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33 weeks of pregnancy - when there are 6 weeks left until delivery

33 weeks of pregnancy – when there are 6 weeks left until delivery


9 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


The 33rd week of pregnancy is very important for the baby. Its respiratory system is gaining efficiency, but not enough to allow the baby to breathe on its own in the event of delivery, so adequate safety and rest are extremely important. The attention of the mother-to-be may also be drawn to new pregnancy complaints. In the following article, we present the highlights of the 33rd running. Week of pregnancy, the most common ailments and the most important information about the development of the baby.

The 33rd week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the middle of the 8th month. This is the time when the body begins to prepare for childbirth. The toddler wriggles and kicks, which often prevents the mother from assuming a comfortable position. A woman may also suffer from heartburn due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive system. At that time, it is worth seeking advice from more experienced moms or a specialist to alleviate discomfort and fully enjoy the time of waiting for an offspring.

The mother-to-be may also struggle with back pain, caused by the increased weight of the body. Due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower parts of the body, leg cramps are very likely to occur, exacerbated especially at night. However, the discomfort can be alleviated with magnesium and calcium supplements, but always consult your pregnancy doctor before taking the drugs.

The 33rd week of pregnancy – tips for the mom-to-be

Some of the most important tips aimed at moms-to-be include:

  • Good nutrition
    – Too few calories eaten, and thus too little weight gain for the woman, can result in a child’s weight set at 33, which is too low. One week of pregnancy. Most important during this period is an adequate supply of calcium, which is used for the skeletal ossification process of the baby, as well as iron to prevent anemia and pregnant women.
  • Body weight – it is perfectly normal for women at 33. Week of pregnancy still, even significantly, gain weight. Growing weight can give you a hard time, so to relieve pain and tension in the abdomen from too much strain on the uterine ligaments, take a relaxing bath. A moment’s rest and relaxation in warm water will help the mom-to-be gain more strength for the last weeks of pregnancy.
  • Back pain – at this stage of pregnancy, back pain is most easily reduced with properly selected exercises. The most important thing is to relieve the strain on your back, which can be done by placing your arms and upper torso on an exercise ball and then rolling back and forth on it. While performing the exercise, you should do the so-called “”exercise”. cat’s back. It is also worth doing breathing exercises.

  • Bag for the hospital
    – Since childbirth can occur at any time, it is extremely important that the hospital bag is already packed and just waiting for the right moment. Your luggage should include a few essentials such as: clothes for the baby suitable for all weathers, as well as your own clothes for changing and pajamas, things useful for breastfeeding, and a car seat for a safe ride home.

The female body in 33. week of pregnancy

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the period when the belly of the future mother changes – it is exposed, visible and round, you can say that it resembles a ball. The reason for this appearance is the large amount of fetal water in the body. In addition, the uterus stretches to the maximum, so it can no longer cushion the baby’s movements as well as before. This can be the cause of painful pains caused by sudden changes in the baby’s position.

A few extra pounds should not worry and bother a woman, as it is a completely natural process. The baby’s body then stores fats so that it can survive outside the parent’s body. Therefore, it is not advisable to restrict food, but only to ensure its quality by supplying the body with essential nutrients.

The 33rd week of pregnancy is also associated with large mood swings. One moment the mother-to-be feels the desire to hold the baby in her arms, on the other hand she is reached by panic before the birth and doubts whether she is up to the task. Pregnancy hormones are to blame, so it’s a good idea to seek support from loved ones and do things that give you pleasure.

The 33rd week of pregnancy – the most common symptoms

In many cases, it turns out that 33. The week of pregnancy is one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy. In the 8th month of pregnancy, the baby’s movements are the most violent, and therefore painful. All factors can contribute to insomnia problems. Also, sleeping problems can be caused by a sizable belly, through which it can be difficult to assume a comfortable position. Regular naps during the day can be helpful here, which will help pregnant women regenerate their bodies, as well as their minds.

Hormones, which have a relaxing effect on the venous vessel wall, can affect the occurrence of venous thrombosis. This is also the cause of the enlarging uterus, which puts pressure on the venous trunks, the places where the blood vessels connect. The risk of developing venous thrombosis, which causes blood stasis in the veins, increases up to tenfold during pregnancy. The possibility of the disease increases in women who are obese, have diabetes or are over 35. year of life. Symptoms of the condition usually include leg swelling, local pain and bruising of the skin on the leg.

