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The 25th week of pregnancy - what's going on with the baby in the belly and how does the mom feel?

The 25th week of pregnancy – what’s going on with the baby in the belly and how does the mom feel?


8 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

Enlarging abdomen at 25. week of pregnancy and further changes in the body make the mother-to-be begin to experience new pregnancy discomforts. She may suffer from back pain, insomnia and increasing fatigue. The toddler is developing very intensively to come into the world in just a dozen weeks. See how pregnancy progresses in 25. week.

W 25. The week of pregnancy the mother-to-be should pay a lot of attention to her own well-being. If health permits, she can remain active. However, it is advisable for her to take special care of her rest. It is worth listening to your body – drops in energy are a signal that it needs intensive recovery. The pregnant woman should also keep an eye on her follow-up appointments. The twenty-fifth week is the right time to test for gestational diabetes.

The 25th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

Moms-to-be who are wondering in which month of pregnancy the 25th falls. week, they should know that it is the end of the 6th. of the month. It’s still the second trimester, but in two weeks the final stage of waiting for the baby will begin. During this period, all changes are noticeable earlier, because the toddler grows very quickly. Each week also increases its chance of survival outside the woman’s body in case of premature birth.

How a child develops at 25. Week of pregnancy?

Child Development at 25. The week of pregnancy is still intense. Internal organs learn their functions. The alveoli in the lungs are multiplying, and the toddler is practicing chest movements. However, it is still too early for this organ to take up the job, should there be an early delivery.

The child’s body is getting stronger, so it can practice new movements. Fatty tissue accumulates under the skin. The skin is getting thicker and turning pink. This is because small blood vessels are beginning to form.

In the brain of a child at 25. The week of pregnancy completes the formation of nerve pathways that carry motor and sensory impulses. The senses are also functioning better and better. The toddler responds to sounds, as well as touching the abdominal layers.

W 25. Week of pregnancy, the baby’s nostrils become unobstructed. As a result, it begins to draw in fetal water through the nose. Such activity is learning to breathe.

Interestingly, the child in 25. Week of pregnancy already has developed vocal cords. Parents-to-be may not hear any sounds, but the toddler is often already making them. In addition, his permanent teeth are emerging.

What is the body length and weight of the child at 25. Week of pregnancy?

The toddler’s body is getting bigger week by week. It becomes longer, but also heavier. The baby’s weight at 25. Week of pregnancy is about 700 g. On the other hand, it measures 22 cm. If the measurement were taken with the length of the lower limbs, the result would already exceed 30 cm.

It is worth remembering that the above parameters for the child’s body length and weight at 25. The weeks are approximate. Toddlers may perform slightly higher or lower. The doctor makes an assessment during the ultrasound examination and always informs Parents if the child’s development is not progressing properly, and makes appropriate recommendations.


The 25th week of pregnancy – the baby’s positioning and movements

W 25. A week of pregnancy, the positioning of the baby in the uterus is arbitrary. The toddler takes the position that is most comfortable for him. He also changes it frequently, as he is very active. He exercises his muscles and the skills he has acquired so far. Only after 32. The week of pregnancy, the baby changes position to the one in which it will be born. It can be cephalic (most desirable), pelvic or transverse (the baby is laid sideways in the uterus).

Baby movements at 25. Week of pregnancy are already more complicated. The toddler can turn around, do flips, wiggle his limbs, straighten and flex, as well as clench his hands into fists and grasp the umbilical cord. Motor activity also occurs in response to various external stimuli. A particularly beloved sound is mom’s voice. It is worth remembering that the child senses her emotions, including the negative ones.

Baby movements at 25. Week of pregnancy are already well felt by the mother-to-be. The toddler has less and less space in the uterus, so any change in position results in bumping against its walls. Although some kicks and punches can be a bit painful, sensing the baby’s movements is a wonderful moment for both Parents.

Interestingly, the baby’s movements are more often sensed by the mother in situations where she is resting. During activity, gentle rocking puts the toddler to sleep. It has also been observed that it has a stimulating effect on the fetus to eat a meal (especially something sweet) – this is related to the increase in blood glucose.

How the body is changing at 25. Week of pregnancy?

Belly at 25. Week of pregnancy is already significantly rounded, and the skin on it is tight. The breasts are also noticeably larger, as milk production by the milk follicles has begun. Food collects in the milk ducts, but sometimes a few drops escape.

Breast and abdominal enlargement in 25. Week of pregnancy results in a change in the figure. The body arranges itself differently to maintain balance. The weight of a woman’s body is also increasing, which can already be felt by the body and cause certain discomforts.

The uterus is very large – its diameter is about 25 cm. Because of this, the arrangement of organs inside the abdominal cavity is changing. They move slightly higher, resulting in pressure on the diaphragm.

The mother-to-be around 25. Week of pregnancy can observe dark spots on the face. It is an ostraca. Its cause is hormonal changes. It disappears within a few weeks after delivery. In addition, the navel flattens or becomes convex.

Mom’s symptoms and feelings in 25. week of pregnancy

W 25. Week of pregnancy new pregnancy complaints appear. They are associated with dynamic changes in a woman’s body. Difficulty breathing, caused by pressure on the diaphragm, can be troublesome. The mother-to-be may also notice that she tires more quickly, and some activities result in the appearance of shortness of breath. It happens that a woman begins to snore. All these discomforts subside after childbirth.

Breathing problems can be caused by hormones. They cause the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to expand. Because of this, airflow is somewhat impeded.

W 25. The week of pregnancy the mother-to-be may notice a decrease in energy. She is more sleepy during the day. There are also mood swings.

One of the more unpleasant ailments at 25. Week of pregnancy is incontinence, caused by the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, as well as the weakening of the uterine fundus muscles. During exertion, but also when sneezing or coughing, the bladder may partially empty against your will.

W 25. A week of pregnancy, hemorrhoids may appear. These are blood-filled nodules located around the anus. Their cause is an increase in venous pressure due to the pressure of the uterus on the blood vessels. Symptoms include burning and discomfort in the anal area, pain during defecation, mucus or blood in the stool.

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What tests should be performed in the 25th. Week of pregnancy?

The twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is a good time to have a checkup if the mother-to-be has not come in for one before. According to the recommendations of the Polish Gynecological Society at this time are mandatory:

  • general survey,
  • gynecological examination,
  • weight measurement,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • general urinalysis,
  • pH testing of vaginal secretions,
  • fetal heart function test.

A very important study in the 25. Week of pregnancy is an oral glucose load test. It allows the detection of gestational diabetes, which should be properly treated because it poses a risk to the woman and the baby.

Testing for gestational diabetes

Testing for gestational diabetes is referred to as an oral glucose load test or sugar curve. They should be made between 24. a 28. week. Sometimes the mother-to-be may be referred to them earlier. This is the case if she is in the risk group for gestational diabetes.

The test can be carried out in any medical laboratory. The pregnant woman should report to them on an empty stomach. It is advisable that it be held in the early morning hours, as it takes more than 2 hours.

The course of testing for diabetes in pregnancy is as follows:

  • Collection of blood from the elbow vein on an empty stomach,
  • Drinking a solution of water and 75 g of glucose,
  • Drawing blood from the elbow vein 1 hour after drinking the solution,
  • Taking blood from the elbow vein 2 hours after drinking the solution.

The glucose load test in pregnancy is performed only once. An abnormal result means gestational diabetes. Repetition of the test is required only in a situation where vomiting occurred after glucose ingestion.

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