Pregnant women's
Pregnancy week by week

35 weeks of pregnancy – ailments of the mother-to-be. Assessing the risk of preterm labor.
The 35th week of pregnancy is a crucial time for the mother-to-be. The accompanying ailments are getting worse. She is already tired of them and is looking forward to giving birth. If she has a multiple pregnancy, this may be the last chance to prepare before the imminent termination. What the child looks like in 35. Week of pregnancy? What about mom's well-being? How to take care of yourself and what to think about before welcoming a toddler into the world? Check it out!

33 weeks of pregnancy – when there are 6 weeks left until delivery
The 33rd week of pregnancy is very important for the baby. Its respiratory system is gaining efficiency, but not enough to allow the baby to breathe on its own in the event of delivery, so adequate safety and rest are extremely important. The attention of the mother-to-be may also be drawn to new pregnancy complaints. In the following article, we present the highlights of the 33rd running. Week of pregnancy, the most common ailments and the most important information about the development of the baby.

The 19th week of pregnancy – the time when you can know the sex of the baby!
The 19th week of pregnancy is the long-awaited time for parents-to-be to know with 100% certainty the sex of the baby - the fetus shows visible sex characteristics. The baby's movements are usually still very gentle, as it still has a lot of free space in the uterus. What else do these joyous days bring? How is the child developing? And how does the mother feel? Read!

The 20th week of pregnancy – the baby’s development accelerates
The 20th week of pregnancy is the moment when the baby's development clearly accelerates. Internal organs are already formed - now they are learning to perform their function. The baby's body begins to be covered with fetal ointment, its skin becomes thicker, and its movements become stronger and more intense. See how pregnancy progresses during the 20th. One week of pregnancy.

The 18th week of pregnancy – in anticipation of the baby’s first movements
The 18th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 5th. month, so almost halfway through. During this period, the mother-to-be eagerly awaits the baby's first movements. Of course, it has been performing them for a long time, while the slowly shrinking space in the uterus makes them palpable. Pregnant week 18. is the time when the mother-to-be should take care of her health and introduce special exercises into her life.

22 Week of pregnancy – what does the baby look like and how much does it weigh? Feelings of the mother-to-be
The 22nd week of pregnancy is exactly 20. Week of the baby's life and 5. Month (2nd trimester) of pregnancy. This is the time for a midterm ultrasound. The baby is about 25-30 cm long and weighs about 400-600 g. They can be compared in size to a zucchini, eggplant or large coconut. The 22nd week of pregnancy is when the baby sleeps about 14 hours in the womb. You can observe its daily rhythm: sleep and wakefulness. See how the body of the mother-to-be is changing and how she should take care of herself.

Cytology in pregnancy
Cytology is a screening test for cervical cancer. This extremely important test should be performed regularly by every woman. Doctors advise that while you are preparing to get pregnant, you should also get a follow-up cytology. In turn, when should cytology be performed during pregnancy?

Induction of labor – methods
Labor induction is one of the most commonly performed procedures in obstetrics. One-fifth of births in developed countries begin with induction. In uncomplicated pregnancies, according to current PTGiP recommendations, it is reasonable to induce labor at 41. One week of pregnancy. What are the contraindications and possible complications of inducing labor?

Baby blues – how to deal with it?
The period after the birth of a child is special, but also very difficult for many mothers. Emotions such as happiness and joy are interspersed with fear associated with the new role and responsibilities. This is completely normal and many women are affected by the baby blues after giving birth. However, it is important to know its symptoms and how to distinguish it from postpartum depression. So what symptoms accompany a newly minted mom at that time? How to deal with them? We will discuss these and other issues in this article.