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Contraindications to natural childbirth - when is a cesarean section a necessity?

Contraindications to natural childbirth – when is a cesarean section a necessity?


3 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

Long before the due date is set, the attending physician should decide whether the birth is to take place by natural methods or whether there are any contraindications to natural childbirth. Fortunately, today the cesarean section procedure is a routine and safe way to come into the world.

The period of pregnancy is extremely stressful for a woman. For a long nine months, he waits for his greatest love to come into the world. The vast majority of ladies expecting a behemoth are most concerned about childbirth. This is not surprising, as stories from mothers, aunts and colleagues often do not inspire optimism. However, it is not always possible to give birth naturally. A few weeks before delivery, the doctor in charge of the pregnancy should determine whether there are any contraindications to natural childbirth.

Contraindications to natural childbirth

Contraindications to natural childbirth are generally due to the pregnant woman’s comorbidities. Of course, each disease entity must additionally be consulted by a specialist. Much also depends on how the entire period of pregnancy went and whether the woman experienced an increase in symptoms of other chronic conditions during the pregnancy. Gynecologists and obstetricians try to be guided by the welfare of the parturient and the future little human being. In the case of natural childbirth, contraindications can affect almost any human system. The first of these is the cardiovascular system. If a pregnant woman experiences cardiovascular problems before and during pregnancy, such as hypertension or a heart defect, this may be the reason for the decision to have a cesarean section. Other examples are pulmonary issues, including bronchial asthma. No less important are ophthalmic conditions, especially high vision defects or retinal detachment. Women with diabetes can be virtually certain to be sent under the surgical knife. This is because diabetes causes the baby to reach a very high birth weight, which greatly complicates a natural childbirth. Orthopedic defects like pelvic stenosis or hip joint problems can also disqualify for natural childbirth. Female problems, including the presence of myomas or ovarian tumors generally also indicate a cesarean section. There is still much controversy over the issue of mental illness in pregnant ladies. It turns out that 5% of them feel such a strong fear of natural childbirth that they object to natural childbirth despite the absence of other contraindications. In such difficult cases, the opinion of a psychologist or psychiatrist is required.


What does a cesarean section look like?

When an obstetrician or gynecologist decides that there are one or more contraindications to the birth of a child naturally, a woman with hope is left with a cesarean section. For many ladies expecting an offspring, these two words stir up a lot of emotions. Fortunately, thanks to modern surgical technology, the quality of delivery by this route is becoming increasingly safe. However, it is worth bearing in mind that recovery is much longer than in the case of natural childbirth and is about 4-7 days.  It is up to the anesthesiologist to decide what type of anesthesia will be administered to the woman in labor. The anesthetic is generally administered through a catheter into the spinal canal (epidural). The insertion itself should not hurt, as moments beforehand the specialist lubricates the insertion site with a gel that blocks surface pain receptors. A few minutes after the administration of anesthesia, the patient feels numbness in the lower extremities. In addition, it is advisable to administer an antibiotic to prevent infection. After incising the abdominal layers and uterus for about 15 centimeters, the gynecologist removes the baby, which the woman feels as a gentle tug, and then sutures the abdomen (which can take much longer than labor). In general, after such a birth, a woman still gets medication to help her recover faster.

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