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What is insemination and what is its effectiveness? Insemination costs in the UK

What is insemination and what is its effectiveness? Insemination costs in the UK


3 mins of reading

Katarzyna Zasada

Katarzyna Zasada

Intrauterine insemination is a procedure categorized as a method of assisted reproduction. It involves the placement of properly prepared semen in the woman's reproductive organs. The sperm of a partner or donor can be used for insemination. Intrauterine insemination is safe and painless.

Difficulty getting pregnant, despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse, affects about 15% of couples. The causes of infertility can be on the side of the woman, the man or both of them at the same time. These include diseases of the reproductive tract, anatomical defects of the reproductive organs, systemic diseases, genetic disorders, as well as environmental factors. Infertility treatments include IVF and insemination. Polish women in the UK can also benefit from them.

What is and what is insemination?

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the most popular methods of assisted reproduction. It is a simple, safe and generally  painless procedure that involves the placement of a semen sample taken from a woman’s partner or donor in her reproductive organs. The sperm selected for insemination is thoroughly tested and prepared in the laboratory.

During insemination, the woman is in a reclining gynecological chair. The gynecologist inserts a thin catheter into the uterus, through which he injects semen (about 1 ml). After the procedure, which takes several minutes, the woman can go home.

Intrauterine insemination is for couples who are having difficulty conceiving a child. Indications for the procedure include:

  • Reduced semen parameters,
  • mild endometriosis,
  • Ovulation and menstrual cycle disorders,
  • Changes in the structure of the cervix,
  • Mucus hostile to sperm,
  • Inability to have sexual intercourse.

Insemination is also an option for women who, for various reasons (such as ejaculatory disorders), cannot use their partner’s sperm.

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How to prepare for insemination?

A woman is informed about how to prepare for insemination at her first visit to the infertility clinic. First of all, it is necessary to perform:

  • gynecological examination,
  • cytology,
  • cervical cultures,
  • evaluation of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

A woman should carefully observe her menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is also necessary to use ovulation-stimulating drugs. The man must perform a semen test and blood laboratory tests.

There are no specific recommendations after insemination. A woman should first of all take care of herself during pregnancy, eat properly and get plenty of rest. It is advisable to avoid excessive physical exertion and refrain from hot baths.

Effectiveness of intrauterine insemination

The success rate of intrauterine insemination is estimated at 15-25%. Much depends on the quality of the sperm, the number of egg cells and the age of the woman. Insemination is a procedure that can be repeated until successful. Most often, however, it stops at 6 attempts.

Insemination in the UK

Insemination in the UK is an infertility treatment that can be used free of charge under the National Health Service (NHS). However, to do so, specific conditions must be met. In addition, there are Polish clinics in the UK that treat pregnancy difficulties. Private insemination in the UK costs more than £800.

Reimbursement rules for infertility treatment in the UK may vary between regions. However, the most common reimbursement is for women under the age of 39 and couples who have a diagnosed cause of infertility, have no biological children or have been trying unsuccessfully for pregnancy for 3 years.

In order for insemination to take place in the UK, a woman should see her family doctor (GP), who will order detailed tests. She is then put on a waiting list for a specialist appointment and further infertility diagnosis. Based on the results, the specialist decides on the method of infertility treatment.


See also: Methods of accelerating labor

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