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23 Week of pregnancy - changes taking place in the pregnant woman's body. How is the fetus developing?

23 Week of pregnancy – changes taking place in the pregnant woman’s body. How is the fetus developing?


7 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

Pregnancy is a period when the body of the mother-to-be is dynamically changing. The 23rd week of pregnancy is one of the more pleasant ones, mainly due to the subsiding discomfort. This is the period when the baby resembles a small human being, and even the baby's facial expressions can be observed on ultrasound. Moms-to-be complain at this time of emerging heartburn and bloating. 

Week 23 of pregnancy – what month is it?

Entering the 23rd week of pregnancy, the mother-to-be begins the 6th month, or 2nd trimester. This is one of the more pleasant periods. The unpleasant discomforts that accompanied the earlier months are subsiding. The abdomen is starting to become more visible. The baby’s senses are already developed, its movements are more intense and perceptible to the mother-to-be. You can even see the baby’s facial expressions during the ultrasound. There are 3 months left until the solution, which can be spent preparing and building an emotional bond with the child. The mother-to-be can start preparing for childbirth. This is a good time to find a hospital and also enroll in a birthing school. 

Worth reading: How to prepare for childbirth? – Tips for natural childbirth and cesarean section.

Weight of the baby at 23 weeks of pregnancy

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 25-30 cm long (counting with legs).  The body is already shaped and has the correct proportions, which can be seen on ultrasound. The baby’s weight at 23 weeks gestation is approx. 500 g. Most of the organs are already developed, but they are still developing. 

Baby movements at 23 weeks of pregnancy. How often should they occur?

The 23rd week of pregnancy is the period when a woman not only notices changes in her body, but also feels the baby’s movements more intensely. The fetus begins to move more and more violently. It is worth remembering that during this period he sleeps 20 hours a day. During the rest of the time, he keeps vigil by moving around. Weak baby movements at 23 weeks of pregnancy may not be felt by some moms. The baby moves in the mother’s belly, exercising the muscles in the process. 

Clear movements of the baby are observed by mothers-to-be when changing positions or eating, most often while consuming something sweet. There is no rule as to how often the baby’s movements should occur during this period, but if anything worries the mother-to-be, she should go to the doctor, who will perform the necessary tests. The baby at 23 weeks of pregnancy also has well-developed senses, so it receives more stimuli from outside. This is the period when the excretory system begins to produce stool, which consists of fetal smear, fetal waters, exfoliated gastrointestinal epithelium, and bilirubin.

23 Week of pregnancy – what does the baby look like?

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal body is shaped and resembles that of a small human being. If born at that time, it is treated as a premature baby, and with current medical developments it has a chance of survival.  The baby already has developed arms, legs, as well as internal organs. Its skin is covered with fetal smear, which protects it from soaking up amniotic fluid. At this stage of fetal development, the skin is still red because of the formation of blood vessels. It is also thin and wrinkled. Note that the fastest weight gain for a baby is in the last month. Until then, it accumulates the necessary fatty tissue, which will make the skin thicker and less red.

How does the body change during the 23rd week of pregnancy? Belly of the mother-to-be

The 23rd week of pregnancy is a good time to enroll in a birthing school that prepares you well for childbirth. The enlarging abdomen begins to put pressure on the urinary bladder, causing the mother-to-be to visit the toilet more often. The abdomen in circumference counts approx. 80-90 cm, is more rounded and located high. It will begin to decrease at the end of pregnancy, when the baby is ready to come into the world. Due to her growing breasts and belly, the mother-to-be increasingly needs to find suitable body positions in which she is comfortable. 

In the 23rd week of pregnancy there are spinal pains, especially in the lumbar region. If there are no contraindications, the mother-to-be can start doing gentle exercises to strengthen this section. It is worth exercising systematically, as the baby will gain more weight in the following months.

During this period, the mother-to-be may experience increased, irregular uterine contractions. Most often they subside during a change of position or spontaneously after a few minutes. They are delicate and may not occur in every pregnant woman. 

Pregnancy period is also a lot of changes that can appear on the skin of the mother-to-be. At 23 weeks of pregnancy, hyperpigmentation may be more apparent, which occurs due to hormonal changes. During this period, it is a good idea to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Creams with high sunscreens (at least 30 SPF) will work. It is worth remembering that the sun’s rays work not only in summer. 

In the 23rd week of pregnancy, muscle cramps, mainly in the calves, may occur. They are often indicative of mineral and vitamin deficiencies in a woman’s body. It is then worth reaching for products rich in magnesium and potassium. If you want to use supplementation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. 

Ailments at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Each period of pregnancy is characterized by different symptoms. In the 23rd week of pregnancy, a woman has more energy, but various persistent discomforts appear. Among them can be distinguished:

  • Heartburn and bloating,
  • constipation,
  • headaches,
  • Itchy skin on the abdomen,
  • Swelling of the face, legs and hands,
  • larger breasts,
  • sleep problems.

Hormones are responsible for most of them, as well as the changing body of the mother-to-be. If they are bothersome, a woman should rest a lot in a position that is comfortable for her. For heartburn, it is worth using flaxseed jelly, which cushions the mucous membrane, reducing the backflow of gastric contents into the throat. If heartburn occurs at night, the mother-to-be should lay her head higher on the pillows. 

Week 23 of pregnancy – what tests should be performed?

Around the 23rd week of pregnancy, a blood glucose test should be performed to determine whether the mother-to-be is suffering from gestational diabetes. It is also worth performing basic urine tests. For women with Rh- blood type, in addition, the level of anti-Rh antibodies should be determined. This is also the moment to test for toxoplasmosis. In addition, the mother-to-be should regularly attend an ultrasound, which will show how the fetus is developing. 

23 week of pregnancy – the weight of the future mother

Pregnant mom-to-be is gaining weight. Optimal growth during the entire pregnancy should be 10-15 kg, at the beginning of the 6th month – 4-6 kg. However, it is important to remember that every woman is different, and whether the weight is correct should be assessed by a doctor. 

A pregnant woman should take care of proper nutrition. It is not true that one should eat for two during this period. During the second trimester of pregnancy, the additional caloric requirement is approx. 350 kcal. At 23 weeks of pregnancy, women have a greater appetite as nausea and vomiting cease. However, it is worth eating rationally so as not to gain too much weight. More weight can also exacerbate back pain and calf cramps. The diet of a mother-to-be should be balanced and varied. The menu must include meals rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. 

See also: 24 weeks of pregnancy – the appearance and behavior of the baby.

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