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28 weeks of pregnancy. Baby's movements and weight at 7 months of pregnancy

28 weeks of pregnancy. Baby’s movements and weight at 7 months of pregnancy


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 28th week of pregnancy is already the third trimester, which means the last stage of pregnancy. Check how developed the baby is at this time and how the pregnant woman feels. Learn tips for a mom-to-be with really little pregnancy left. Get ready to give birth, have a unique experience and welcome your baby. Right now is the beginning of the seventh month!

The size and weight of the child in 28. week of pregnancy

Wondering what the baby looks like in 28. Week of pregnancy? You will probably be surprised to learn that the baby has gained a lot of weight since the last ultrasound. He now weighs about 1,300 grams and measures an average of 36 centimeters. Consider that the issues of child size in 28. The week of pregnancy is always an individual matter. It is certain that at this stage of life the baby gains the most. By the time of delivery, it will have reached a size of about 56 centimeters, and the average weight of a newborn is 3.5 kilograms.

It is worth knowing that the measurement of the child at 28. Week of pregnancy is not accurate, and the limit of error remains at 5-10%.

Child Development at 28. week of pregnancy

The 28th week of pregnancy is an extremely intense time for the development of the baby. The toddler not only continues to grow and gain weight. First of all, its internal organs are developing and learning to perform their functions.

At this stage of pregnancy, the structure of the lungs changes. The baby swallows amniotic fluid and makes chest movements. This is how it prepares for the most important science – breathing.

Changes in child development at 28. The week of pregnancy can also be seen in the brain, which is beginning to fold. The toddler can already open his eyes, better control his movements and feel stimuli more strongly. Reportedly in the 28th. Week of pregnancy, the baby in mom’s belly can dream.

Baby movements at 28. week of pregnancy

The mother-to-be has been clearly feeling the baby’s movements for some time now. W 28. Week of pregnancy, the unborn baby has really little space in the uterus. It is worth adding that the child is still growing and getting stronger. W 28. A week pregnant woman already feels virtually every movement of her baby in her belly, and its kicks can be downright painful. Those in the ribs and bladder are particularly severe.

It may be interesting to note that the baby’s movements at 28. Week of pregnancy can change under the influence of various external stimuli. Did you know that the toddler already responds to his mother’s voice and hears music? The child may be more agitated if there is noise in the environment. He also feels all of his mom’s emotions and can kick harder when the mom is upset. That’s not all, because child in 28. Week of pregnancy also reacts to light, and the intense one usually irritates the toddler.

It is worth noting that the mother-to-be feels the baby’s movements at 28. Week of pregnancy much more strongly when she does not do any physical activity. When the pregnant woman walks, the baby is lulled to sleep, for it becomes agitated when the mother wants to rest and is in a reclining position, for example.

Stomach – how the body changes in 28. Week of pregnancy?

The belly of the mother-to-be is already really visible and difficult to hide. Since the beginning of her pregnancy, the pregnant woman has increased her body weight by approx. 8 kilograms. Weight gain during pregnancy is also an individual issue (adherence to healthy eating habits also has an impact), but it is considered healthy for a mother-to-be to gain 1-2 kilograms each month and even 0.5 kilograms per week in this final stage of pregnancy.

What other changes can be noticed on a pregnant woman’s abdomen? In the majority, a dark line appears, the so-called. linea negra, which is the result of hormonal changes and fades spontaneously a few weeks after childbirth.

Pregnancy complaints at 28. week of pregnancy

It is considered that it is the second trimester of pregnancy that is the most gracious for the mother-to-be. 28. The week of pregnancy is already the beginning of the final stage of pregnancy, the third trimester. How does a pregnant woman feel then? In most cases, he still has a lot of energy, although he may already be complaining of some discomfort.

  • Back pain complaints
    , which are associated with a change in the body’s center of gravity. Breast mass increases, the growing abdomen intensifies the lumbosacral curvature, and muscle tension in the middle and lower spine increases.
  • Frequent urination and even inability to hold urine. This ailment usually passes spontaneously after the postpartum period. It is associated with the child’s pressure on the bladder.
  • Shortness of breath and breathing problems. The child can compress the diaphragm.

  • Heartburn
    , which is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the stomach and hormonal changes in the pregnant woman.
  • Disorders of defecation. Pregnant women at 28 weeks very often complain of chronic constipation.

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Sleep problems.

It is good to keep in mind that the intensity, type and frequency of pregnancy discomfort at 28. Week of pregnancy are an individual issue. Although they can often hinder daily functioning, the experience depends on the pregnant woman’s health or lifestyle.

