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Pregnant women's

How to take care of yourself during pregnancy?

For the active and beyond. How to take care of yourself, what to eat, until when to exercise and other interesting tips for pregnant moms.
Because a happy mom, is a happy baby!


Baby handling

Baby handling

Baby handling, or your personalized baby handling manual. How to safely "handle" a child? Find out why baby handling is so important for baby's development and comfort.

Continuous medical developments are bringing new ways to care for children. One such novelty of recent years is the so-called baby handling. In the following article, I will introduce you to the best solutions recommended by modern medicine. It is possible that in some time even better formulas will be created, but for now let's focus on the current guidelines.

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Dizziness in pregnancy

During pregnancy there are many symptoms and discomforts associated with this unique condition. One of them is dizziness. In many  pregnant women they appear already in the first weeks of pregnancy and usually do not mean anything serious. However, if they occur in the third trimester, towards the end of pregnancy, they can herald dangerous complications such as pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. What are the causes of dizziness in pregnancy and can it be prevented?

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Belly after childbirth- what does it look like?

Recently, it has become increasingly common for women to compare themselves to idealized photos available on social media. A hypocritical picture is being created of what a woman looks like after 9 months of pregnancy and after the birth of a child. However, despite appearances, many women complain of a long-lasting postpartum belly. How long does it take to get back to the pre-pregnancy state and what are the causes of "postpartum belly"?


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