered with mesquite, which is responsible for maintaining normal body temperature. At the time of delivery, this miasma is absent.

W 30. During the week of pregnancy, the immune system of the future family member begins to develop. This happens due to the antibodies that are passed to him by mom. In addition, its genital organs are already properly developed, which makes it easier to identify the sex of the child.

What does a child look like in 30. Week of pregnancy?

The baby in the last trimester of pregnancy already looks almost the same as a newborn, albeit much smaller . It measures about 40 centimeters, and weighs up to 1.5 kg. In the event of a premature birth, it has a good chance of surviving outside the mother’s body. However, a premature baby must remain under close neonatal care. This is because he may develop all sorts of complications due to the immaturity of certain internal organs. It also does not yet have well-developed body fat.

Baby’s movements at 30. week of pregnancy

3o. The week of pregnancy is the time when the baby has less and less space in the uterus, so its movements are no longer so intense . Nevertheless, they are still very well felt by the mother-to-be and can still cause pain – especially those kicks that are made towards the abdominal organs. The toddler’s movements can be stimulated by eating something sweet, music, talking to the belly or stroking it.

In some cases, the baby’s positioning may already be prepared for delivery. Nevertheless, there is no cause for concern when this does not happen. The toddler still has some time (and space) to turn around. Most babies lay head down. However, it may happen that the fetus assumes a buttock or transverse position.

How the body is changing at 30. Week of pregnancy?

Belly at 30. The week of pregnancy is already large and continues to grow. Also, the bottom of the uterus is located higher. The organ begins to put pressure not only on internal organs, but also on blood vessels and nerves. It is associated with a number of unpleasant discomforts.

Mom-to-be at 30. Week of pregnancy may see a decrease in energy. She should not give up her daily activities for this reason, but she must also make sure to rest and relax so that the body has time to recover. As a result of hormonal changes, frequent mood swings may occur.

Ailments at 30. Week of pregnancy, or the most common symptoms

Ailments at 30. week of pregnancy are primarily due to the steadily increasing abdominal circumference and weight gain, and may accompany you for the rest of your pregnancy. Breathing problems are present because the diaphragm is compressed. The mother-to-be may also tire faster and catch breathlessness even after undemanding physical exertion. Some women observe snoring in themselves.

Large belly at 30. A week of pregnancy can cause sleep problems. Insomnia is caused by pressure on the bladder, requiring more frequent visits to the toilet – including at night. Interestingly, the baby’s movements can awaken from sleep. The toddler usually sleeps during the day, while being active at night.

Gastrointestinal complaints are very annoying. The stomach is very compressed, so heartburn often occurs after eating food. The mother-to-be should ensure that meals are not too hearty. You also need to include fiber products in your diet, as this helps prevent constipation.

The uterus can put pressure on blood vessels. This contributes to the disruption of blood flow. Because of this, swelling of the lower extremities often occurs. When nerves are also compressed, spinal pain is experienced. Often develops sciatica, which manifests itself in pain that radiates up to the leg. Although this period is considered troublesome, it is worth focusing on the positive aspects of pregnancy at the time – being grateful helps you get through these difficult moments.

The 30th week of pregnancy – recommendations for the mother-to-be

During this stage of pregnancy, nesting syndrome may intensify. The mother-to-be instinctively prepares for the baby’s arrival in the world. This is the perfect time to complete a layette and even prepare a bag for the birth. However, a woman must not forget that her body must also be prepared for childbirth. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises, exercise the Kegel muscles, and maintain daily physical activity, adapted to the condition and capabilities. It’s a good idea to go for walks, ride a stationary bike or do some gymnastics at home.

If there are no contraindications, you can go for a massage with fascial therapy. This method is designed to reduce tension in the muscles of the spine, which are not lacking at this stage of pregnancy. It is also said to improve the overall well-being of the mother-to-be.

It’s worth talking to your midwife and discussing your birth plan with her. A pregnant woman should have knowledge of options to reduce the sensation of pain. It is necessary to prepare not only your body, but also your psyche. Relaxation and learning stress management techniques are recommended. One should refrain from listening to other women’s stories about childbirth and related discomforts – because everyone has different feelings.

W 30. week of pregnancy, you can talk to your partner about accompanying the birth. The presence of a loved one improves the comfort of the pregnant woman and gives a greater sense of security. However, it is worth remembering that this must be a joint decision. Not everyone (this applies to both men and women) is ready for such an undertaking.

What tests to perform in the last trimester of pregnancy?

W 30. Week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman should report for further examinations – if she did not do them at the beginning of the 7th. of the month. Appointments should be scheduled individually with your doctor.

Recommended research in 30. The weeks of pregnancy are:

  • General examination and gynecological examination,
  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • general urinalysis,
  • blood laboratory tests,
  • weight measurement,
  • blood pressure measurement.

The thirtieth week of pregnancy is the last moment to perform an anti-RH antibody test. It is very important because it allows you to detect the risk of serological conflict. If a mother is RH negative and her baby is positive, a number of complications can arise. This is because the pregnant woman’s body produces antibodies directed against the D antigen, present on the surface of the toddler’s erythrocytes. As a result, the newborn develops hemolytic disease. To prevent this, a woman is given anti-D-Rh antibodies (this is best done between 28 and 30 weeks of pregnancy).

Between 28. a 32. week of pregnancy, it is advisable to perform a final ultrasound (ultrasound), where the doctor will assess the baby’s heart function, growth rate and pregnancy risk. Another one is recommended only if there is a need for it (the delivery did not take place at 40 weeks of pregnancy or worrying symptoms appeared). The thirtieth week of pregnancy is therefore a good time to see a doctor for an ultrasound.

The 30th week of pregnancy and cord blood collection

This stage of pregnancy is the last call to opt for cord blood collection at delivery. There is not much time left until the solution, and before that, the necessary tests need to be done for both the mother and the future family member. More and more Parents are using stem cell banks because of the benefits of such an opportunity. These cells are used to treat the child or his siblings, if necessary. It is worth considering this option, as it may save the life of a toddler in the future.

Read also: How much does the baby weigh and look like at 31 weeks of pregnancy?


  • What is the size and weight of the child in 30. Week of pregnancy?

A toddler in this period is the size of a pineapple and measures about 40 cm, while its weight is up to 1.5 kg. It already has properly developed sexual organs. Most organs are fully developed and have taken up their work.

  • What the mother-to-be should remember at 30. Week of pregnancy?

At this stage, a woman may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms until the last week of pregnancy. It is therefore worthwhile for her to take care not only of her physical health, but also her well-being. She can go, for example, for a relaxing massage and pedicure at a salon, especially since performing such a treatment on her own is hampered by a sizable belly.

  • What symptoms accompany a woman during 30. Week of pregnancy?

During the 30th. Week of pregnancy, a woman may experience states of euphoria alternating with irritation, which is quite normal through the chaos of the hormonal economy. In addition, mothers-to-be then not infrequently suffer from metabolic disorders, insomnia, gastrointestinal complaints or swelling of the lower extremities.

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