Pregnant at 28. Week of pregnancy has limited access to pharmaceuticals. The use of certain types of drugs can contribute to the occurrence of disorders in the child’s development. If you want to combat unpleasant pregnancy discomforts at the beginning of the seventh month, consult your midwife or pregnancy doctor first. A great alternative to drugs can be natural ways. If you’re struggling with insomnia, adopt a comfortable position and use a special cornell-type pillow. A variety of always non-invasive methods can effectively alleviate persistent gastrointestinal or spinal symptoms. The pregnant woman, who has just started her 28th. week of pregnancy, it is recommended, first of all, a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet.

What should a woman eat at 28. Week of pregnancy?

Woman in 28. week of pregnancy must pay special attention to what is on her plate. It is recommended that a pregnant woman’s diet be digestible and healthy – it is advisable, for example, to use unprocessed and organic products. A key ingredient in the dishes is dietary fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis, eliminates constipation problems and regulates the bowel cycle. Fiber itself also has a beneficial effect on cleansing the body of toxins, which is of great importance within the framework of providing the baby with only valuable nutrients that are necessary for its proper development while still in the womb.

It is considered that the normal weight of the mother-to-be should not increase more than 1-2 kilograms per month, and no more than 0.5 kilograms per week in the last weeks of pregnancy.

What the ideal diet of a woman at 28 looks like. Week of pregnancy? What to pay attention to when preparing meals? Here are some practical tips:

  • The dishes that a pregnant woman eats should be easily digestible,
  • It is better to eat more often, but smaller portions,
  • Drinking large amounts of water is recommended,
  • The baby’s body needs nutritional values to develop properly, so the mother’s diet must be perfectly balanced,
  • Exclude foods that are bloated, fatty, cause heartburn and constipation,
  • Highly processed, preservative-laden products like fast food should be eliminated,
  • Drinking strong coffee and tea should be limited, and alcohol consumption is even prohibited.

What tests should be performed at 28. Week of pregnancy?

The time has come for more research. W 28. The week of pregnancy should be carried out check-ups, such as:

  • ultrasound examination
    assessing the child’s development,
  • gynecological examination,
  • blood pressure measurement,
  • measuring the weight of the pregnant woman,
  • Collection and pH analysis of vaginal secretions,
  • general urinalysis,
  • maternal blood count,
  • Evaluation of anti-RH antibodies, which will assess whether there is a serological conflict. If the mother is RH factor negative and the baby is RH factor positive, there is a risk of hemolytic disease.

The most important study in the 28. Week of pregnancy is an ultrasound. It allows to assess the development of the baby, the condition of the placenta or check the amniotic fluid. The ultrasound allows you to measure and determine the baby’s weight, as well as evaluate its various body parts and the functioning of its various internal organs. This makes it possible to rule out abnormalities and, if necessary, respond to them immediately.

Are you well prepared for childbirth? What to look out for?

The beginning of the seventh month is the ideal time to complete a newborn baby layette for home and hospital. If you want to ensure the best protection of your child’s life, you should be interested in the topic of collecting cord blood right after birth. The collected stem cells can be stored in a special bank to eliminate a dangerous disease if necessary.

Birth at 28. Week of pregnancy – does a premature baby have a chance of survival?

Did you know that up to 6% of pregnancies end prematurely? This, of course, does not mean a miscarriage. It is highly likely that a premature baby born at 28. week of pregnancy will survive and develop properly. All because its internal and external organs are already fully developed. However, it should be noted that a baby born in 28. week of pregnancy may require intensive medical care to survive outside its mother’s body. Buoyant medical development makes it possible to confirm a pretty good prognosis for such premature babies.


  • What does child development look like at 28. Week of pregnancy?

Intense toddler development at 28. Week of pregnancy takes into account primarily the baby’s lungs. It is at this time that they change their structure. They are no longer formed by tubules, but by alveoli. Child in 28. The week of pregnancy she can already open her eyes and has more coordinated movements. It also responds better to external stimuli.

  • What is the size and weight of the child in 28. Week of pregnancy?

Child in 28. Week of pregnancy measures about 36 centimeters and weighs an average of 1,300 grams. It is worth remembering that these data are only illustrative, it is always necessary to take into account the parameter of possible error, which remains at 5-10%. Many factors influence the size and weight of a child, including genetic predisposition.

  • What pregnancy discomforts may be experienced at 28. Week of pregnancy?

The 28th week of pregnancy is fortunately already the absence of morning nausea, but unfortunately the mother-to-be faces other ailments. He may complain of back pain, heartburn, hemorrhoids, constipation problems. He often experiences frequent urination, has shortness of breath and tires more quickly.

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