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Sleeping during pregnancy. Which sleeping positions during pregnancy are safe?

Sleeping during pregnancy. Which sleeping positions during pregnancy are safe?


7 mins of reading

Ewa Żuchowska


Sometimes finding a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy can be difficult. This is not made easier by a growing belly or some pregnancy ailments: painful calf cramps, difficulty breathing or back pain. It is also worth remembering that not all sleeping positions during pregnancy are recommended. What items are being referred to? How to make sleep productive? These and other questions will be answered in this article!

Sleeping during pregnancy – time to rest

Sleeping during pregnancy is really important, as it is primarily rest and recuperation for the body. Healthy sleep positively affects the development and well-being of the fetus and improves the well-being of the mother-to-be. For this reason, every pregnant woman should sleep according to her needs, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, when excessive sleepiness occurs due to hormones. Nevertheless, not only the time of sleep should be taken into account, because equally important is the question of what position to sleep in – on the back, on the right side, on the left side, or perhaps on the stomach?

How to sleep during pregnancy? – position on your stomach

Many moms-to-be wonder whether it is safe to sleep on their stomachs while pregnant. If this is a favorite position for falling asleep,then there is no contraindication to give it up during the first trimester of pregnancy. The fetus is very small, and is protected by the uterus, abdominal cavity and pubic bone, so it is in no danger. Sleeping on the stomach , however, is discouraged once the belly begins to grow. The main argument is simply the inconvenience, which can interfere with nightly rest. It is also believed that pressure on the abdomen can be detrimental to the baby. Therefore, it is worth choosing a different sleeping position during pregnancy.

Can you sleep on your back while pregnant?

Sleeping on the back during pregnancy is allowed at the very beginning. However, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, this position is not recommended for night rest. This is due to the fact that the uterus can press on important blood vessels – the inferior vena cava and the aorta. As a result, blood flow is reduced, which can cause deterioration of mood, dizziness and a drop in blood pressure.

Importantly, it is not advisable to fall asleep in this position. If a pregnant woman wakes up on her back because she unknowingly turned onto it during the night, nothing bad is likely to happen. Therefore, one should not panic. The same goes for resting on the back during the day – when a woman feels comfortable, she can do it. On the other hand, as soon as unpleasant symptoms appear, she should sit down or turn on her side.

What side to sleep on while pregnant?

There are sleeping positions for pregnancy that are considered safe at every stage. First of all, the mother-to-be should rest on her side – especially on her left side. This is a very comfortable option, especially when the belly is already really big. Sleeping on the right side is also allowed. It is best to use these items interchangeably.

However, it is worth knowing that resting on the right side is not advisable for women with advanced pregnancy, as there is then a risk of reduced blood flow. Moms-to-be who suffer from reflux and heartburn should also keep this rule in mind. In their case, it is advisable to sleep on the left side, as this can prevent the unpleasant discomfort of food content backing up into the esophagus. In addition, if you are experiencing shortness of breath or stomach problems, you can try falling asleep in a semi-reclining position. Calf cramps are an indication to position the feet slightly higher than the rest of the body.

It is worth remembering that there are no clear recommendations on what sleeping positions are best during pregnancy. The mom-to-be is supposed to be comfortable, so she needs to feel good about herself. Turning to the side is necessary if your mood worsens after a while or dizziness appears.

Insomnia in pregnancy – recommendations for moms-to-be

Sleep disorders during pregnancy are a normal and fairly common ailment. This affliction is particularly noticeable in the third trimester and is then associated with the inability to find a suitable position. In addition, other causes of insomnia include, among others:

  • frequent urination,
  • Cramps in the legs and back pain,
  • heartburn,
  • shallow breathing,
  • sleep nightmares,
  • so-called. tired legs syndrome.

For the safety of the baby, the use of pharmacological agents that have a sleeping effect is not recommended during this time. However, there are natural methods by which the mother-to-be can spend the night peacefully and comfortably. To increase your chances of uninterrupted sleep and minimize the risk of sleep disorders during pregnancy, it is worthwhile:

  • Limit caffeine intake,
  • avoid food that causes heartburn, which is often the cause of sleep disorders;
  • Drink plenty of fluids during the day, but a little less before going to bed;
  • try to eat more often than usual (but make sure that meals are light and wholesome);
  • ensure that the diet includes an adequate supply of calcium and potassium (these components prevent painful leg cramps),
  • Try to regulate your diurnal rhythm,
  • systematically take exercise in the fresh air,
  • Try putting a pillow between your legs, under your abdomen, to increase comfort in the sacral area.

Pregnancy pillow – what is worth knowing about it?

Is it worth getting a pregnancy pillow, however, or is it an unnecessary tool? Well, according to the experience of other women, such pillows are extremely helpful during sleep. They will make sleeping during pregnancy more comfortable in any position. Particularly recommended are those in the form of a croissant or a banana, because they force the position slightly on the side, even when the mother-to-be lays on her back – and this formation is not recommended at the end of pregnancy, because it can cause a reduction in blood flow through the vena cava, making it not uncommon for a woman to feel dizzy and weak. Such a pillow is also worth putting between the knees.

Peaceful sleep during pregnancy – how to make it healthy?

Healthy sleep during pregnancy is really important. Nocturnal rest can be aided by:

  • Stocking up on a comfortable mattress,
  • Airing out the room before bedtime,
  • Taking care of the proper temperature of the room,
  • Keep the number of electronic gadgets in the bedroom to a minimum,
  • Limiting the light entering the bedroom,
  • Avoiding watching TV before bedtime,
  • Avoiding intense exercise before bedtime.

It is also recommended to relax with a bath, a quiet walk or meditation before bedtime.

How to sleep during pregnancy? – summary

Whether the mother-to-be is late in her pregnancy or has just learned about expanding her family, sleep is a basic issue that should be properly taken care of. Whether she wants to sleep on her stomach, on her back or perhaps on her left or right side depends mainly on her personal preference. However, it is worth remembering that sleeping on the back is not recommended during the last trimester, as this position interferes with blood circulation. If a woman is not sure what is the right sleeping position for her, she should contact her doctor or midwife, who will help her choose the best one.

In addition to body positioning, it is also important to maintain sleep hygiene to make the process efficient and comfortable . A woman can also help herself with a special pregnancy pillow of convenient shape, which will make lying down comfortable, regardless of the current position.


  • Is it possible to sleep on the stomach during pregnancy?

If a woman is comfortable in such an arrangement and there are no contraindications to it, then by all means she can sleep on her stomach. Nevertheless, according to specialists, one should sleep in this position only during the first trimester of pregnancy, so as not to harm the baby.

  • Sleeping on the side during pregnancy – left or right?

Resting on both the left and right sides during pregnancy is allowed. Interestingly, it is believed that it is a good idea to change these two positions regularly during sleep, as sleeping on only one side can contribute to the development of the newborn’s body asymmetry, which requires further rehabilitation during infancy.

  • What are the safe positions for sleeping during pregnancy?

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, the mother-to-be can sleep in any position that is comfortable for her. Exceptions are certain cases, such as, among others. Advanced pregnancy or aggravated symptoms, such as heartburn.

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