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The 34th week of pregnancy - it's not long now! Toddler development and related ailments

The 34th week of pregnancy – it’s not long now! Toddler development and related ailments


8 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 34th week of pregnancy is almost the end. Mom and dad are about to welcome their little one into the world. Parents-to-be must realize that childbirth can occur at any time. Therefore, they should be prepared for it. See how pregnancy progresses in 34. week.

The mom-to-be can count down the days until delivery. In just a few weeks she will be holding the baby in her arms. It is advisable to prepare your body for the great effort of bringing a child into the world. It is a good idea to do breathing exercises, exercise the Kegel muscles and do gymnastics (such as with a gym ball). The mother-to-be should also have a layette completed and a delivery bag packed – it’s a good idea to be ready for the eventuality of an early birth.

The 34th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

This is an important point about the 34th week of pregnancy: which month is it? The mother-to-be can answer questions by saying she is in the middle of 8. month of pregnancy. There is not much left before the birth. In an ideal scenario, it will occur in six weeks. However, it is also correct to postpone the deadline by 14 days (both backward and forward).

How a child develops in 34. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 34. Week of pregnancy has almost completed its development. Almost all internal organs are already developed and have taken up their function. However, the adaptation of the lungs to life outside mom’s body is still ongoing. New synapses are constantly forming in the brain. Nor are all the bones fused together – we are talking about the skull, which remains soft so that the baby can pass freely through the birth canal.

Child in 34. Week of pregnancy performs respiratory movements of the chest. It also swallows amniotic fluid and inhales it through its nose. Such exercises prepare him to start the breathing process.

The baby in the womb has a fixed sleep and wakefulness mode. When he’s not sleeping, his eyes are open. All his senses are developed. The baby responds to sounds, light and touch, and is also familiar with tastes.

During the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s immune system develops intensively. This process will not be completed for some time after birth. The toddler already has some antibodies that have been given to him by his mother. However, immunity is still developing up to 12. year of age. The role of Parents is to support it in every possible way.

What the child looks like in 34. Week of pregnancy?

The baby’s weight at 34. Week of pregnancy can already exceed 2 kg. Its body length is between 40-50 cm. The toddler already looks almost identical to a newborn. However, it continues to grow. Weekly it can increase its body weight by up to 200 grams. Baby’s skin at 34. The week of pregnancy is already thick, smooth and pink in color. It is covered with fetal ointment. On the other hand, the fetal miasma has already disappeared.

Baby’s movements and position in 34. week of pregnancy

The position of the child in 34. The week of pregnancy is already the one in which the baby will be born. Most line up head down. This is the most desirable situation, because it allows you to pass through the birth canal almost without any problems. It is also a safe position for the baby and its mother.

However, it happens that a child in 34. Week of pregnancy is located laterally or buttocks down. In such situations, natural childbirth can be made much more difficult or even impossible. Therefore, most often doctors decide to perform a cesarean section.

The movements made by the child in 34. Week of pregnancy slightly lose their intensity. The toddler has very little room in the uterus to turn around, do flips or wiggle its arms and legs. This does not mean that it is not trying. The mother-to-be can feel it very painfully – especially if the kick is aimed straight at the bladder or ribs. Baby movements at 34. Week of pregnancy can sometimes be observed from the outside. During them, the abdominal shells ripple or briefly change shape (characteristic bulges appear).

How the body changes in 34. Week of pregnancy?

Mom’s body weight and belly at 34. The weeks of pregnancy are growing. The extra weight is the cause of many unpleasant discomforts. The pregnant woman must be patient. In a few weeks she will feel better, and all the effort will be rewarded in the form of a toddler held in her arms.

The mother-to-be may feel excitement, but also impatience and even fatigue with the anticipation of the baby’s arrival in the world. Many women during this period also feel a strong temptation to prepare the house for the arrival of a toddler. This is the so-called. nesting syndrome. It could have appeared at earlier stages of pregnancy, but now it can be really strong.

Although it is the end of pregnancy, hormonal changes are still present. As a result, mood disorders can occur. These are compounded by the stress of the birth itself. A mother-to-be should take special care of her mental health.


Ailments at 34. week of pregnancy

Pregnancy complaints at 34. weeks can be really annoying. First of all, back pain is increasing. Some women also develop symptoms of sciatica, which is caused by compression of the uterus on the sciatic nerve.

W 34. The week of pregnancy, swelling of the lower extremities is also present. They are caused by an increase in the volume of circulating blood, but also by its obstruction. The uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels, which contributes to blood stasis. As a result, lymph accumulates in the tissues. Swelling makes the mother-to-be feel sluggish and uncomfortable.

A common ailment in 34. The week of pregnancy is also heartburn. The stomach is compressed from below by the uterus. Therefore, the ingested food backs up into the esophagus. To prevent this, eat small portions.

What research in 34. Week of pregnancy worth performing?

W 34. Week of pregnancy, the mother-to-be should visit her gynecologist for further tests. As recommended, the following are mandatory:

  • general urinalysis,
  • blood count,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • General gynecological and obstetrical examination,
  • assessment of pelvic dimensions,
  • Assessment of fetal heart function.

In addition, it is recommended that in 34. Week of pregnancy perform cultures for beta-hemolytic streptococci. It is a very dangerous pathogen for a child, as it can be life-threatening. It is responsible for most infections in newborns. The infection occurs during childbirth – the bacterium from the vagina enters the amniotic fluid, which the baby aspirates into the lungs. W 34. During the week of pregnancy, testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C infection can also be repeated for women who are at increased risk.

It is also recommended that in 34. Week perform a breast examination. The belief that a pregnant woman can’t develop any disturbing changes in them is wrong. For moms-to-be, this type of prevention is extremely important.

Whether to give birth in 34. Week of pregnancy is possible?

Birth in 34. Week of pregnancy is possible. This is not a correct situation. Its cause is multifactorial. Sometimes it is not possible to determine what caused the onset of preterm labor. Sometimes doctors decide to terminate a pregnancy early due to medical indications. One of them is pre-eclampsia. W 34. Week of pregnancy, the baby can be born by natural childbirth or by cesarean section.

W 34. A week of pregnancy can result in labor when the mother-to-be is expecting twins. Statistics show that multifetal pregnancies often end at this time. This is not a rule, but a pregnant woman should be prepared for such an eventuality. Twins can be born by natural force, if there are no contraindications.

A baby born in 34. One week pregnant, he is a premature baby. Due to the maturity of its internal organs, it has a very good chance of surviving on its own. However, she may still need specialized neonatal care. In toddlers who were born in 34. Week of pregnancy, the most common difficulties are:

  • problems with food intake,
  • Problems with maintaining a normal body temperature,
  • breathing problems,
  • Increased jaundice.

A baby born in 34. Week of pregnancy also requires prolonged hospitalization. Its duration is determined on an individual basis and depends primarily on the overall condition of the toddler. A newborn can be discharged when it is gaining weight properly, maintaining its body temperature and its vital functions are stable. The management of a premature baby is decided by the medical team on the basis of examination and observation.

See also: toddler development at 35 weeks of pregnancy

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