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Weight bearing during pregnancy

Weight bearing during pregnancy


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Many moms-to-be wonder if they can safely lift their older child or carry heavy purchases. As in most cases, there is no clear answer to this question in medicine. It is best to consult with your primary care physician. Find out when you absolutely must not lift during pregnancy.

Lifting during pregnancy-is it safe?

During pregnancy, extremely much depends on the course of the pregnancy. If everything is fine and the course of pregnancy is physiological, there is no contraindication for the mother-to-be to carry shopping or lift her older child. It is best to ask your gynecologist if lifting is safe for a particular pregnant woman. Indeed, in pregnancies complicated by, for example, a threatened miscarriage or threatened preterm labor, lifting is contraindicated, and the woman should lead a sparing lifestyle.

Certain standards have been adopted for the number of kilograms a pregnant woman can carry. Lifting objects weighing up to 20 kg is most often mentioned. The more advanced the pregnancy, the less they should weigh. W 3. trimester it is considered that the weight lifted should be less than 11 kilograms. According to current Polish regulations, a pregnant woman may lift and carry objects at work weighing no more than 3 kilograms.

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Why shouldn’t you lift during pregnancy?

In a physiological, uncomplicated pregnancy, lifting is not contraindicated in most cases. Of course, it’s all about common sense. If the mother-to-be works in a place where she has to carry heavy objects, she should be able to change positions or take sick leave. Experts also advise against lifting weights for recreational or gym workouts. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles should also not be strained to avoid possible complications.

Conditions that preclude lifting during pregnancy are:

  • genital bleeding
  • Short cervix and threatened preterm labor
  • placenta progenita
  • outflow of amniotic fluid

Women with multiple pregnancies and multiple births should also refrain from lifting.

Heavy lifting during pregnancy-what are the risks?

Carrying while pregnant risks all sorts of consequences. It can cause or exacerbate back pain or abdominal pain. A dangerous back injury can also occur. If a woman lifts objects that are too heavy when reproductive tract bleeding is present, a miscarriage can occur. The same is true in the situation of a short cervix and threatened preterm labor. Carrying shopping will most often not cause such complications, but it is a good idea to involve loved ones or a partner in carrying heavier shopping nets and other items.

If a mother-to-be has doubts about whether lifting in her case definitely does not jeopardize the proper course and development of the pregnancy, it is worth asking her gynecologist. A physiotherapist can also help by demonstrating ways to lift heavier objects safely.



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