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32 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in child development and the risk of preterm labor

32 weeks of pregnancy. Changes in child development and the risk of preterm labor


7 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

W 32. Week of pregnancy the toddler is gaining weight. It is already big and heavy. The belly of the mother-to-be also continues to grow, resulting in the appearance of unpleasant discomforts. The whole thing is made up for by the fact that in just a few weeks she will be able to hold her baby in her arms. See how pregnancy progresses in 32. week.

The thirty-second week of pregnancy means that the birth is imminent. Parents-to-be are looking forward to welcoming their new family member. The layette and the toddler’s room are already prepared, and the mother can pack her bag for the birth. It is worth bearing in mind that a baby can come into the world at any time. W 32. Week of pregnancy it has a good chance of survival. He will still need neonatal care, as his lungs are not yet functioning properly.

The 32nd week of pregnancy – what month is it?

The thirty-second week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 8th. month and 3. trimester. The delivery is only eight weeks away. However, it is important to remember that the baby is not always born on time. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the possibility of early delivery.

Moms-to-be who have not yet decided to take classes at the birthing school still have a chance to enroll in an accelerated course. Lectures and exercises are conducted on weekends and even online in some places. It is worth taking advantage of them, as midwives impart a wealth of knowledge that is useful not only during childbirth, but also in caring for the newborn. The birthing school can be attended jointly with the baby’s dad or another close friend.

The thirty-second week is an opportune time to complete the completion of the baby’s layette. Some items can be purchased only after the baby is born. However, it’s worth having an idea of models, prices and availability. The mom-to-be should also already prepare a bag for the hospital. This will avoid unnecessary stress should labor begin earlier.

How a child develops in 32. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 32. week of pregnancy is almost ready to come into the world. Lung development is not yet complete. Therefore, the toddler could have trouble breathing on his own.

The baby’s senses are already fully developed. It can distinguish voices, respond to light and touch, and even taste amniotic fluid. It has a sleep and wakefulness rhythm. However, this does not mean that he sleeps at night. He falls into naps more often during the day.

The toddler already has hair, eyebrows and nails. He can open his eyes and blink his eyelids. He tunes different faces. Still, his nervous system is developing – new synapses are forming, the brain is enlarging, and with it the circumference of the skull. It is worth remembering that its development does not end with childbirth, but continues into childhood.

The baby’s bones are already hard. However, this does not apply to the bones of the skull. They are very malleable. This allows the baby to pass more easily through the birth canal during natural childbirth.

What the child looks like in 32. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 32. The week of pregnancy already looks like a newborn baby. However, it is smaller. Its body length is about 40 cm, and its weight can approach up to 2 kg. Its skin is already thicker and less clear due to subcutaneous fatty tissue. However, it is still not fully developed. Hair is present on the headstock. The fetal miasma is also disappearing.

Baby’s movements and position at 32. week of pregnancy

Baby movements at 32. Week of pregnancy become less intense, as it no longer has room in the uterus. This does not mean that the mother-to-be stops feeling them. On the contrary, they can be definitely stronger and often cause pain. The toddler can no longer turn freely and do flips. However, he still moves his arms and legs and turns his head. The baby’s movements can be observed outside the abdomen. They reveal themselves as rippling of the abdominal shells or bulges.

W 32. Week of pregnancy the baby can already assume the position for delivery. Most toddlers position themselves with their heads down, which is the best solution and convenience during natural childbirth. Pelvic (buttocks down) or transverse (side-to-side) positioning may be an indication for a cesarean section. Such a decision is always made by the doctor, taking into account all factors.


How the body is changing at 32. Week of pregnancy?

W 32. Week of pregnancy, the uterine capacity is up to 500 times larger compared to pre-fertilization dimensions. It is positioned above. This causes pressure on internal organs, as well as blood vessels and nerves. This is the cause of the appearance of many unpleasant discomforts that persist until the moment of dissolution.

Belly at 32. week of pregnancy is large and can make daily life a bit difficult. The breasts are also noticeably larger and are busily preparing for lactation. The mother-to-be can observe the oozing of food.

W 32. Week of pregnancy may intensify uterine contraction activity. These are the so-called. Predictive cramps. They are not regular, do not intensify over time and do not change their frequency. After a while they subside. However, if this is not happening, labor is probably beginning. You should then contact your doctor or midwife. Birth contractions are regular, getting stronger and more frequent over time.

The self-perception is at 32. week of pregnancy

The overall well-being of the mother in 32. Week of pregnancy may get a little worse. This is due to the discomforts she is experiencing due to the changes that are taking place in the body at this time. This does not apply to all pregnant women. Self-esteem in recent weeks is an individual matter. There are women who continue to gush with energy because they manage their symptoms well or they are not too severe. However, it is worth remembering that every mother-to-be is entitled to a worse day and increased rest.

In addition to sleep problems in 32. The week of pregnancy, the mother-to-be may be bothered by complaints from the digestive system. Heartburn, or a burning sensation in the esophagus after eating, is particularly persistent. Because of this, the appetite may be less, and even anorexia nervosa appears. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be managed with home remedies, but also with diet (including avoiding spicy and bloating foods, eating less generous portions).

Moms-to-be are sometimes bothered by hemorrhoids. Blood-filled nodules may be present outside or inside the anus. Their cause is a change in pressure in the venous vessels. They manifest as discomfort, problems with defecation and itching in the anal area. Mucus or blood may be observed in the stool.

W 32. Week of pregnancy often appear more vaginal discharge. It is important to remain vigilant. Pregnant women are vulnerable to intimate infections. Discharge with a foul odor, changed color, accompanied by a burning sensation in the intimate area, is an indication to contact a doctor.

Mood swings may intensify. Fatigue and daytime sleepiness also appear. Sometimes a mother-to-be feels stress and anxiety at the thought of an impending birth. It is advisable to rest and take advantage of every moment to relax. Breathing exercises, yoga or meditation work well.

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Research in 32. week of pregnancy

W 32. The week should be followed by further tests (if the mother-to-be did not attend them in the previous weeks). The mandatory ones include:

  • general and gynecological examination,
  • general urinalysis,
  • blood laboratory tests,
  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • weight measurement.

The thirty-second week of pregnancy is the last time to perform an ultrasound (USG). It is very important because it allows you to make an accurate anatomical assessment of the child.

USG at 32. week of pregnancy

USG at 32. Week of pregnancy is referred to as prenatal. During its course, the doctor makes a very thorough and detailed assessment of the baby’s anatomical structure. This allows it to detect abnormalities that were impossible to see during the previous test. Some defects are not revealed until later stages of pregnancy.

At the time of the ultrasound in 32. Week of pregnancy, the doctor assesses the amount of amniotic fluid and the location of the placenta. It is also possible to observe whether the baby has already assumed the birthing position. Using computer formulas, the toddler’s weight is measured. This allows to eliminate the suspicion of growth disorders and, if detected, to take appropriate action.

See also: 33 weeks of pregnancy – how is the baby developing?

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