Pregnant women's
Melissa in pregnancy-is it safe?
The calming properties of lemon balm are known worldwide. Interestingly, it is not only used to prepare popular nerve-soothing infusions. Because of its effects, therefore, lemon balm has many supporters. But is it safe for pregnant women?
Supplements during pregnancy- to take or not to take?
Every mother-to-be wants the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby to proceed under the best possible conditions. For this reason, pregnant women readily turn to various supplements designed for moms-to-be. And not everyone realizes that the composition of these preparations differs, and they often contain substances that are not necessary to take during pregnancy. So what supplements are worth taking during pregnancy?
Hair coloring during pregnancy-is it safe during pregnancy?
Any woman who likes and wants to use cosmetic or hair treatments during pregnancy does not have to give up most of them. However, it is worth knowing which are safe for the developing baby and the pregnant woman, and which are better postponed until after the birth. We have collected those treatments that women are most likely to use.
Blood type inheritance-what blood type will the child have?
Many people do not know what blood type they have because it is not a test that is routinely performed. However, all mothers-to-be have it tested on a mandatory basis in order to respond appropriately in case of the possibility of a serological conflict. Parents often wonder what blood type the child will have. What is the inheritance of blood type? What consequences can a serological conflict have?
The biggest myths about cord blood
Many myths related to cord blood banking are being propagated on the Internet. Although its collection is gaining popularity in Poland, many Parents still have doubts caused by repeated false information about stem cell collection and storage. So we have selected the most frequently reproduced myths and explained what the facts are.
Swelling during pregnancy
Many pregnant women notice the appearance of swelling around the ankles and general swelling of the body. In most cases, it is related to the physiological changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. However, there are situations in which the appearance of swelling should particularly worry the pregnant woman. What are the causes of swelling in pregnancy?
Exercise in the postpartum period
Physical activity both during pregnancy and after childbirth is very important. Specialists point out that exercises in the puerperium should be carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist, and you should wait for the approval of your gynecologist for complete freedom of exercise. Find out what exercises are safe in the postpartum period.
What are pregnant women most often afraid of?
Pregnancy is a special period in every woman's life. However, many moms-to-be have numerous concerns about this different condition. It is perfectly normal that a time filled with happiness and joy in anticipation of the birth of a child also brings uncertainty and fear. Before what is most common?
Late unbuttoning and cord blood collection. Is it possible?
According to the current practice in Poland , the umbilical cord is cut after its pulse stops. Late unbinding is important to many Parents and for this reason they do not choose z to donate cord blood thinking that late unbinding derails the possibility of banking. What is it really like? What is early and late unclamping and does it have any impact on cord blood collection?