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22 Week of pregnancy - what does the baby look like and how much does it weigh? Feelings of the mother-to-be

22 Week of pregnancy – what does the baby look like and how much does it weigh? Feelings of the mother-to-be


8 mins of reading

PBKM Editorial Board

PBKM Editorial Board

The 22nd week of pregnancy is exactly 20. Week of the baby's life and 5. Month (2nd trimester) of pregnancy. This is the time for a midterm ultrasound. The baby is about 25-30 cm long and weighs about 400-600 g. They can be compared in size to a zucchini, eggplant or large coconut. The 22nd week of pregnancy is when the baby sleeps about 14 hours in the womb. You can observe its daily rhythm: sleep and wakefulness. See how the body of the mother-to-be is changing and how she should take care of herself.

Week 22 – what month of pregnancy is it?

Even at the beginning of pregnancy, most women organize a calendar so that they can keep a constant eye on this eternal moment. Pregnancy has its own unit of time, which is weeks, so it is sometimes difficult for a parent to determine which month of pregnancy she is currently in. We remind you that 22 weeks of pregnancy is the end of the fifth month of pregnancy and the second trimester.

What does the belly look like at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

During this period of pregnancy, the belly of the future mother significantly enlarges and becomes visibly rounded. It is high time to buy comfortable maternity clothes. The ones worn so far may be too small and too tight.The growing pregnancy belly makes the skin on it stretch and stretch marksform. Therefore, this is the last call to apply skin care products to the skin prone to this charming, but for some unsightly defect.

As a woman’s abdomen grows, her weight also increases. The uterus is moving forward and upward. The center of gravity also changes, and balance problems may arise as a result, so the mother-to-be must be very careful not to fall over. Greater body weight carries the risk of greater stress on the spine. It is extremely important to get enough rest, preferably in a reclining position.

Pregnancy complaints during the 22nd week of pregnancy

The body at 22 weeks of pregnancy changes a lot. The stretching of the uterus and the rapid movements of the baby, especially those directed at the bladder, can contribute to more frequent visits to the toilet and an increased need to urinate. A woman may have difficulty catching her breath after light exertion, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and hot flashes during this period of pregnancy.

In the 5th month of pregnancy, sometimes there is swelling of the ankles at the feet. It is good to rest with your feet elevated, as this will help blood and lymph drain better from the lower parts of the body. If you have sore feet, it’s a good idea to get the right orthopedic shoe inserts to make walking more comfortable.

Bleeding and swollen gums also occur at 22 weeks of pregnancy. It is a good idea to change your toothbrush to one with soft bristles at this time.

What does a mom-to-be look like at 22 weeks pregnant?

At this stage of pregnancy there is still an elevated level of sex hormones in the female body. As a result, the appearance of hair improves, and the whole body takes on a beautiful feminine shape. The mother-to-be feels much better, which definitely manifests itself on her radiant face. However, it is worth knowing that unwanted guests in the form of pimples and inflammation may appear on the complexion.

Size and weight of the baby at 22 weeks of pregnancy

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is roughly 25-30 cm long and weighs 400-600 g. Its size can be compared to an eggplant or zucchini. A toddler’s skin changes its appearance. You can no longer see the network of blood vessels and it is no longer so transparent, as fat begins to be deposited underneath it. On the surface of the skin appears fine hair – fetal mesquite.

The fetus at 22 weeks of pregnancy can already feel temperature changes occurring in the external environment. She will react to a cold shower taken by mom or to the warmth of her hands applied to her belly.

The 22nd week of pregnancy is also the time when the toddler begins to respond to sounds coming to him from the outside world. The mother-to-be can calm her baby by going to a quiet place. The baby can hear the mother’s heartbeat, the sound of her blood and other sounds coming from her body. The toddler is also able to respond to light, even though his eyelids are still closed.

What does your baby’s face look like at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby at 22 weeks of pregnancy already has the outline of facial shapes. On ultrasound, you can see the chin, the high forehead, the furrow between the upper lip and the nose. At this time, the auricles also reach their final shape. Eyelashes appear on the eyelids, and eyebrows appear above the eyes. However, they do not yet have a developed color. The toddler is already holding his head upright on his own, as he has sufficiently developed neck muscles.

Fetal development – how is the formation of the circulatory system proceeding?

The baby’s heart is already fully formed, but it would not yet be able to cope with the outside world, as it would not be able to breathe on its own. The bone marrow begins producing red blood cells at this time. The immune system is not idle either, and it is at 22 weeks of pregnancy that it begins to produce white blood cells.

Baby’s digestive system – development of the liver and pancreas

The liver begins the processes of bilirubin metabolism. It is tiny in size and does not yet cope well with the amount of this dye to process. For this reason, very often babies are born with physiological jaundice. At 22 weeks of pregnancy, the pancreas begins its work of producing insulin and glucagon.

Baby’s movements

The baby begins to have its first skills – it can easily put its little finger in its mouth or grasp the umbilical cord with its hand. Women who struggle with excess body fat may not yet feel these movements – as it provides a kind of shock absorber.

How to take care of yourself during pregnancy? Tips for moms-to-be

The mother-to-be should take care of her diet. It must be balanced so that the child’s forming nervous system is provided with the right ingredients for proper development. It will be beneficial for the child to choose products rich in magnesium, calcium and iodine. It is also very important to provide B vitamins, which are very good for child development.

It is extremely important during the 22nd week of pregnancy not to forget about exercise and moderate physical activity. A well-trained body will better withstand pregnancy and childbirth. It is a good idea to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, the so-called “pelvic floor”. Kegel muscles – their regular tightening and relaxation throughout pregnancy prepares you very well for labor. Flexible Kegel muscles will also help avoid incontinence problems while still pregnant and after childbirth.

It is worth noting that the most favorable sleeping position for a woman 22 weeks pregnant is the one on the left side. In such a position, blood circulation is better, as the uterus does not press on the blood vessels, among other things. On the inferior vena cava. This makes it easier for blood to return to the heart from the lower part of the body and the uterus itself has a better blood supply.

At 22 weeks of pregnancy, you can go with your partner to a birthing school. This will help both the woman and the man prepare for the upcoming birth.

What tests to perform at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

The 22nd week of pregnancy is the time when a midterm ultrasound should be performed. The doctor should conduct it very carefully, so it can take up to 45 minutes. A postpartum ultrasound can be done in 3D, so it will be possible to see the baby in detail from different sides. During this examination, the doctor:

  • will determine the sex of the child;
  • Will check that the child’s anatomy is correct;
  • will rule out congenital defects;
  • will analyze whether the internal organs are developing properly.

A glucose test will also be necessary to determine whether gestational diabetes has developed. It is best to come for it on an empty stomach. You need to do a general urine test, check the anti-D and Rh (-) antibody determination, and retest for toxoplasmosis.


  • What does the baby look like at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

During this period of pregnancy, the baby weighs 400-600 g and is 25-30 cm long. Its size resembles a large coconut, while its appearance is that of a small human.

  • What symptoms accompany a mother-to-be at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

Dizziness, temperature fluctuations, hot flashes, discharge from the reproductive tract, increased appetite and Braxton-Hicks contractions are the main symptoms that are with the mom-to-be this week of pregnancy.

  • How is the baby developing at 22 weeks of pregnancy?

The heart is fully formed, while the liver, pancreas and immune system are at a high stage of development. The toddler is not yet able to breathe, although the process is slowly taking place – the diaphragm is preparing for the function of the respiratory pump, so the first hiccups may occur.

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