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How to get pregnant fast

How to get pregnant fast


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Many couples who decide to have a child want to get pregnant as soon as possible. However, most of them will need up to several months to achieve this goal. Are there ways to get pregnant quickly?

When is the easiest time to get pregnant?

The easiest way to get pregnant is during fertile days. They are easiest to determine in women who menstruate regularly or keep a calendar. If your cycles have been regular so far and have lasted 28 days, ovulation will most likely fall on the 14th. cycle day. However, fertile days last longer than 1 day. This is due to the sperm’s ability to survive in a woman’s body for about 72 hours. The egg cell, on the other hand, lives for about 24 hours. For this reason, it is assumed that the greatest chance of conception is between 11. a 15. cycle day. Of course, it should not be forgotten that it is impossible to determine with 100 percent certainty the date of ovulation. Often, too, due to various hormonal disorders or other external factors, the moment of its occurrence is postponed.

Experts recommend that couples trying to have a baby have regular unprotected intercourse. Intercourse is considered regular about 2-3 times a week. More frequent ones can weaken semen quality. Some couples get pregnant as early as the first cycle of efforts, while others need more time to do so. For women under 35. A trial of about a year is recommended. After that, you should start diagnosing problems with getting pregnant. In the case of women over 35. year old, these proceedings should be implemented more quickly.

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How to check your fertility?

Some women know their bodies and the changes in them well enough to predict their fertile days and ovulation. Some ladies use the calendar method to determine the length of their cycle. Body temperature can also be helpful, but not all women have an increase on the day of ovulation. Methods for determining fertility may therefore not be accurate and cause confusion.

Nowadays, special ovulation tests that detect luteinizing hormone and estrogen in a urine sample are available in pharmacies. They, too, do not give 100 percent certainty and are advised against by some specialists.

After a year of unsuccessful efforts, the couple should see a doctor to diagnose fertility problems. Both partners are always tested. Most often, the first tests in a woman are prolactin or TSH levels. Progesterone and so-called “progesterone” may also be tested. Ovarian reserve (anti-mullerian hormone- AMH). In men, on the other hand, the basic test is to examine semen and check its quality. If abnormalities are detected, further steps are performed under the care of a specialist.

Ways to get pregnant fast

There is no one specific way to speed up pregnancy. However, there are some principles that, if implemented, can make the process easier. The first is regular intercourse, every 2 days. Couples should not limit themselves to intercourse only on designated fertile days. In addition, it is worthwhile to properly prepare for pregnancy. Particularly important is a healthy and balanced diet, physical activity and giving up stimulants. Doctors also recommend taking care of proper body weight. Sometimes thyroid disease can be the cause of pregnancy problems, so it is worth checking TSH levels.

Read also:

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

Getting pregnant quickly with the use of various recommended sex positions has no scientific proof. These chances are also not improved by intercourse several times a day, as this significantly weakens the quality of a man’s semen. Also, do not compare yourself to others, as this leads to the emergence of pressure and negative emotions, which can only make it more difficult to get pregnant.


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