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Vertical positions during childbirth

Vertical positions during childbirth


3 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Recently, there has been more and more talk about active labor, in which a woman in labor can assume the positions of her choice. After all, vertical positions can make labor easier and faster, and are considered a non-pharmacological method of relieving labor pain. What are examples of vertical positions?

Vertical positions are all positions other than horizontal (i.e., lying down). The possibility of assuming different positions and movement during labor is provided to every woman giving birth in the Health Minister’s Decree on the Organizational Standard of Perinatal Care. Thus, in the absence of contraindications, the parturient can choose the most comfortable position for herself during labor. However, it should be remembered that the most important thing is the safety of mom and baby, so in some situations it may not be possible to use vertical positions. Such a decision, for medical indications, is made by a gynecologist or midwife.

Vertical positions- 1st period of labor

A woman in labor can assume vertical positions during both the first and second periods of labor. It is best if a companion is present when walking or using various instruments such as a ball or ladder. It provides the laboring woman with a sense of security and support during labor.

During the 1st period of labor, sitting on a ball is very beneficial. This is because, thanks to the movement of the hips and gentle bouncing on the ball, the pelvic muscles are relaxed and the insertion of the baby’s head in the birth canal is easier. Swaying the hips and dancing gently with a companion also facilitate this. Kneeling down, on the other hand, accelerates cervical dilation. In case of severe pain in the sacral region or rapidly progressing labor, midwives recommend the knee and elbow position.

Vertical Positions- II. period of childbirth

Vertical positions are also extremely useful for II. period of labor, that is, from the moment of full dilation until the birth of the baby. Among other things, women then opt for the squatting position, which seems to be the most physiological one during pushing. This is because the birth canal shortens and widens, making it easier for the head to descend. Ducking can be done by ladders, the edge of the bed or with the help of a companion. Some women in labor also choose to give birth in a birthing chair, as well as in a kneeling position with their legs wide apart.

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Vertical positions for childbirth- advantages

It has long been known that childbirth in a position other than lying down is more physiological. The cervix then dilates faster, because the baby’s head presses against it more forcefully in vertical positions. The delivery itself therefore requires less effort on the part of both the child being born and the woman. Adopting vertical positions is classified as a non-pharmacological method of pain relief. This is because uterine contractions are then less painful. In the reclining position, vascular compression occurs, so the baby may be less well oxygenated. In the vertical positions, on the other hand, the baby receives more oxygen. Many women also notice that they can then breathe more deeply, and, as is well known, deep and calm breathing makes it possible to better cope with painful discomforts during labor. Also very important is the fact that in vertical positions the birth canal is directed downward, so that with the help of gravity, the force of contractions is greater and pushing is easier. This also reduces the risk of perineal ruptures, as the pressure of the baby’s head is distributed evenly over the tissues. Therefore, it is worth including information about your desire to take selected positions in your birth plan and informing the medical staff.

See also:
Birth plan-what should it include?


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