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The most common myths about pregnancy

The most common myths about pregnancy


4 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

Every mother-to-be encounters many people on her path giving her all sorts of advice. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as these are guidelines that have support in modern science and are not myths that have been repeated for many years. What are the most common pregnancy myths faced by pregnant women? Does a craving for sweet mean that a girl will be born? What about wearing seat belts in the car?

Cravings and the sex of the baby

It is encountered at every turn to draw conclusions about the sex of the baby based on what the mother-to-be eats or what her tummy looks like. Actually, there is some truth in this, as the chance of predicting gender based on various “symptoms” is 50%. For this reason, many people still believe they are right, because statistically, we will guess one in 2. gender of the child. However, there is no scientific proof of this and the only way to know the sex is through ultrasound. It also does not give 100% certainty, and mistakes can happen during the test itself. They result, among other things. from impaired visualization by the baby’s position, obesity of the mother-to-be, or older generation equipment. Certainty about the sex of the fetus is provided by invasive prenatal testing or free fetal DNA testing.

Is it okay to drink coffee while pregnant?

For many years, it was thought that a mother-to-be should not drink  coffee during pregnancy. Currently, recommendations and guidelines, among others. ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) consider caffeine consumption in pregnancy of up to 200 milligrams per day to be safe. This is the equivalent of about 1-2 cups, depending on the type of coffee we drink. Higher amounts of caffeine can adversely affect pregnancy and lead to miscarriage or preterm labor. Alternatives to classic coffee, for example, are cereal versions.

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Mild cheeses during pregnancy-are they allowed?

It is very important to avoid certain foods during pregnancy. Among them, molded cheeses are often mentioned. In fact, a pregnant woman should not eat them, because it puts her at risk of contracting listeriosis, which is caused by bacteria found in foods, mostly raw. The same is true for molded cheese and other unpasteurized dairy products. Listeriosis in pregnancy can lead to dangerous complications such as miscarriage, intrauterine necrosis or cause severe sequelae in the newborn. However, if the molded cheeses come from pasteurized milk, the risk of Listeria monocytogenes is negligible. In this case, they are not contraindicated in pregnancy. However, it is always important to make sure where the food comes from.

What about sushi during pregnancy?

Raw and cold-smoked fish are contraindicated during pregnancy. This is because they may  contain, as do unpasteurized cheeses, the bacteria that cause listeriosis, as well as food poisoning. Today, however, sushi with baked or fried fish is available. This is because the most important thing is the correct thermal treatment of such products.

The same goes for raw meat and tartare. For the duration of pregnancy, a woman should give up this type of food. Experts also warn against using the same board to cut raw meat and vegetables. This can lead to toxoplasmosis-an infection that carries negative consequences in pregnancy.

Pregnancy and wearing seat belts in the car

For many years the myth persisted that pregnancy is a time when seat belts in a car should not be worn. In fact, according to Polish law, the mother-to-be does not have to wear a seat belt. However, it has been proven in studies that wearing a seatbelt carries no risk to either the woman or the fetus. In contrast, there is a greater risk of an accident and a fall through the windshield caused by not wearing a seatbelt. It is important that one belt runs between the breasts and the abdomen, and the other underneath. Nowadays, there are also special seat belt adapters on the market designed for moms-to-be, which hold the belt so that it does not put uncomfortable pressure on the tummy.

Mother-to-be and cats

Most of the public associates toxoplasmosis infection with cats. For this reason, a lot of Parents-to-be face the dilemma of whether to get rid of their pet from the apartment for the duration of the pregnancy. This is because toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage, neurological abnormalities in the baby, and the development of so-called “toxoplasmosis”. Sabin-Pinkerton triad (microcephalus/hydrocephalus, retinitis and choroiditis, intracerebral calcifications). However, the most common source of toxoplasmosis infection is the consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables, meat or gardening, where the woman has direct contact with the soil.  Oocysts of these protozoa are also found in cat feces. For this reason, a pregnant woman should not clean the litter box. However, she does not have to get rid of her cat from her apartment for the duration of her pregnancy. Every pregnant woman is tested for toxoplasmosis antibodies. If she had contact with it before pregnancy, the risk of getting sick again during pregnancy is virtually zero.

Myths about cord blood preservation

There are also many myths being propagated about cord blood donation and stem cell banking. We collected them and explained why they are untrue:



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