Pregnant women's
Pregnancy week by week

How to prepare for breastfeeding?
Breast milk, according to current recommendations, is the best food for a baby in its first months of life. Therefore, it is important for the mother-to-be to properly prepare for breastfeeding, as well as to know the benefits that come with it. It is a good idea to start preparing for breastfeeding while you are still pregnant.

World cord blood day and cord blood days
The 15th of November is World Cord Blood Day. In Poland in 2022, we celebrate this holiday in a unique way. In as many as 9 cities, it is possible to donate cord blood to a public bank, allowing the properties of the stem cells in it to be used by those in need. We also want the public's awareness of cord blood and how to use it to steadily increase. Find out where to donate blood for public purposes and the differences between family banks and public banks.

What to look for when choosing a hospital for childbirth?
An informed decision about the hospital where the birth will take place is very important. Parents should take it up while the pregnancy is still in progress, based on the criteria they have chosen. Find out what aspects to look out for when choosing a hospital for childbirth.

Pregnancy calculator

Treatments to improve comfort during childbirth
Every woman in labor has the right to give birth in conditions that are comfortable for her with pain relief methods. Various procedures are also performed during labor to improve the comfort of the parturient. Find out what methods are available to make the mother-to-be more comfortable during childbirth.

Indications for cesarean section
Caesarean section is an operation, so proper indications are necessary to perform it. They can be divided into obstetric and non-obstetric causes. In some cases, a cesarean section is planned in advance, and sometimes the decision to perform it is made suddenly. Find out what are the indications for cesarean section.

Formalities after the birth of a child – what to do, when to do it, what to see to at work?
Formalities after the birth of a child are official matters that must be settled within a few days or so after the birth in order for the toddler to become a full-fledged citizen of the country. Further down the line, think about insurance or applying for financial benefits for the newborn.

Surgical delivery-when is it necessary?
A surgical delivery is a natural childbirth during which the use of a vacuum or obstetric forceps is necessary to deliver the baby safely. To use them, specific indications are necessary. Surgical delivery carries risks, but in this case, the safe birth of the baby is more important.

Lotus birth – what is it?
Lotus delivery is a rare variety of childbirth. It exemplifies the most natural and physiological approach to child birth. Although it is not popular in Poland, some Parents choose to have a lotus birth. Is lotus delivery possible in a hospital? What risks does it carry?