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Preparation for childbirth and birthing school in the UK

Preparation for childbirth and birthing school in the UK


3 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

Childbirth school in the UK is not mandatory, but it is worth taking advantage of the available classes. An experienced midwife teaches future Parents to care for their newborn and prepares women for childbirth and breastfeeding. The birthing school includes a series of lectures and practical exercises.

Giving birth in the UK without knowing the language causes additional stress for most women. In such a situation, you can take advantage of a birthing school run by Polish midwives working in the UK. As part of the class, mothers-to-be can learn basic English phrases that will help them feel more confident during childbirth.

Who is the UK birthing school designed for?

Childbirth school classes (antenatal classes) are designed for all pregnant women, especially those who will become mothers for the first time or have never before given birth in a hospital outside of Poland. This is a good opportunity to learn about the standards of medical care, get answers to nagging questions, and find out what birth and pregnancy in the UK looks like step by step. At the birthing school, a woman may be accompanied by her partner or a close friend.

The birthing school is conducted by an experienced midwife at the hospital where the woman plans to give birth or at the nearest clinic. By attending classes, you can prepare for childbirth, parenting, newborn care and breastfeeding. The advantage of the birthing school is the opportunity to get acquainted with the birthing tract and the medical personnel who will care for the mother-to-be and her baby. Often, friendships are born at the classes – women share their emotions and experiences, which continues after the arrival of the little one in the world (especially since in many cases it takes place on a similar date).

Birth school schedule

Childbirth school in the UK is a class that consists of lectures and practical exercises. They can be held once a week on a weekday or on weekends. The plan covers preparations for childbirth and what happens after the baby is born. Sample topics in the birthing school include this:

  • How to recognize childbirth;
  • What are the types of anesthesia during childbirth;
  • What position can be adopted for delivery;
  • How to breathe during labor;
  • How to deal with stress and labor pains;
  • How to cooperate with medical personnel;
  • What are the ways to induce labor.

Parents-to-be also learn how to care for the child in the first moments of life (bathing, dressing, meeting needs). A woman receives a lot of information on postpartum, breastfeeding, and postpartum depression.

Is birthing school in the UK free?

Childbirth school in the UK is free if the mother-to-be takes National Health Service (NHS) classes. The midwife will inform you about the possibility of participating in such activities during one of your follow-up visits. This most often occurs in the 7th month of pregnancy, which is when labor is imminent. There are also classes available in the UK exclusively for couples who are expecting twins (or more children), as well as for teenage girls or single mothers.

There are also private birthing schools in the UK. Their advantage is that the classes are more intimate and even individual with access to the future Parents’ home. Increasingly, Polish birthing schools in the UK can be found as a solution for women who do not speak English. The cost of such classes ranges from £100 to £200.

Childbirth school classes vs. work

In the UK, a woman does not receive a doctor’s exemption from work due to pregnancy. Instead, the employer must give her free hours to attend classes at the birthing school (if they are held during working hours). For this time, he receives a normal salary.

See also: How to prepare for natural childbirth?

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