Movements and child development at 33. week of pregnancy

The 33rd week of pregnancy is an extremely important time for the baby – it is fully developed, but still needs to grow and stay in the uterus for the next few weeks. The baby’s senses and organs have already had time to form, but they need training right up to birth. Toddler at 33. week of pregnancy he can hear, taste and see, and is even able to feel touch, thanks to sensory cells found in his skin.

During this period, the baby has a sense of smell, but does not feel it fully – it will only be able to do so after birth. Located in the womb, the fetus has no access to air as a transmission channel for receiving odors, so processing them is not possible beforehand.

The child’s skeletal system, although mature, still needs an appropriate level of hardening. Only then is the baby able to withstand the pressure that accompanies childbirth. The replacement of cartilage with bone tissue will continue for a long time after birth, up to 25. year of age.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby rotates to the correct position, the head position, in which it will be born. Some of the children rearrange before 33. week of pregnancy and remain there just until birth.

The size and weight of the child in 33. week of pregnancy

The 33rd week of pregnancy, is the period when you can see the baby much more closely on the ultrasound image. During this period of pregnancy, the baby’s bones are already hard and ossified, and the nervous system is highly developed. The baby’s face is also already fully formed. The face can be seen on the ultrasound image. It will not change much by the time it is resolved. Two fontanels are developing on the baby’s head, the baby’s nose looks almost the same as it will look after birth. This means that it already has a characteristically rumpled tip, which allows it to breathe while sucking on the breast.

With the beginning of the 33rd. A week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight should be around 2 kg. The toddler then measures about 43 cm. These are already quite substantial results, but they will go even higher in the coming weeks. W 33. Its respiratory system is also being formed. The lungs are being prepared to function independently. They will gain efficiency in the following weeks. The toddler also exercises the sucking reflex. Babies born before 34 weeks may require specialized and attentive care.

The 33rd week of pregnancy – what tests should be performed?

The 33rd week of pregnancy is also the time to perform the necessary tests ordered by the doctor during the last visit. Such examinations in the 8th month of pregnancy primarily include:

  • morphology,
  • general urinalysis,
  • Testing for urinary tract and reproductive tract infections,
  • breast examination,
  • Cytology (if not previously performed),
  • Culture of the vaginal vestibule and anal area for B-hemolytic streptococci,
  • HBs antigen,
  • HIV testing,
  • VDRL and HCV (for women at increased risk of infection).

33rd week of pregnancy – preterm labor

A newborn born in the middle of the 8th month still has undeveloped lungs, so after birth it will be treated as a premature baby that requires an incubator and respiratory support. W 33. A week of pregnancy, preterm labor is quite common, and newborn babies are then surrounded by specialized care to ensure the best possible conditions for their development.

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the last moment to consider cord blood donation. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons to make an informed decision. The intake is painless and non-invasive – for both mom and baby and has many benefits. Before giving birth, you need to inform the midwife. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood can be used in the treatment of the child from whom they were taken or their siblings. Indications for use include hematological and oncological diseases, and even autism and cerebral palsy.


  • What the child looks like in 33. Week of pregnancy?

W 33. Week of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 2 kilograms, and its body is about 43 cm. In the 8th month of pregnancy, the baby begins exercising its lungs so that they are fully prepared for life outside the womb.

  • What does a baby’s large head mean?

Due to the tremendous development of the brain in 33. weeks of pregnancy, the circumference of the baby’s head can increase by up to 1.3 cm. The baby’s big head at 33. week of pregnancy may indicate the need for an intrapartum cesarean section and surgical delivery. Too big, as well as too small a head can mean, among other things. malnutrition.

  • Whether to give birth at 33. Week of pregnancy is safe?

Childbirth at 33. week of pregnancy, contrary to appearances, does not necessarily mean that the life of our child is in danger. Of course, the premature baby will be placed in an incubator, where under the supervision of doctors it will develop the functions of internal organs. However, he has a very good chance of surviving on his own.

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