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26 Week of pregnancy - what is happening to the fetus and the body of the future mother?

26 Week of pregnancy – what is happening to the fetus and the body of the future mother?


9 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 26th week of pregnancy is the time when the mother-to-be feels changes such as the baby's positioning or its increasingly confident and powerful movements. At this stage of pregnancy, Parents feel that there is less and less time left until the birth, so they are already starting to complete the layette and prepare the baby's room.

During this time, a woman should focus on her health and well-being. You can also already start attending a birthing school, where you will gain useful knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth. The end of the second trimester is also the time when a number of important tests are performed. What the child looks like at 26. Week of pregnancy? How does a woman’s body change?

The 26th week of pregnancy – what month is it?

W 26. The week of pregnancy, a woman becomes increasingly aware of the upcoming solution. After all, there are only three months left – this means that the 26th week of pregnancy is the end of the sixth month. Many women consider the days between 21. a 26. weeks of pregnancy, are among the most pleasant periods during pregnancy. By this time, the initial hormonal discomfort has passed, and the size of the abdomen does not yet interfere so much with daily functioning, even though it is already nicely rounded and perfectly visible.

However, 26. Week of pregnancy, it is already a step into the third trimester. During this time, many changes are taking place, both in the body of the mother-to-be and the baby. A woman’s silhouette takes on a distinctive, more rounded shape. The toddler is gaining weight intensively and is expanding in the womb, which can already be felt. The mother-to-be is feeling the baby’s movements more and more, and with each passing day she is becoming more aware that she will soon get to know the little man she is carrying under her heart.

The size and weight of the child in 26. week of pregnancy

Child at 26. Week of pregnancy measures approx. 30-35 cm, and its weight reaches less than 1 kg. The toddler is characterized by a hunched position at this stage, but because there is still plenty of room for him in the uterus, the positioning of his body can vary. Sometimes the head points downward, while at other times it pushes more against the side walls of the uterus. You may also begin to experience weak movements of the baby in the pit of the abdomen. More and more fat tissue is accumulating under the baby’s skin, making it less transparent, and the baby itself is increasing in size and weight with each passing day.

Child Development at 26. week of pregnancy

W 26. Week of pregnancy the baby is developing intensively. He begins to open his eyelids – previously, the toddler’s eyes were closed all the time so that the retina could develop. Although the baby is most comfortable in the womb, it is interested in what is happening outside. He is beginning to recognize and respond to the voices of his loved ones. If you’ve been talking to your toddler and singing songs to him for a while, at 26. The week of pregnancy you can be sure that the baby hears and recognizes your voice, and what’s more, responds to it.

It’s already getting a little boring in the uterus, as there’s less and less space, so the little one is starting to take an interest in its arms, legs and even the umbilical cord. It develops the sucking reflex, strengthens jaw muscles and practices grasping. So on the ultrasound you can see activities such as:

  • thumb sucking,
  • sucking a toe,
  • grasping the umbilical cord,
  • Grasping the feet and the other hand.

The 26th week of pregnancy is very important, because this is when the development of the baby’s lungs takes place. On their surface is formed the so-called. surfactant. Its presence is essential for the proper functioning of the respiratory system, which is already preparing for life in the external environment. Taste buds that were previously inactive are also getting in on the action. The toddler eagerly swallows the amniotic fluid – especially when the mother-to-be has eaten something sweet.

What research in 26. Week of pregnancy?

The 26th week of pregnancy is also the time to perform a series of important tests – both for the health of the baby and the health of the mother. The basis, of course, is ultrasound. This allows you to see how in 26. week of pregnancy looks like the baby, how it is positioned and what movements it can make. During the examination, you can see the toddler’s fully-formed legs and hands and see the outline of the face.

In addition to the ultrasound examination at 26. week of pregnancy it is necessary to perform a series of standard tests, which will allow to monitor the health of the mother-to-be and make sure that nothing threatens the baby, and in case of abnormalities take appropriate treatment. Regular blood pressure checks are recommended. In addition, the following are important:

  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions to rule out
    fungal infections
  • pelvic floor height study,
  • monitoring the baby’s heart function,
  • Repeat tests for toxoplasmosis.

