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How can a dad-to-be prepare for childbirth?

How can a dad-to-be prepare for childbirth?


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

A lot of women want to give birth in the company of their partner. If the dad-to-be wants to be present at the birth, it is a good idea to prepare for the day together while the pregnancy is still in progress. This will provide the parturient with support and a sense of security. What is the role of the father-to-be during childbirth and how to prepare for it?

Note that both Parents must want the father-to-be to be present in the delivery room. Sometimes it happens that a woman in labor prefers to give birth in the presence of another close person. Some partners also express reluctance to be present during childbirth. In such a situation, forcing them may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and difficulties when labor begins. However, if both mom and dad want to give birth together, they should prepare for the day of delivery during the pregnancy.

Preparation for childbirth

One of the most important elements of good preparation for childbirth is to attend birthing school classes, both in-patient and now increasingly popular, conducted online. Often these classes are designed for pregnant women and those who are to accompany them on the day of birth. There, trained personnel explain, among other things. the course of labor and its successive periods, and shows how to deal with pain or contractions. Awareness of what childbirth is like should be shared by both the woman giving birth and the dad-to-be. This will make it easier for them to cooperate in the delivery room with the medical staff, and the partner will be able to provide the best possible support to the mother-to-be. Dad’s involvement before delivery is extremely important for a pregnant woman. Going through a pregnancy together can strengthen a couple’s bond. One of the activities you should do together is to prepare a layette for the newborn. Some fathers also opt for additional education related to their upcoming new role and read various types of guidebooks. However, be sure to go for readings recommended and written by reliable authors. There is no point in reading duplicated myths or believing outdated theories. The best that a partner can do is to rely on the knowledge provided by specialists.

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The role of the partner during childbirth

Many women point out that the most important thing a partner can do during labor is just to be present in the delivery room. In addition, the dad-to-be can give water to drink, help stand up or shower the woman in labor. It can be extremely helpful if the partner takes vertical positions. Many of them require belaying by a companion. If there are no contraindications, he can gently rock with the parturient, move her hips or support while using ladders and a ball. In addition, the partner is also often a kind of liaison between the woman in labor and the staff, and can relay requests or information to the midwives. In addition, especially during parturition contractions, he should breathe together with the woman and remind them how they practiced together, for example, at birthing school. Although this is a difficult and completely new situation, the dad-to-be should try to keep his cool. However, this does not mean that she is supposed to get rid of her emotions such as emotion during childbirth. Nonetheless, he is supposed to be a support and back-up for the woman. It is also very important for the partner to know what and where is in the delivery bag, so that he can hand over the newborn’s clothes to the midwives or give other necessary items during the delivery. Many fathers-to-be also point out that their most important task during childbirth was to cut the newborn’s umbilical cord.


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Partner support during pregnancy

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