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Signs of impending childbirth

Signs of impending childbirth


6 mins of reading

Kinga Żebrowska

Kinga Żebrowska

Graduate of Warsaw Medical University

In the last weeks of pregnancy, labor can begin at almost any time. Every pregnant woman eagerly awaits signs of the onset of labor. Some of the symptoms appear even a few days earlier. See how to recognize impending labor.

The first signs of impending childbirth can appear days or even weeks before the date set by tests. A woman who observes her body notices subtle changes. However, it is worth remembering that not all symptoms are present in every pregnant woman. Much depends on the individual characteristics and reactions of the body. The actual sign that labor has just begun is the regular contraction activity of the uterus. It is the indication to go to the hospital.

Signs of impending labor vs. baby’s movements

As for early signs of labor, one of them may be a reduction in the intensity of the baby’s movements. This is because the baby already has very little space in the uterus. It also cannot rotate. This does not mean that the movements are not felt at all. In addition, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s head inserts into the pelvic inlet. It is also heavily crouched.

A worrisome symptom before delivery is the complete lack of movement of the baby. Sudden and intense movements should also not be underestimated. In such situations, it is necessary to contact a doctor.

Lowering the abdomen before childbirth

An important sign of impending labor is the lowering of the uterine fundus. This happens about 3 weeks before the solution. This is a symptom that the mother-to-be can observe in the mirror (the abdomen appears sagging), but also clearly feel. The uterus stops pressing on the abdominal organs and diaphragm. Therefore, a woman breathes easier and gastrointestinal complaints (heartburn and stomach tightness) disappear. The lowering of the abdomen is correlated with the positioning of the baby’s head to the pelvic inlet.

Departure of the mucus plug

The mucus plug is made up of vaginal secretions. It is very dense, making a compact mass. It forms under the influence of increased concentrations of progesterone. Its location is the cervical canal. The mucus plug tightly fills it, and thus prevents pathogens from entering the uterine cavity. It is a natural protective barrier that works throughout pregnancy.

The last days of pregnancy are characterized by the fact that the cervix becomes slightly more relaxed and soft. This is how she prepares for childbirth. As a result of the changes taking place in this organ, the mucosal plug falls out.

The mother-to-be may observe a large amount of creamy discharge with a gelatinous consistency on her underwear. Sometimes the mucus plug is expelled in its entirety. It has an oblong shape. Sometimes there is an admixture of blood in it. This is due to damage to small blood vessels. If there is a lot of it, contact your doctor.

The departure of the mucus suppository is a sign of labor, which can occur even a few days before. Observation of discharge on underwear is not an indication to report to the delivery room. Sometimes, however, this harbinger appears just before the onset of labor. Then it is accompanied by other symptoms (especially uterine contractions).

Gastrointestinal complaints

As for unusual labor symptoms, diarrhea is characteristic. Its purpose is to cleanse the body and remove fecal deposits from the intestines. This gives the baby more freedom to pass through the birth canal. Diarrhea is caused by an increase in prostaglandins. It can also be related to stress and strong emotions. Some women also experience vomiting, bloating and rectal pushing.

Departure of fetal waters

The departure of fetal waters is caused by the rupture of the fetal bladder. In most cases, this occurs only when uterine contractions begin. However, the fluid does not flow out entirely, and oozes for up to several hours. Sometimes there is no breach of the fetal membranes, and the baby is surrounded by them at birth.


Uterine contractions

A few weeks before delivery, uterine contraction activity occurs. These are the so-called. Predictive cramps. They are irregular, not very intense and subside after some time. They prepare the uterus for childbirth.

A sure sign of labor is labor contractions. Their feature is regularity. Initially, they occur every 10-30 minutes and last up to 40 seconds. As labor progresses, their frequency increases and their duration lengthens. They can be strong and very painful. During their course, the cervix is dilated. Without this, it is impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

Increased pressure on the bladder

A few days before delivery, there may be an increased pressure on the bladder. Due to the compression by the uterus and the baby’s head, the baby’s capacity decreases. The mother-to-be has to use the toilet far more often – including at night.

Back pain

Back pain accompanies many moms-to-be throughout pregnancy. However, it can also be a sign of impending labor. The discomfort involves the sacral area and radiates to the hips or groin. They are often accompanied by neuralgia – usually involving the sciatic nerve.

Weight loss

An unusual symptom of childbirth that many moms don’t notice is weight loss. It occurs a few days before the baby is born. It ranges from 0.5-1 kg. Its cause is increased fluid loss during this period – primarily along with urine. Some women may also notice a reduction in appetite.

What to do when the signs of labor appear?

The appearance of the first signs of labor does not require reporting to the hospital. The mother-to-be should keep a close eye on her body. We are mainly talking about the emerging uterine contraction activity. It is important to recognize whether these are predictive or labor contractions. It is necessary to count their duration and intervals.

The first labor contractions also do not require a report to the delivery room. You can notify your midwife or attending physician. It can take up to several hours for the cervix to dilate. You should go to the hospital when contractions occur regularly every 5-7 minutes. Earlier medical consultation is necessary if they are accompanied by additional symptoms before delivery – especially bleeding from the genital tract, an increase in blood pressure, severe vomiting. In such a situation, one should not wait.

Read also: 39 week of pregnancy – what is the baby’s weight and movements before delivery?

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