  • glucose load test
  • Assessment of fetal heart function (blood pressure and heart rate).

In addition to a set of tests, it’s also a good idea to monitor a woman’s weight to make sure that the extra weight gain is going well. After all, gaining weight too quickly in the second trimester can be a sign of gestational diabetes. If you feel weak or notice more worrisome ailments related to, among other things. with rapid weight gain, be sure to consult these symptoms with your doctor.

Belly at 26. Week of pregnancy – what changes are taking place?

At the end of the second trimester, it is already hard not to notice the progression of the pregnancy. Body at 26. Week of pregnancy changes significantly. Belly at 26. The week is getting rounder, and the skin on it is visibly tightening. During this period, the first stretch marks may begin to appear on its surface. However, their visibility and extent can be reduced by properly treating the body with oils or creams designed for this purpose. For the sake of smooth and firm skin, it is also a good idea to perform regular gymnastics, as well as enrich your diet with products rich in nutrients valuable for the elasticity and tightness of the skin, especially vitamins and collagen. 

The diet should also be balanced and varied due to the increased need for micronutrients in the female body during this time, although at 26. Week of pregnancy, the mother’s weight should not differ significantly from that of the first trimester. Most common symptoms 26. The week of pregnancy also includes calf cramps, back pain, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. 

Belly at 26. The week grows not only because of the presence of the child. The uterus and placenta are also enlarged, fetal waters are arriving. In addition, your breasts are slowly starting to produce milk, so sometimes painful lumps may appear on the breasts, which are associated with harmless blockage of milk ducts (warm compresses will help). During this period, it is important to rest, do light physical activity and regularly replenish fluids.

See also: How do I calculate what week of pregnancy I am? Why is this important?

The 26th week of pregnancy and premature birth and other risks

The 26th week of pregnancy is also the moment when, if premature birth occurs, the baby has a chance of survival. Thanks to state-of-the-art equipment, the premature babies of the 26th. The weeks can develop and grow in specially adapted incubators that provide them with the right conditions and safety. Nevertheless, premature birth is dangerous for the baby, who is not ready to come into the world at this stage of development. A toddler’s lungs are not adapted to breathe outside the mother’s abdomen. Therefore, when a woman feels cramps and has pain, she should consult a doctor as soon as possible. If there is already an early solution, it is worth thinking about
Cord blood collection
. In this way, you can safeguard your child’s health.

A woman must also be careful, as she is extremely susceptible to various infections, which can also contribute to premature termination.
Lowered immunity
is a perennial problem for pregnant women. It is due to hormonal changes in the body and the strain caused by the presence of a child. The mother-to-be should therefore bear in mind that she may develop inflammation much more often than other women. If this happens, she should immediately perform diagnostic tests to determine the type of pathogen. Treatment with home remedies is not recommended then. Using medications without consulting a doctor can be dangerous.

See also: 
27 week of pregnancy – baby’s weight and appearance


  • What is the size and weight of the child in 26. Week of pregnancy?

The 26th week of pregnancy is the end of the second trimester, or the middle of the 6th month. During this period, the baby grows to about 30-35 centimeters and reaches a weight of about 1 kilogram. His body is already fully formed, and the baby is gaining more weight every day.

  • What tests should be performed at 26. Week of pregnancy?

The 26th week of pregnancy is the time when an ultrasound is performed to check the health of both mother and baby. In addition, it is necessary to perform:

  • Assessing the pH of vaginal secretions,
  • pelvic floor height study,
  • monitoring the baby’s heart function,
  • Repeat tests for toxoplasmosis.
  • glucose load test,
  • Assessment of fetal heart function.
  • What changes in the female body occur at 26. Week of pregnancy?

W 26. The week of pregnancy, the belly is already becoming more rounded and visible. A woman may also gain weight, but weight should not increase too quickly because of the risk of gestational diabetes. However, the discomforts of the first trimester are subsiding.

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