Pregnant women's
Pregnancy week by week

Week 10 of pregnancy – symptoms and changes in the mother’s body. What discomforts to expect at this stage?
The 10th week of pregnancy is a period of great change, looking not only at the development of the baby, but also at the woman's body. At this early stage of pregnancy, it is already possible to confirm the presence of the fetus by performing a non-invasive prenatal test or ultrasound. The pregnant woman herself may already be experiencing specific discomforts that are typical in the first trimester of pregnancy. Find out what changes occur in a woman's body in the tenth week of pregnancy, what symptoms are characteristic and what the baby looks like at this time. You can find a compendium of knowledge in this area below.

The 11th week of pregnancy – how many cm is the baby, what symptoms bother the mom, which tests are worth doing?
The eleventh week of pregnancy is the time to perform the first ultrasound, checking that the baby is developing properly and the mother-to-be is feeling well. Many pregnancy discomforts arise during this period, but it is nevertheless advisable to start exercising the Kegel muscles and take a course at a birthing school. This is also a key time to start planning for further prenatal care and prepare for the changes that the second trimester brings. In addition, mothers-to-be can use this time to increase their knowledge of pregnancy and motherhood, which can help them better understand and accept the upcoming changes.

Week 6 of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?
W 6. The week of pregnancy you no longer have any doubt that you will soon become a mother. This is the point at which the gynecologist can confirm the presence of the embryo in the uterus. Despite great happiness, your mood may deteriorate. All due to the intense increase in hormones and the appearance of the first pregnancy discomforts. How does the body of a future mother change during this time of pregnancy? What does the child look like? The answers to these questions can be found right here.

Week 7 of pregnancy – baby’s development and mom’s well-being
Each day of waiting for a toddler is a special moment that brings a lot of excitement for parents-to-be. It also raises a lot of questions in their minds. 7. The week of pregnancy is a time when significant changes are taking place for both mom and the baby itself. For many women, this is also the period of their first experience of pregnancy symptoms. It is also crucial for the baby's development - all because its various organs are now being formed.

The 5th week of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?
The fifth week of pregnancy is the time when you are almost certain to become a mother. Two solid lines appeared on the pregnancy test strip. You have probably also observed the first symptoms that can make themselves known in a very violent way. Nevertheless, later in pregnancy they will not be so troublesome, and you will be able to enjoy this wonderful period to the fullest. You should find out what's going on in your body right now - rest assured, we'll tell you all about it here.

The 8th week of pregnancy – course and symptoms, baby’s development
Although the belly in 8. week of pregnancy is not yet visible, the toddler is making its presence known to the mother-to-be through, among other things. Discomfort felt over the pubic conjunctiva, digestive problems or headaches. The middle of the first trimester is a good time for the first visit to the gynecologist and the most important tests. How the pregnancy progresses in the 8th. week in most women and what can they expect from their future baby? We answer.

Week 9 of pregnancy – what month is it? What symptoms and emotions can be expected?
The 9th week of pregnancy begins the final phase of the 1st trimester, or the 3rd month of pregnancy. This is the stage during pregnancy when joy and excitement about a new situation mix with the increasingly annoying symptoms natural to that week of pregnancy. However, there is no need to worry, as the beginning of the second trimester and relief from most ailments is already on the horizon. We present the most important information and tips for the mom-to-be entering her third month of pregnancy!

Week 1 of pregnancy – what can the expectant mother expect?
The first week of pregnancy is a time of intense preparation of the body to receive the embryo. Although you don't feel any changes yet, there is certainly excitement at the thought that you may soon become a mom. Remember to take care of yourself - both physically and mentally. See how the 1st week of pregnancy goes.

Week 4 of pregnancy – what is happening in the body of mom and baby?
The fourth week of pregnancy is the moment when you can already observe the first harbingers of the fact that you are going to become a mother - some of them sometimes really give you a taste! You have several weeks ahead of you, during which you will prepare physically and mentally for your new role. So see what happens in the 4th. Week of pregnancy with you and the baby.